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Science Essay Writing Help

Lung Cancer 2
Words: 1407 / Pages: 6

.... types. They don’t form keratin but they are common in smokers. They develop in the central or peripheral part of the lungs and the lymph glands. Small cell carcinoma tumors are small and fragile. They are divided into groups by their shapes. The term “oat cell carcinoma” is used to develop in smokers and usually in the central part of the lung. They spread by the lymph glands and into the blood stream early. This type of tumors can only be seen through an electron microscope on high magnification. A rare type of lung cancer, which develops from hormone producing cells are carcinoid tumors. They have a much less malignan .....

Water Biomes
Words: 767 / Pages: 3

.... salt marshes. Freshwater marshes provide nesting and wintering habitats for waterfowl and shorebirds, muskrats, frogs, and many aquatic insects. Salt marshes are wintering grounds for snow geese and ducks, a nesting habitat for herons and rails, and a source of nutrients for estuarine waters. Marshes are important in flood control, in sustaining high-water tables, and as settling basins to reduce pollution downstream. Despite their great environmental value, marshes are continually being destroyed by drainage and filling. Marine Life, plants and animals of the sea, from the high-tide mark along the shore to the depths of the ocean. These orga .....

Ocean Pollution In The Third World
Words: 317 / Pages: 2

.... Third World countries." and also "Why?" we are doing this and to try and get a solution for this problem. This is probably one of the biggest questions for this topic because people keep on dumping waste in the water and this is probably the biggest threat to our oceans because of people throw stuff in our oceans. This question was also good to ask for this topic because this question has a lot of answers and solutions for it like what can people in the First World do to help the Third World people out. The books and my resources found many ways to finish off this problem. I also found some insight to this problem. The resource which helped me a .....

Hormone Use In Livestock
Words: 449 / Pages: 2

.... of PST. Research has made an indication that pigs that have been treated with PST are leaner. Their meet is very similar in color, taste, tenderness, and juiciness to those who have not received PST. As pigs grow closer to market weight, they produce less PST, which results in poor feed efficiency. The muscle gain stays fairly constant while more nutrients taken in by the animal are used in fat production causing the animal to require more energy for the production of muscle. Manufactured PST will provide a boost in the natural levels of PST in a maturing pig. If there is more PST, there will be more efficient utilization of feed and fat producti .....

The Theory Of Evolution
Words: 5626 / Pages: 21

.... these amino acids drifted into the sea, and combined to form proteins. In this way, the ocean became an "organic soup". Eventually, the proteins in this "organic soup" joined, a membrane grew around the proteins, and the first complete cell was formed (Dawkins 16). According to evolution, this process was the beginning of life. But, there are minimal chances that this organic soup would form. Consider the experiment of Stanley Miller. In 1953, Stanley Miller passed an electric spark through an atmosphere of hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor; an atmosphere similar to the so-called "primitive atmosphere." But, this produced only 4 out .....

Scenes Of Nature
Words: 260 / Pages: 1

.... The sunsets are absolutely breathtaking. The clouds can form many different and interesting shapes. At night the sky becomes enchanting and glorious. When the stars are out the sky is undeniably exquisite. The skys deep shades range from blue at dawn to deep oranges and purple at dusk. The sky scenes are genuinely picturesque. The forest changes it scenery in seasons instead of day and night like the sky. In the summer the forest is filled with majestic shades of green. The fall brings colorful shades of oranges, reds, and yellows. The winter deprives the forest of its colorful splendor, but brings a different type of beauty all together. .....

Define A Concept : Astrology
Words: 552 / Pages: 3

.... visible to the people of that time. Astrology was also popular in Babylon, Egypt, the Middle East, and China. Modern Astrology has changed as new planets have been discovered. Astrology is about the interaction between the planets, including the Sun and the Moon, and the Star Signs. It studies the mathmatical cycles on which these interactions are based. In some ways, the forces between the planets involved in Astrology can be simplified into one word : gravity. The Sun has the greatest gravity and, therefore, the strongest affect on Astrology, followed by the Moon and the other planets. Astrology can be best understood as a philosophy that helpsd .....

Black Friday: Tornado In Canada
Words: 639 / Pages: 3

.... storm cloud. A more organized funnel descends farther from the cloud, sometimes even touching the ground. Funnel winds generally move counterclockwise and the funnel can move slowly or at about 100/ft per second. Eventually the tornado becomes fragmented and dissipates causing the end of the tornado. Tornados are the cause of great destruction and devistation in the area in which they occur. For example the Tri-State Tornado of 1925 occured in the Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas States. This tornado was one of the largest tornados recorded in history. It killed nearly 625 people. However, the tornado which strikes closest to home has occured on wh .....

Bacillus Anthracis 2
Words: 306 / Pages: 2

.... a harmful, pathogenic bacterium. There is a vaccine for Anthrax in humans, but it produces no significant immunity. The vaccine is given primarily to people who work with livestock or in other businesses where workers must handle animal carcasses. The livestock version of the vaccine is very effective, however. The vaccine for both animals and humans is composed of sublethal amounts of toxin that induce formation of protective antibody. Frequent boosters are necessary to maintain resistance to Anthrax. Bacillus Anthracis spores also may live in soil for years. The only way to destroy the spores is by steam sterilization or burning. There has been no .....

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Words: 2159 / Pages: 8

.... commonly lasts for several weeks. BSE continues to progress and is usually considered fatal (Blowey, 1991). After extensive research, the pathology of BSE was finally determined. Microscopic lesions in the central nervous system that consist of a bilaterally symmetrical, non-inflammatory vacuolation of neuronal perikarya and grey-matter neuropil was the scientists' overall conclusion (Stadthalle, 1993). These lesions are consistent with the diseases of the more common scrapie family. Without further investigation, the conclusion was made that BSE was a new member of the scrapie family (Westgarth, 1994). Transmission of BSE is rather common thr .....

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