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Science Essay Writing Help

Mountain Gorillas
Words: 554 / Pages: 3

.... silverback gets too old, then his eldest son usually is the one to take over. The females are usually responsible for the nursing portion in the unit. Gorillas are peaceful and tolerant by nature. Whenever two groups meet, they either ignore each other, or they give each other a grumpy grunt. Sometimes the two groups would even stay together, and then eventually separate. There are many rumors about gorillas being very violent, but there are no reports about it. There are times when they have little mock fights, but there is never any blood shed in them. Right now there are not too many you will find in the Virungas. Their population is .....

Planting Flowers
Words: 2698 / Pages: 10

.... sections do to a predominance of favorable days and cool nights" (Givens 11,13). What is a wildflower? "A wild flower is a plant that has always been it's own without any human intervention." Native plants "without assistance from a gardener in the area where they originated. Although all native plants are wild, not all wildflowers are natives" (Loewer 6). Where did the non-native flowers come from and how did they get here? "Probably the largest number of plants accidentally introduced in this country arrived in ships' ballast. Because the early merchant ships that sailed from Europe were empty of goods on the trip over, their hulls were load .....

Words: 394 / Pages: 2

.... own fame has faded. Uranium is as dense as gold. Uranium, was first prepared with some difficulty, in 1841 by the french chemist Eugène Peligot, using thermal reaction of tetrachloride with potassium. Later in 1870, an important fact was established: uranium is the last and heaviest element present on earth. This was demonstrated by Dimitri Mendeleev in his famous perodical classification of the elements by chemical properties and increasing atomic mass. Experimentation with uranium lead to many discoversies such as the X-ray by Wilhelm Röntgen, on November 8, 1895. Wilhelm Röntgen, was awarded the first Nobel prize in 1901 for the development .....

Words: 930 / Pages: 4

.... Earth's crust, there it is found in 310 parts per million (ppm). This makes it the 22nd most abundant element on Earth. It is found in many minerals, and brines, along with other elements. Seawater contains 0.2 ppm, twice the amount of Lithium found in the oceans. Traces are found in seawater plants and animal organisms. Very small traces of Rubidium are found in the leaves of tobacco, tea, and coffee, as well as some other plants. Rubidium is similar to lithium and cesium, which are found in combined forms as complex minerals. It is not found in a pure elemental (metallic) state in nature, but only as compounds in mineral deposits such as p .....

Dietary Fibre
Words: 4095 / Pages: 15

.... properties of each type resulting in different advantages and disadvantages to human health. The way in which fibre helps prevent disease is also discussed extensively in order to prove that clinical nutritionists are right to encourage intake of in increased amounts with caution to the fact that overindulgence may cause adverse effects. Lastly the importance of high fibre foods in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle is presented as the 'formula' for a healthy body and avoidance of fibre depleted foods, a fact which is sadly abundant nowadays, is also mentioned. Since ancient times, foods containing complex carbohydrates have been considered to be .....

Born Too Early
Words: 739 / Pages: 3

.... of tests that the baby has to go through. First the doctors and nurses have to assess the baby’s heart, lungs, color and temperature. If the baby is having trouble with any of these things then it is taken into what is called the neonatal intensive care unit. In some of the smaller hospitals they aren’t equipped with the technology that is needed to keep the baby alive and the baby has to be transported to a bigger hospital, usually to a hospital in a metropolitan city in order to get the proper care. After the baby has been assessed for problems then it is watched closely for the next 48 hours. This is the most critical time for a baby . Du .....

Is There A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Words: 1451 / Pages: 6

.... that they will affect importers of oil and coal. Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut says that health care is at the worst risk right now. He says that, "As much as 80-90% of our doctors' offices are not compliant. 64% of hospitals still have serious problems with the Y2K issues," (Senate Y2K Report Wendy Griffith). The senate also believes that they will affect Medicare, power companies, banks, and stocks. People now believe that they must remove their money from the banks. This is true, but most of them are waiting until the end of the year to do this. If everyone goes to the bank simultaneously to remove their money, then they will cause .....

Acid Rain
Words: 1213 / Pages: 5

.... air pollution comes from natural sources, but most is human made. The burning of coal and oil (fossil fuels) by factories, homes, and cars is the main source of chemicals that cause . Power stations emit large amounts of sulfur dioxide and also nitrogen oxides, while car exhaust contains large amounts of nitrogen oxides. Once is formed, it can stay up in the clouds for a long time. These clouds can be carried off by the wind to other areas, sometimes hundreds of miles away, where they eventually fall to the Earth as or snow. This is called transboundary pollution. For awhile some people believed that by building high smoke stacks they would be .....

Salt And Its Uses
Words: 480 / Pages: 2

.... and even early death. By many doctors and researchers are now beginning to feel that salt has gone too far. At the University of Alabama, a short-term research has been done on 150 people on the effect of the intake of salt related to high blood pressure. Result shows that those with normal blood pressure experience no change at all when placed in a extremely low salt diet, or later when salt was introduced, Of the hypertensive subjects, half of those on the low salt diet did experience a drop in blood pressure, which returned to its previous leel when salt was introduced. Of course, these are other researcherswhgich tend to suppo .....

Words: 1718 / Pages: 7

.... serves as an energy reserve in muscle cells. Muscular contraction is powered by the breakdown of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to ADP (adenosinediphosphate). When all the ATP is broken down, phosphate in the muscle donates a phosphate group to ADP, and further energy reactions can occur. monohydrate is a precursor to phosphate. By supplementing with CM, CP levels in muscle apparently are maximized, and more muscular work can occur, since there are greater energy reserves to use. Approximately 95% of the body's supply is found in the skeletal muscles. The remaining 5% are scattered throughout the rest of the body, .....

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