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Science Essay Writing Help

Extra Sensory Perception
Words: 1353 / Pages: 5

.... Scientists have run thousands of experiments to learn if minds indeed have supernatural powers. Most tests investigated one of the three main "faculties": telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition, collectively called extrasensory perseption (ESP) by American psycologist J.B. Rhine. Dating from the early 1930s, Rhine's tests at Duke University at Durham, North Carolina, remain the most quoted examples of an expirimental blitzkreig on problems of parapsychology. Three years of Rhine's telepathy and clairvoyance testing averaged 7 successes out of every 25 people tested, 2 better than chance would have produced, an overall result millions to one agai .....

Animal Testing
Words: 926 / Pages: 4

.... to inhale radioactive Strontium 90 as part of a “Fission Product Inhalation Program” which has been paid for by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. In this experiment 26 dogs died. One of the deaths occurred during an epileptic seizure; another from brain hemorrhage. Other dogs, before death, became feverish and anemic, lost their appetites, and had hemorrhages. The experimenters compared their results to those experiments conducted at the University of Utah and the Argonne National Laboratory in which beagles were injected with Strontium 90. They concluded that the dose needed to produce “early death” in fifty percent of the sample group diff .....

Words: 3029 / Pages: 12

.... They inject you with heparin to prevent blood clots, hook you up to a heart-lung machine to keep oxygen and blood moving through your system artificially, and get you to the cryonics center as quickly as possible. The optimum time from death to arrival at the center is less than an hour. Some patients have arrived as late as six hours after death. At the center, your body is put on a table in the perfusion room. A team of three or four technicians work to drain the blood out of your body and inject a cryoprotective agent to get as much moisture as possible out of the tissues, so the organ don't crack during freezing. The body is then dried an .....

Bacillus Anthracis
Words: 296 / Pages: 2

.... Anthrax by injecting it into animals. was the first bacterium shown to be the cause of a disease. is a very large, gram positive sporeforming rod. The organism is cultivated on ordinary nutrient medium and grows best aerobically, but can also multiply under anaerobic conditions. The disease, Anthrax, is very deadly but it is rare. The risk of infection is 1/100,000. The disease is acquired when spores from a contaminated animal carcass inoculate an open wound. Then, the spores germinate and invade the blood stream, leading to death within 48 hours. is classified as a harmful, pathogenic bacterium. There is a vaccine for Anthrax in humans, but i .....

Managing Waste, To Save Our World
Words: 205 / Pages: 1

.... sites by almost 10%. Waste cannot be simply thrown away anymore, now it must be managed. Managing our trash is the "in thing", yet it is hardly convenient. Lets face the facts, sealed toxins "won't affect us for a good twenty years". Although this may be true, there are still many advantages to waste management. Today, more people are in favour of companies who invest in "green products". As a result, companies have removed phosphates, bleaches, and have made their paper products out of recycled papers. At home, families, are saving things, like leftovers, and making sandwiches for the next day. Industries are also manufacturing most of their chr .....

Cloning 4
Words: 1481 / Pages: 6

.... of a single ancestral unicellular organism or virus. 2. a recombinant clone. 3. the fragment of foreign DNA contained in each member of a recombinant clone. 4. a population of identical cells arising from the culture of a single cell of a certain type, such as a human fibroblast or a rodent-human hybrid cell containing a full set of rodent chromosomes and a single human chromosome. Human embryo cloning starts with a standard in vitro fertilization procedure. Sperm and an egg cell are mixed together on a glass dish. After conception, the zygote (fertilized egg) is allowed to develop into a blastula (a hollow mass of cells). The zygote divides .....

Power Of The Atom
Words: 699 / Pages: 3

.... that took weeks to meet it’s desired destination, because they had to walk on foot or on horse back. There were no cars, and there were no airplanes, only there own two legs, and a horses. Something needed to be done. It took way too long to get into contact with people, and it took the same amount of time to get a response. In 1886, a man by the name of Alexander Graham Bell developed an interesting object, that gave you the capability of talking live with one person, other then yourself. This object later became known as the well respected telephone. Although when Bell first invented the phone there were many kinks that needed to be .....

International Space Station
Words: 2523 / Pages: 10

.... seemed to be inconceivable to everyone who heard that speech. As the ideas for this project began to take off, the main concern was money. How much funding would be necessary to construct a space station? At first, NASA could only work within the agency’s estimated $8.5 billion dollar budget. It was in 1984 when the first construction plan was unveiled, called “Freedom.” A “power tower” concept was designed, which is a long slender unit that would be the center of the entire structure. This tower would be a long, narrow piece of latticework, chosen for its stability and to avoid the use of every day thrusts to mai .....

Forests Cannot Absorb CO2 Emissions
Words: 329 / Pages: 2

.... not relying that much on forests around the world. A climate change not only threatens to destroy forests, but as these forests die back they will trigger the release of vast quantities of carbon dioxide stored in vegetation and forest soils. This will add further to the climate change problem. Experts hope that this new way to cut back on these CO2 emissions will not be costly and time consuming. Dry air is made up of about 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. For living things, the two most important gases are oxygen and carbon dioxide. All plants and animals in respiration use oxygen. Respiration is the process by which food is change .....

Freezing Point
Words: 510 / Pages: 2

.... in its change from the liquid to the solid state. Hence, the freezing point or melting point of a pure substance may also be defined as the temperature at which freezing or melting continues once it has commenced. All solids melt when heated to their melting points, but most liquids can remain liquid even though cooled below their freezing points. A liquid may remain in this supercooled state for some time. This phenomenon is explained by molecular theory, which conceives the molecules of a solid as being well ordered and the molecules of a liquid as being disordered. To solidify, a liquid must have a nucleus (a point of molecular orderliness) arou .....

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