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Science Essay Writing Help

Aspirin A Brief History
Words: 607 / Pages: 3

.... major marketer of aspirin worldwide and is supporting research aimed at discovering new applications for its wonder drug, possibly helping to prevent everything from heart attacks to certain types of cancer and even Alzheimer's disease. Aspirin: from willow tree to Nobel Prize Aspirin's active ingredient, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is the commercially synthesized form of a naturally occurring compound whose uses can be traced back 2,000 years. The compound, called salicin, is found in the white willow tree. Around 200 B.C., Hippocrates, the Greek physician, discovered that chewing on willow bark could relieve pain and fever. Although ASA .....

History Of The Prostate Gland
Words: 517 / Pages: 2

.... some of the cells that make up the prostate gland escape from the normal controls on their growth and start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontolled manner. At first the growth of the cancer occurs very slowly and is usually limited within the prostate gland. Later on in the course of the illness, the prostate gland cells can spread around the body, particulary to the bones where they can paues pain and disability. Estimates show that the cancer may have been growing in some men for up to 10 yearsbefore it causes symptoms and is diagnosed. Some men develop symptoms whereas others do not. In those who that do, the following .....

Newton's Method: A Computer Project
Words: 372 / Pages: 2

.... roots for many functions, it does have its disadvantages. The root sometimes cannot be found by using Newton's Method. The reason it sometimes cannot be found is because when the function is equal to zero, there is no slope to the tangent line. As seen in experimentation's, it is important to select an initial guess close to the root because some functions have multiple roots. Failure to choose an initial value that is close to the root could result in finding a the wrong root or wasting a lot of time doing multiple iterations while getting close to the actual root. On some occasions, the program cannot find a root to an initial guess that is p .....

Biological And Chemical Weapons
Words: 1582 / Pages: 6

.... placed up stream and the inhabitants of the fortress would drink the deadly, microorganism infested water. are very inexpensive. It does not take a very sophisticated industrial base to produce lethal chemicals. This makes it a viable means of warfare for Third World countries. The use of chemical weapons by Iraq and Libya in 1988 reinforces the danger that these weapons will spread (Cass 1996). Not only are these weapons cheap, but they are very effective. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen held up a five-pound bag of sugar on national television last month to show how, with an equivalent amount of anthrax, Iraq could eliminate at least hal .....

Animal Research
Words: 540 / Pages: 2

.... kind of . Another thing does and has done is given us valuable medicines to help asthma, epilepsy, arthritis, ulcers, hypertension, and diabetes. Also without research on animals we never would have been able to get drugs tested and approved for use. Animals help us to teach and practice new surgical techniques to doctors who perform today's delicate cardiac, ear, eye, pulmonary, brain surgeries, and other live saving surgery's. And most people faced with their death would rather live even if it meant killing animals. Next, animals help other animals as well. Veterinarians must learn the surgical techniques first so they can perfect their skills .....

Acid Rain
Words: 1923 / Pages: 7

.... often emitted into the atmosphere with little or no treatment. The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in No .....

The Choosing Of A Landfill Site
Words: 2869 / Pages: 11

.... Municipal waste landfill Inert waste landfill Similar categories are used in many other parts of the world. In practice, these categories are not clear-cut. The Draft Directive recognises variants, such as mono-disposal - where only a single waste type (which may or may not be hazardous) is deposited - and joint-disposal - where municipal and hazardous wastes may be co-deposited in order to gain benefit from municipal waste decomposition processes. The landfilling of hazardous wastes is a contentious issue and one on which there is not international consensus. Further complications arise from the difficulty of classifying wastes ac .....

Destruction Of The Ozone Layer
Words: 1143 / Pages: 5

.... Photochemical production occurs when, " high energy radiation from the sun strikes ordinary oxygen molecules in the upper atmosphere." Lightening and sparks from motors also convert oxygen to ozone ( Stoker 1). The question about the destruction of the ozone layer revolves around whether human-made CFCs (chloroflurocarbons) used in air- conditioners and refrigerators are breaking it down. This is the ozone thinning theory: "CFCs release chlorine into the stratosphere... leading to ozone destruction and exposing the planet to harmful ultraviolet rays." Critics who discount the thinning theory still say that chlorine comes from natural sources like .....

Homosexual Gene
Words: 369 / Pages: 2

.... type (A, B, or O), race, or the hardness of tooth enamel. Some are disease traits: hemophilia, schizophrenia, cancer, color blindness. Some are politically and religiously charged: skin color, sex. Some traits are not politically and religiously charged: the hardness of the enamel on your teeth, which is controlled by a single gene, whose location is known, and who’s function we do understand. Now scientists are attempting to find proof if the infamous “gay gene”. For years, the gay community has been trying to prove that they were “born gay” and that their lifestyle was not choice. The news media has a ridiculous double standard for th .....

Evolution From A Molecular Perspective
Words: 3032 / Pages: 12

.... Would insurance companies and employers base their selections on these traits? Also, with the total knowledge of every sequence of every amino acid chain in a person's genome, couldn't a laboratory perceivably reconstruct an exact copy of, or clone, that person? These are all issues that will have to be dealt with in the near future, but for now we need only concern ourselves with the objective observation of these proteins in our attempt to explain our ever mysterious origin. As humans, we are the first creatures to question exactly where we came from and how we got here. Some cling to religious creationism as a means, while others embrace the e .....

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