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Science Essay Writing Help

Hypotheses Of The Effects Of Wolf Predation
Words: 1767 / Pages: 7

.... as when members of one species eat (and/or kill) those of another species. The specific type of predation between wolves and large ungulates involves carnivores preying on herbivores. Predation can have many possible effects on the interrelations of populations. To draw any correlations between the effects of these predator-prey interactions requires studies of a long duration, and statistical analysis of large data sets representative of the populations as a whole. Predation could limit the prey distribution and decrease abundance. Such limitation may be desirable in the case of pest species, or undesirable to some individuals as with game anim .....

Words: 752 / Pages: 3

.... system and are generally used to induce europhia. D.C. Heath’s Perspectives on HEALTH defines europhia as a feeling of intense happiness and well being. Most users take the pills orally, often with alcohol. The most common way to get the barbiturates is in tablet form. Other ways to get barbiturates include ampoules, syrup, or capsules. For injection, which is rarely used because of its risk factor, capsules are opened and the powder is added to water. However, this can cause damage to the veins. Barbiturates come in different types such as Soneryl, Nembutal, Amytal, and Tuinal. Small doses relax the user, depressing the nervous system .....

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Words: 3526 / Pages: 13

.... person's spinal cord where portions of the nerve cells that nourish the muscles are located. As this area degenerates it leads to scarring or hardening ("Sclerosis") in the region. Over 5,000 Americans are diagnosed with ALS each year. There is great variation in the course of the disease. Symptoms usually appear in individuals between the ages of 40-70, though the disease has been reported in both younger and older persons. Survival after the confirming diagnosis is, on average, two to five years. Progression of ALS varies with each individual; therefore, some will live longer--up to 10 years, and about five percent will exceed 12 years. In some c .....

Words: 2585 / Pages: 10

.... Joseph PRIESTLEY (1733-1804), an English clergyman who was employed as a literary companion to Lord Shelburne at the time of his most significant experimental work, and Carl Wilhelm SCHEELE (1742-86), a Swedish pharmacist and chemist. It is generally believed that Scheele was the first to isolate oxygen, but that Priestley, who independently achieved the isolation of oxygen somewhat later, was the first to publicly announce his findings. The interpretation of the findings of Priestley and the resultant clarification of the nature of oxygen as an element was accomplished by the French scientist Antoine-Laurent LAVOISIER (1743-94). Lavoisier's .....

Homo Aquaticus?
Words: 2003 / Pages: 8

.... and gorillas probably didn't go through many evolutionary innovations, because they generally resemble other ape and monkey brains. This implies that the human brain changed a lot after the human/chimp evolution. With the exception of the olferactory bulb (scent), all brain structures are larger in humans than in apes. The neocortex (part of the cerebral cortex), for instance is over three times larger than in chimps, even though chimps and humans are pretty close to equal in body weight. Each side of the brain is diveded by the central sulces into independant halves. Just before the central sulcus lies the post-central cortex, where the .....

Coconino Sandstone
Words: 1125 / Pages: 5

.... The early work of these two, however, correctly identified the eolian origin of the Coconino. These Sahara-like dunes were part of an enormous desert that once extended north into Montana. During the last ten years, a number of studies on modern and ancient sand seas, or ergs, have increased greatly our understanding of eolian bedform dynamics. Additionally, we can describe trace fossils in the Coconino and relate them to the physical environments of deposition. This provides us with more comprehensive reconstruction of the erg environments. Although the cliff-forming nature of the formation can present certain logical problems, the exceptional thr .....

Acid Rain
Words: 348 / Pages: 2

.... everyone with a different success. The second possibility is the reaction of sulfur dioxide with the atmosphere. Here are a few equations: 1. (2So2+O2 2So3 2) So3++120 H 2So4 The second reaction takes place very quickly. Therefore, the making of So3 in the damp atmosphere is assumed to be the lead to the formation of sulfuric acid. Phase two: the aqueous phase, sulfur dioxide occurs as three species. [S {iv}] [So2{aq}]+[+1S03-] +[So32-] This process occurs by a twofold process. 1) So2 (aq) H++H S o3- 2)H so3-(aq ) h++ So32- The establishment of the equilibrium is dependent upon such things as ph. , droplet size, "sticking coefficient" .....

Breast Cancer
Words: 1960 / Pages: 8

.... breast in women. The earliest changes occur in the epithelial cells of the terminal end buds (TEB) of the breast milk ductal system. While the outlining steps of are unknown, the cells in the breast trigger a reaction of cell reproduction. These new cancer cells form tumors. If cancer cells are active or are considered malign, the tumor grows at tremendous speeds, and may end up in metastasis. Metastasis is a complex process in which cells break away from their primary tumors, and via the blood supply or through the lymph system relocate into other organs, thus spreading cancer throughout the body if left untreated. Generally, if a lump is smaller .....

Buoyant Forces
Words: 281 / Pages: 2

.... it's weight, which was .98 newtons. Then next step was to measure the apparent weight of the cylinder when it is completely submerged in a bath of water using the formula Wa=ma*g , this was found to be 88.5grams. Knowing these two numbers, the bouyant force that the water places on the object can be calculated using the formula Fb=W-Wa , Wa=.8673n W=.98n Fb=.1127n Part 2 of this lab consisted of weighing an empty cup, which was 44grams. And then filling another cup up to a certain point the if any more water was added, it would spill out of a little opening in the cup, the water spilled out could be caught in the first cup. This is done .....

Bipolar Disorder 4
Words: 931 / Pages: 4

.... to their spontaneous nature, are more likely to commit suicide than depressives. Manic depression involves alternating episodes of serious mania and depression. An affected person’s mood can swing from excessive highs (mania) to deep hopelessness (depression), usually with periods of normal mood in between. Some individuals may display mixed symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time, while others may have fewer symptoms of mania (also referred to as hypomania). The type severity, and duration of mood episodes may vary. Some individuals may experience excessive mania, or excessive depression, and some may experience an equal amoun .....

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