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Science Essay Writing Help

Encephalitis -
Words: 699 / Pages: 3

.... and surrounding measures. White blood cells invade the brain tissue as they try to fight off the infection. The brain tissue swells (cerebral edema) and can cause destruction of nerve cells, bleeding with in the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage), and brain damage. This can cause neurologic deficits such as parplysis, speech changes, increased intracranial pressure, respiratory failure, seizure disorders, and shock can occur. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Mild cases absent superficial reflexes Sudden fever *** exaggerated deep tendon reflexes Poor appetite opisthotnos Loss of energy nuchal rigidity General sick fe .....

Alcoholism 4
Words: 1374 / Pages: 5

.... is a potentially addictive drug and a depressant of the central nervous system (Kestler 6). Alcohol acts as a sedative and as an anesthetic, reducing nerve transmissions and impulses to the central nervous system. This depresses mental, motor, and vital functions such as pulse rate, respiration, and blood pressure (Kestler 6). The body can absorb alcohol very quickly, approximately 20% goes directly into the blood stream from the stomach, the rest enters the body through the small intestine. Moments after alcohol enters the blood stream it reaches the Cerebral Cortex, the part of the brain responsible for judgement. The areas of the brain cont .....

Effects Of Dam Building
Words: 1220 / Pages: 5

.... and will continue to leave devastating effects on the environment around them. Firstly, to understand the thesis people must know what dams are. A dam is a barrier built across a water course to hold back or control water flow. Dams are classified as either storage, diversion or detention. As you could probably notice from it's name, storage dams are created to collect or hold water for periods of time when there is a surplus supply. The water is then used when there is a lack of supply. For example many small dams impound water in the spring, for use in the summer dry months. Storage dams also supply a water supply, or an improved habitat for fi .....

Genetic Cloning
Words: 1303 / Pages: 5

.... Edinburg, Scotland(Staples). It was a sheep by the name of Dolly. Dolly was cloned from an adult sheep; using donor DNA and mammary cells from a female sheep cloned it. The process is very technical and I don’t fully understand it myself. From what I have researched I have come to understand that currently cloning is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for . Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a pe .....

Genetic Cloning And Nuclear Fusion
Words: 745 / Pages: 3

.... area. “In the 1980's and early 90's this research was banned by both the Ronald Reagan and Bush administrations due to pressure from the pro-life factions of the Republican party.” The societal issue addressed is expressed from all point of views, and the following will further strengthen and help you understand their points. “The procedures used in human embryo cloning have been around for many years, and have been used in the cloning of cattle and sheep embryos, for the production of animals with known genetic traits. The news of human embryo cloning did not surprise many people in the scientific community, but it shocked the ge .....

Bioluminescence In Fungi
Words: 2045 / Pages: 8

.... little heat radiation. This aspect of bioluminescence especially interested early scientists who explored it. The light is the result of a biochemical reaction in which the oxidation of a compound called "Luciferin" and the reaction was catalyzed by an enzyme called "Luciferase". The light generated by this biochemical reaction has been utilized by scientists as a bioindicator for Tuberculosis as well as heavy metals. On going research involving bioluminescence is currently underway in the areas of evolution, ecology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, and biomedical applications. History of Bioluminescent Fungi The light of luminous wood .....

The Evils Of Hunting
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... the privilege, after the proprietor of the land has had one negative experience with some other hunter. This can make hunting a much harder sport to participate in, even for the people who are hunting for their livelihood. (Satchell 30) Over the years, hunting has reduced the animal population drastically. In the 1970's, the number of ducks making annual flights was approximately 91.5 million. In 1995, the number had been reduced to around 64 million. Within 20 years, in short, the duck population was reduced by almost one third, showing the drastic toll hunting is taking on our wildlife. If we assume that other species have been reduced in numbe .....

Excessive Alcohol Consumption--its Effects And Social Accept
Words: 2011 / Pages: 8

.... but not everyone knows its history, where it comes from, or how it is produced. Alcohol is a word derived from the Arabic al-kohl, which was a term used to describe eyeliner that Middle Eastern women wore. Later, the definition broadened to mean an exotic substance (Monroe 5-6). It was primarily used among ancient people for special ceremonies, magic, and medicine, and “by about 1500 BC, Egyptian doctors included beer or wine in about 15 percent of their medicines”(Monroe 8-9). Alcoholic beverages are produced through a process called fermentation using plants such as corn, rye, barley, potatoes, and grapes, and are classified by their typ .....

Nuclear Fission
Words: 553 / Pages: 3

.... atoms. The split of each atom will produce two more neutrons. The more atoms that are split the more neutrons produced that will split more atoms. As this process is repeated over, it becomes a self-sustaining chain reaction. This energy producing process is called a chain reaction. uses the uranium-235 element because it is the easiest of all atoms to split apart. Uranium-235 is made up of many protons and few neutrons. Protons naturally repel one another so a nucleus made up of many protons tends to ‘fly apart’ more easily. In addition, uranium makes a good nuclear reactor because it can sustain a series of fission reactions, each time .....

Damn Near Everything There Is To Know About Cells:
Words: 1117 / Pages: 5

.... those of the stem and root. Many cells in tissues are linked to each other at contact sites called cell junctions. Cell junctions help maintain differences in the internal environment between adjacent cells, help anchor cells together, and allow cells to communicate with one another by passing small molecules from one cell to another. Groups of two or more tissues that function together make up organs. An organ system is a group of organs that work together to carry out major life functions. Eukariotic Cell Structure: Boundaries and Control: Plasma Membrane - The plasma membrane is sometimes called the cell membrane, or the cellular membrane. I .....

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