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Science Essay Writing Help

Hydroponics Growing Without Soil
Words: 2420 / Pages: 9

.... World War II a number of commercial installations were built in the United States. The majority of these were located in Florida. Most were out of doors and subject to the rigors of the weather. Poor construction techniques and operating practices caused many of them to be unsuccessful and production inconsistent. How is the quality of the food today affected by the methods of Hydroponics of today? Body The growing media that is used for gardening greatly effects the production of the plants. If sand is used as a medium it should be tested thoroughly for any residue that might cause infected growing .....

Exploring The Mind
Words: 967 / Pages: 4

.... at its purest state in children. Children from 1 to 4 years of age have a very limited knowledge of how to conduct themselves in society. They have not had time to learn the social standards of their time. So with this limited knowledge, children will consistently react to situations in a similar way that can only be explained by an instinctive nature. Have young children changed their behavior since the 1700's? I suppose any child from any culture at any time in history would cry when it was upset, physically take whatever it wanted, need a certain amount of love and attention, and also be interested in exploring things outside of it's b .....

Thoughts On Acid Rain
Words: 1274 / Pages: 5

.... oxides can be transformed into sulphuric acid and nitric acid, and air current can send them thousands of kilometres from the source.When the acids fall to the earth in any form it will have large impact on the growth or the preservation of certain wildlife. NO DEFENSE Areas in Ontario mainly southern regions that are near the Great Lakes, such substances as limestone or other known antacids can neutralize acids entering the body of water thereby protecting it. However, large areas of Ontario that are near the Pre-Cambrian Shield, with quartzite or granite based geology and little top soil, there is not enough buffering capacity to neut .....

Iron Meteorites
Words: 303 / Pages: 2

.... blades. Since the iron in the swords was not pure they were quite difficult to make for the master swordsmith Kinimune Okayoshi. Forging it by folding it over and over did not work out very well. So the forging could only be carried out when the metal had gotten so hot it turned white. Although somewhat irrelevant to the short story about the Shooting Star Swords, meterites do play an important part in science to day, and help scientist decode the birth of earth, our sun, and even the galaxy in which we are in. Today whenever a meteorite is found it is closely strdied by teams of scientist, to see if it could decode some of the many questions we .....

Nuclear Energy And The Environment
Words: 1040 / Pages: 4

.... man-made repercussions as well as being the basis of life support systems. Therefore, we are between two sections in which one is the section of "resource availability and waste", and the other "the continuity of life support systems pertinent to survival." Thus, the environmentalists believe that nuclear energy should not be used for various reasons. First of all, the waste product, i.e. plutonium, is extremely radioactive, which may cause the people who are working or living in or around the area of storage or use, to acquire leukemia and other cancers. They also show how billions of dollars are spent yearly on safety devices for a single r .....

Observed Distribution Of South American Relief Features
Words: 855 / Pages: 4

.... magnetic fields have actually been reversed. Convection is caused by non-uniform temperature in a fluid and density differences. This continuous convection is the cause of plate movement. Each complete cycle, called a convection cell, drives the plate in the direction of the cell. How does a ‘solid’ mantle move? The mantle may be solid but, as with most solids, it will deform if long-term stress is applied. Presently, there are more than fourteen plates in the Earth’s crust. Upwelling hot magma flows out from mid-ocean ridges and then cools down when exposed to the cooled environment outside; the layer of cooled magma forms the lithosphere. W .....

The Tiger
Words: 1086 / Pages: 4

.... occur when epidemics wipe out the prey populations. This type of migrations happens often. Temperatures down to -45 degrees Celsius are not harmful and do not dampen their activities ( Mammals Multimedia Encyclopedia 1990). Tigers usually live and hunt alone. When they hunt they can leap 5 to 6 or jump as far as 10 meters. Tigers do not usually prey on people, but some do become man eaters. If a Tiger becomes a man eater it is because of a wound, weakness, or just because it is to old. The young accompany their mother on the hunt when they are 5 to 6 months of age. Tigers begin to hunt alone when they are just eleven months old. Befor .....

Klinefelter Syndrome -
Words: 930 / Pages: 4

.... hormone imbalance. While Dr. Harry Klinefelter accurately described this condition in 1942, it was not until 1956 that other researchers reported that many boys with this description had 47 chromosomes in each cell of their bodies instead of the usual number of 46. This extra sex (X) chromosome causes the distinctive make-up of these boys. All men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, but sometimes a variation will result in a male with an extra X. This is Klinefelter Syndrome and is often written as 47,XXY. There are other, less common variations such as 48,XXYY; 48,XXXY; 49,XXXXY; and XY/XXY mosaic. All of these are considered Klinefelter Syn .....

Multiple Personality Disorders
Words: 516 / Pages: 2

.... individual will generally change when a personality switch occurs. When a personality switch does occur, the subject's thoughts, feelings and memories are split from the conscious' awareness and control. The condition usually develops as a way of coping with painful and disturbing experiences faced in the individuals early life, such as child abuse, or if an extremely violent act has traumatized the person. Many personality disorders like Multiple Personality Disorder lead to various social problems. According to psychologist, these traits usually arise when the individual is in early childhood, around the age of eight years old. Multiple Person .....

Words: 1241 / Pages: 5

.... of sulfur. The Latin word um means yellow orpiment (a pigment containing and sulfur). While knowledge of dates back to ancient Greece, it wasn't until the Middle Ages that its poisonous characteristics were described. It was identified by Albert Magnus about 1250, and he described the way to manufacture it. Since then the method has scarcely changed: the mineral arsenopyrite is heated and decomposes with the liberation of gas. The gas can be condensed on a cold surface. Metallic was first produced in the 17th century by heating with potash and soap. General Properties is very similar to antimony and bismuth. It exists in bright, metallic form .....

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