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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 341 / Pages: 2

.... They feel like they’re worthless and hopeless. They also have negative thoughts towards the past and future. Many people go through guilt, crying, or having suicidal thoughts. Unlike a manic episode, the person has lack of energy, and either an appetite loss or gain. Manic depression is a recurrent illness, so a person usually has more than one episode. These episodes can last from weeks to months. They occur whenever and have no certain pattern. Sometimes a stressful life event can trigger an episode, and sometimes they just happen. If a person has more than four episodes a year they are known as “rapid cyclers”. This is mor .....

The Autumn And The Fall Of Leaves
Words: 552 / Pages: 3

.... they are to merge, that the gesture is much gentler than a greeting, and even more discreet than a discreet touch. They make a little sound, less than the least of sounds. No bird at night in the marshes rustles so slightly, no men, though men are the most refined of living beings, put so passing a stress upon their sacred whispers or their prayers. The leaves are hardly heard, but they are heard just so much that men also, who are destined at the end to grow glorious and to die, look up and hear them falling. There is an infinite amount of qualities of describing the leaves. The color is not a mere glory: it is intricate. If you take up one le .....

Ecstasy The Hug Drug
Words: 827 / Pages: 4

.... time," according to U.S. Customs Commissioner Raymond Kelly, "primarily use ecstasy". The drug breaks down communication barriers and allows a great recipe for intimate contact, which a lot of young people today strive for. The positive feelings that people report are very similar to that of Prozac (anti-depressant drug) and fenfluramine. MDMA is usually taken orally in the form of pills synthesized by independent labs. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. The designer drug may also be taken in the form of a powder and injected into the blood stream for a quicker " high". The actual potency of the pills is determined by the .....

On Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection
Words: 655 / Pages: 3

.... He was sent on a trip to explore the world and while he was on this journey, he became enthralled with biology and geology. He made and wrote observations about coral reefs (1842), and volcanic islands (1844), but his greatest biological observations were those pertaining to his theory of evolution. Darwin's findings begin in the Galapagos Islands where he noticed a wide array of finches whose beaks were different sizes. He believed that the physical conditions on the island did not affect the birds' beaks, but it was the birds' feeding habits. For instance, the birds with the large, powerful beaks ate large seeds, while the birds w .....

Alternate Energy Sources
Words: 535 / Pages: 2

.... extracted by passing through a magnetic field. This produces a strong voltage. The only disadvantages to this power source is the lack of knowledge we have for it. Hopefully, within time, we will learn about this new energy source so we can use it to power the future. Fusion Power Fusion Power is probably the biggest known Alternate Energy Resource. Fusion is the joining of the nuclei of two atoms to form the nucleus of a heavier element. It occurs mostly with hydrogen and other light elements. Fusion reactions, also called thermonuclear reactions, release a great deal of energy. Scientists are still conducting experiments on ways of harn .....

Hurricanes 3
Words: 1570 / Pages: 6

.... of Jamaica were devastated and the country’s Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, pronounce it the worst natural disaster ever to strike his country. Greatest loss of life however, occurred in Mexico where Gilbert hit twice, first of all traversing the Yucatan Peninsula and two days later making landfall some 150 km south of the border with the USA, finally dissipating near the city of Monterrey. During its most intense phase at the western end of the Caribbean Sea, Gilbert was estimated to have central pressure of 885mbar, and maximum sustained winds in its circulation over 150kt (knots) with highest gusts in excess of 175 kt. The central pressur .....

Docking With Mir
Words: 419 / Pages: 2

.... much to think about except the thrill of the ride. Then the tension rose. In less than thirty-six hours, they would have to close a gap of four thousand miles at an altitude of 245 miles while traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, only to have to move within three inches and two degrees of a quickly moving, very fragile object in space. One small thrust of a poorly aligned engine could cost one of four space-worthy shuttles and the world's first and only long-term space station. Docking was over with soon, and was followed by the cosmonauts of Mir greeting the astronauts of Atlantis. Gifts of flowers, candy and fruit were given by the Americans, w .....

Salmonella Typhi (Typhoid Fever)
Words: 336 / Pages: 2

.... by Salmonella Typhi in some way. Typhoid fever usually causes high fever, head ache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, weakness, or inability to think clearly. The symptoms take about two weeks to go away if they don\'t lead to death. This bacterial pathogen is considered extremely dangerous and is probobly armed. Salmonella Typhi has been on the loose for many years and was cuased a lot of havoc and done a lot of damage over the years. Typhoid fever affects 17 million people worldwide every year, with approximately 600,000 deaths. To protect yourself from typhoid fever, aviod risky food and drinks and get vaccinated aginst typhoid .....

The Aging Process
Words: 1487 / Pages: 6

.... he cannot live one more year. -- Cicero (106-43 B.C.) It is still true that approximately 70% of all deaths in the United States are from heart disease, strokes, and cancer. Other diseases, accidents, and violence account for the rest--but not age. These same diseases and Alzheimer's disease account for much of the disability attributed to aging. As these diseases are conquered, far more people will live to their full potential life span and remain active and healthy for life. A lot is known about the diseases that affect people and cause death. Much less is known about real aging because it involves fundamental cell processes that are qu .....

Chromosome Probes At The University Of Toronto
Words: 2250 / Pages: 9

.... he says. Dr. Willard is currently negotiating with an American company to develop prenatal diagnostic tests, which, because the current tests are time consuming and technically difficult to do, are restricted to women over 35 and those who have a family history of chromosomal abnormalities. Prenatal tests using Willard's probes would be much simpler and faster to perform and could be available to all pregnant women who wish to take advantage of the technology. Current prenatal testing involves growing fetal cells in vitro and examining them, over one or two months, to see if there are two copies of a particular chromosome, which is normal, o .....

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