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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 260 / Pages: 1

.... them is the flowering of plants. The ability to respond to day length is linked to an inner, light-sensitive circadian rhythm. In the temperate zones, day lengths during the natural 24-hour cycle vary with the seasons. In winter and spring, the period of light lengthens; in summer and autumn, it shortens. Plants in these zones undergo alternate 12-hour phases of light sensitivity. During one 12-hour phase, decreasing exposure to light induces a short-day reaction. For example, deciduous trees under the influence of the shorter days of fall drop their leaves. During the other 12-hour phase, more exposure to light creates a long-day reaction. D .....

Words: 905 / Pages: 4

.... depends on the wavelength of the light. Electrons are promoted to higher orbirtals by ultraviolet or visible light, vibrations are excited by infrared light, and rotations are excited by microwaves” (Tissue). IR spectroscopy is the measurement of the wavelength and intensity of the absorption of infrared light by a sample. The wavelength of IR absorption bands are characteristic of specific types of chemical bonds. An IR spectrophotometer is an instrument which is designed to obtain an infrared spectra of a molecule. An IR spectra is obtained by first irradiating a sample with an IR source of light. The li .....

Words: 979 / Pages: 4

.... that you will ever discover your talent with music. Physically, you may have great potential as a runner, but, if you do not get enough to eat, then it is doubtful that you will ever live up to your potential. Traits such as what you look like are inherited from your parents. Your potential is also inherited from your parents. Chromosomes contain the information of a person's potential height, potential strength against disease, and other physical characteristics. A human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes in every cell in his or her body (except reproductive cells). If, during a stage of growth, a fetus somehow loses one of these ch .....

Words: 547 / Pages: 2

.... "eye" is forming in the centre of the Cyclone. This "eye" unlike the rest of the Cyclone is completely calm and is not windy at all. Cyclone Tracy was the most destructive cyclone recorded to hit Australia since white settlement in 1788 (the Bathurst Bay killed 300 people but didn't reach land). Cyclone Tracy hit the coastal city of Darwin on Christmas Day 1974. Although people had warning on New Year's Day about Cyclone Tracy, they were busy preparing for Christmas and thought that the cyclone would pass away just like Cyclone Selma had done three weeks before. Cyclone Tracy came roaring down the Arafura Sea (where most the develop in th .....

Pascals Triangle
Words: 265 / Pages: 1

.... pattern. Blaise Pascal was regarded as a brilliant man of his own time. He made contributions to science, mathematics, and religious philosophy. Pascal was born on June 19, 1623 in Clermont-Ferrand of central France. His father was a highly placed civil official and everyone expected Pascal to follow in his footsteps. But Pascal proved to be a child prodigy. At the age of twelve, he figured out the proposition of Euclidean geometry with no help. At the age of seventeen, he wrote an essay on conic sections which contained a theorum that was named after him. Pascal also invented many things. He constructed the first digital calculating .....

Ocean Pollution
Words: 451 / Pages: 2

.... is cruise ships, hotels near the water, or boat tours. Fishermen also pose a threat to our oceans by over fishing our waters. The way they are going there will not be enough fish for a maximum sustainable yield, and our fish population will die. Fishermen also clean there fish and throw the guts overboard into the ocean. Industrial, agricultural, household cleaning, gardening, and automotive products are also polluting our ocean. You wouldn't believe it but all of those products I just named regularly end up in water. About 65,000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S. Today, with about 1,000 new ones added each year. Only about 300 have been e .....

Words: 174 / Pages: 1

.... You can also find between 2,000 to 2,500 minerals in the earths crust. Minerals are formed in a positive response to their environment, most of them to deep for an observer. Environments in which minerals are formed far beneath the earths surface are plutonic igneous, pegmatitic, hot temperature vein, moderate temp. vein, low temp. vein, and a metamorphic environment. Environments in which minerals form near the earths surface are groundwater, weathering, and sedimentary. Minerals are divided into groups on the basis of their composition. About one third of all mineral belong to the group silicates. Other groups are carbonates they include .....

Biomedical Engineering
Words: 939 / Pages: 4

.... with the application of engineering and science methods to the analysis of biological and physiological problems, the delivery of health care, and/or industrial applications. (Drexel University) The biomedical engineer serves as the connection between traditional engineering subjects and living systems. He/she may work applying the patterns of living organisms to engineering design or engineering new approaches or products to improve human health and productivity. On the one hand, the biomedical engineer may use his/her knowledge of physiological systems to reverse engineer nature, creating, for example, artificial tissues and neural networks. “O .....

From Water To Land
Words: 1191 / Pages: 5

.... are creatures with four limbs, hips, shoulders, fingers, and toes, which developed sometime after lobe-finned fish, and before the first fully terrestrial vertebrates. The earliest tetrapod known is Acanthostega. It is also considered the most primitive tetrapod. It is very close to its fish ancestry, but still anatomically far from its terrestrial relatives. These creatures still lived in water, but they had a lot of the terrestrial tetrapod anatomical characteristics. Introduction: Before tetrapods existed, all vertebrates were confined to living in aquatic habitats. The only animals that lived on land were arthropods. Through .....

The Luminescence Of Black Light
Words: 442 / Pages: 2

.... a few exceptions have been found. The quantum theory attempts to explain this property by contending that a certain outside excitation causes an electron to jump from one orbit to another. It is then in an unstable environment causing it to fall back into its original orbit. This process releases energy, and if it is in the visible part of the spectrum, we have a transient light phenomenon. Ultra-violet light is an exciting agent which causes luminescence to occur. There are many materials which exhibit fluorescent characteristics. Many of which are even organic. Teeth, eyes, some portions of the skin, and even blood exhibit fluorescent qualiti .....

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