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Science Essay Writing Help

How Humans And Fish Obtain Oxygen
Words: 779 / Pages: 3

.... moving cilia. These cilia whip back and forth and trap foregin objects and keep them from entering the lungs. The air completes its path down the trachea when it reaches the bronchus which is a speration of the trachea into the two different lungs it is used to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. These bronchus break into many bronchioles which then branch into many many microscopic tubs that cary the oxygen to every part of the lung till they meet the thin sacs called aveoli. Aveoli are thin sacs in the lungs that carry oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the blood stream. They diffuse the oxygen into the blood cells that need it and .....

Experiment To See If Soaking A Golf Ball Affects Its Distance
Words: 1434 / Pages: 6

.... drying, the feathers expanded and the leather contracted, forming an extremely hard mass. This was hammered round and painted white. The feathery sometimes flew over 300 yards and was durable - until it got wet. Then it would split open. The Gutta percha was introduced in 1850 and was made of a rubberlike sap from the Malaysian sapdilla tree. The material was heated to soften it and then hand-formed into a solid, one piece ball.Gutta percha was black, so the early balls were painted white. Easier to make, less expensive, and more durable, the gutta revolutionized golf. When golfers discovered that balls and nicks flew longer and straighter th .....

Intermolecular Bonding Essay
Words: 1586 / Pages: 6

.... forces between the ions. The tendency for these ions to be formed by elements is corespondent to the octet rule, when atoms react,, they tend to do so in such a way that they attain an outer shell containing eight electrons. The factors that effect the formation of ions are ionization energy, electron affinity, lattice energy. Figure 1 The transfer of electrons involved in the formation of (a) sodium chloride and (b) calcium fluoride. Each atom forms an ion with an outer shell containing eight electrons. For many elements, compounds cannot be formed by the production of ions, since the energy released in the formation of the lattice of ions wo .....

Indicactor Lab
Words: 430 / Pages: 2

.... C: Test-tube C had ammonia in it. The substance reacted to red litmus paper, and it had no effect on blue litmus paper. Phenolphthalein turned a hot pink color very quickly, and the pH value was about 11.5. The substance was clear and had a strong odor to it. These results led me to my conclusion that substance C is ammonia. Test-tube D: Test-tube D contained lemonade. The substance reacted to blue litmus paper, and red litmus underwent no changes. It had no effect on Phenolphthalein, and its pH value was 3, a strong acid. Knowing that lemons are very acidic, and that the substance was yellow and sweet smelling, I concluded that substance .....

UFOs: We Are Not Alone
Words: 1554 / Pages: 6

.... a young idahoan businessman named kenneth arnold spotted something that would change his life forever. Just north of his position flying at an altitude of 9,500 feet and an unprecedented airspeed of 1,700 mph he spotted nine circular aircraft flying in formation and according to his estimate the aircraft were approximately the size of a dc-4 airliner ( jackson 4). This account was the first sighting to ever receive a great deal of media attention. This sighting gave birth to the phrase "flying saucer" coined by a reporter named bill begrette. Although not the first ufo sighting in history, kenneth arnolds account is considered to be the first d .....

Words: 666 / Pages: 3

.... polarity or size. These differences allow the mixture components to be separated from each other by using these differences to determine the transit time of the solutes through a column. Simple liquid consists of a column with a fritted bottom that holds a stationary phase in equilibrium with a solvent. Typical stationary phases (and their interactions with solutes) are: solids (adsorption), ionic groups on a resin (ion-exchange), liquids on an inert solid support (partitioning), and porous inert particles (size exclusion). The mixture to be separated is loaded onto the top of the column followed by more solvent. The different components in the .....

Computer Engineering
Words: 1489 / Pages: 6

.... C. Careful selection of school VIII. Pay scale A. 50 percent more than other engineers B. Talent and pay C. Average salary D. Area and pay IX. Pros A. Advancement B. Money C. Cutting edge of techology D. Change X. Cons A. Working conditions and hours B. Pressure and deadlines C. Adapting Conclusion-Computers are changing the world as we know it, and they offer an exciting new way of working. The news represented a complete turnaround for the corporate giant. Microsoft Chairperson, Bill Gates publicly announced his company's new connection to the Internet. The announcement rang through the nation. G .....

Words: 2025 / Pages: 8

.... is Microbiology? Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. This includes protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and rickettsiae. A microbiologist is a scientist who studies life forms that can only be observed by means of a microscope. Microbiologists use many criteria to classify bacteria. The Beginning of Microbiology Zacharias Jansen created the microscope. Although Robert Hooke is the one who made it widely known. In 1665 Hooke published a book called Micrographie. It contained his thoughts on chemistry as well as a description and list of uses for a microscope. With this he opened the door to microbiology. .....

EPA Urges Tough Rules On Arsenic
Words: 308 / Pages: 2

.... 3- Whitman charged at the time that the Clinton rule had been hastily crafted without adequate scientific study or consideration of the cost for small communities that would have to change their filtration systems to meet federal law. The review focused on alternative standards – ranging from as low as 3 parts per billion to as high as 20 parts per billion. Whitman states it is to dangerous to have the arsenic levels over 20 parts per billion. Person 4- Arsenic occurs naturally in rocks, soil, water, air, plants and animals. High concentration levels are mostly found in the drinking water in the Western states. Long-term exposure to arsenic in d .....

Albert Einstein 2
Words: 526 / Pages: 2

.... different or better than anyone either. He did not dress any better, which was proved when Hoffman first met Einstein, he went into his office, and Einstein was sitting there in "ill-fitting cloths," and his hair "characteristic-ally awry". He did not speak or write better or more elegantly than anyone else either. He did not even have any special learning powers either. This was proved when Hoffman was writing equations on a blackboard when he was asked to slow down by Einstein, he said, "Please go slowly, I do not understand things quickly." Proving that he is not that much more intelligent than anyone else. Einstein was a normal guy with may .....

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