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Science Essay Writing Help

Digestive Disorders (liver)
Words: 395 / Pages: 2

.... much and that is how the abscess is formed. When you are diagnosed with amebic liver you are very likely to also have an intestinal infection from the disease as well. This is not true for all cases though. Most cases in which both occur are in places of high temperatures and poor sanitation. Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and India have many health problems associated with the disease. The most common way to get this disease is from one person to another. The other most common way is through unhealthy food and badly sanitized water. Not eating properly and excessive drinking will only worsen the disease. There are many w .....

Effects Of Murcury On The Enviroment
Words: 378 / Pages: 2

.... is hard to get of once in the environment. In the past, mercury was used to make things like paper, put in paint and thermometers, and as an agricultural pesticide. The Minamata Disease is a good example of what could happen if mercury enters into the environment. In the mid 1950's, more than 100 Japanese were poisoned by fish that contained methyl mercury. The mercury came from industrial waste that had been dumped into the bay where the fish were caught. The mercury bioaccumulated up the food chain. The cats the were eating the fish showed the symptoms first. They began to act very strange; running into walls and acting like they were "in a tr .....

Genetic Engineering And Its Fu
Words: 1735 / Pages: 7

.... research is morally wrong that's your belief, I am stating that genetically enhancing them to be better research specimens is not unethical. My reason behind this is that we don't just do research in order to infect and kill off the mice, we do it so one day we will have a cure for cancer and can save hundreds of thousands of human lives. Of course if you value the life of a mouse over a human then you would see differently. Some fear that this science is too powerful, granted we shouldn't let just anyone be able to modify bacteria, or the human genome, but we shouldn't let our fears blind us to the possible benefits of wide-scale genetic engi .....

Desktop Videoconferencing
Words: 3016 / Pages: 11

.... review documents with colleagues, clients or vendors. You can hold a Desktop Videoconference whenever the need arises, without the time and expense of traveling-or even leaving your desk because it's just like being there in person. in no way takes the place of face to face, but it does offer the convenience of a different means of communication. Videoconferencing is a type of conferencing in which video cameras and microphones capture sight and sound for transmission over a communications network. Videoconferencing makes it possible to conduct meetings with participation of groups who are hundreds and thousands of miles apart (Senn, 1998). As Jo .....

Chinese Shih Poetry And Philosophy
Words: 1127 / Pages: 5

.... the man who gave the school of thought its name. The main goal of Confucianists was to return a gentlemanly society to China. The core of Confucianism concerned social structure. Confucius taught that a man should respect and obey those of higher rank than himself, whether they be the father of a family, or the emperor of a nation. But even with absolute obedience, Confucianists believed that men should practice restraint and benevolence in those inferior to them. At the same time, those in high status were expected to lead virtuous lives, and to set examples for those that followed them. Confucianists believed that the moral code of man wa .....

The Dung Beetle, What A Marvelous Creature.
Words: 643 / Pages: 3

.... a walk in my grandfather's pasture. I would enjoy the quiet walks, and sometimes try to scare the cows, but more often than not, I would end up stopping to watch dung beetles frantically work on a big cow pat. I remember how disgusting it appeared, but I was just fascinated at the concept of cow poop being rolled into balls and taken away by bugs. To realize why dung beetles are so important, you must first know a few facts about them. Dung beetles are named after their delight in rolling up dung. Dung beetles utilize the dung of cows, horses, rabbits, deer, sheep, and many other animals. How many of you think dung beetles actually eat manure? .....

Into The Depths Of A Black Hole
Words: 1311 / Pages: 5

.... a look at the basis for the cause of a black hole. All black holes are formed from the gravitational collapse of a star, usually having a great, massive, core. A star is created when huge, gigantic, gas clouds bind together due to attractive forces and form a hot core, combined from all the energy of the two gas clouds. This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to burn continuously. The Hydrogen gas is usually the first type of gas consumed in a star and then other gas elements such as Carbon, Oxygen, and Helium are consumed. This chain reaction fuels t .....

The Greenhouse Effect
Words: 463 / Pages: 2

.... factor is the the amount of forest logged, every second of the day the area of a football field in trees is cleared by either being logged or burnt. Two other deadly greenhouse gasses which are entering the atmosphere even faster than carbon dioxide are methane and chloroflourocarbons, although they are not as damaging in the long run. These increases are likely to affect worldwide temperatures dramatically. In 100 years time the average temperature for most parts of the world will increase from between 2C to 6C if greenhouse pollution continues at its present rate. This temperature increase would drastically affect the growth of man .....

Mono 2
Words: 1032 / Pages: 4

.... mononucleosis is passed is unknown, although what is known is that the virus can travel in saliva which is the primary source, therefore it may be spread through coughing , mouth to mouth contact of mucous membranes during kissing. This is where the common nickname was derived "the kissing disease". In rare cases this disease may be transmitted through blood transfusions. The disease is usually transmitted to family members, friends and people that you may go to school with, rather then people that live in the same community. People often come in contact with the disease or EBV bacteria at least once in there life. Although symptoms ar .....

Global Warming 3
Words: 1170 / Pages: 5

.... of disaster caused or influenced by human activity are growing tremendously. The risks to the Earth¡¦s natural systems are becoming significantly concerning. The world¡¦s population, currently 5.2 billion has grown from about 3 billion in 1960, and around 2 billion in 1925. Today it increased by almost 90 million each year, and is likely to reach 10 billion by 2025(Corson 4). The reason we currently have an atmosphere crisis is because of human impact on the gases which make up our atmosphere. Our atmosphere, which is made up of four distinct layers blankets our planet and protects up in many way. One way it protects us if from the harmful ra .....

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