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Tundra And The Artic
Words: 1345 / Pages: 5

.... climate areas. Temperature The Tundra suffers a very harsh climate. Because of this fact most of the area remains barren save for a few shrubs and lichens. It's winters last from 8-10 months and the summers are cool and short. Also due to the fact that much of it's territory is located within the northern pole a lot of the Tundra receives alternating 6 month periods of light and dark. This is also the reason why the Tundra receives cold weather; at it's degree of latitude the suns rays end up hitting the region obliquely, thus causing less solar heat. Here are the temperatures of the Tundra in general: Average January temperature: -32.1 degrees .....

Bengal Tigers
Words: 263 / Pages: 1

.... preserves and national parks. It is now strictly protected. Some males occupy a territory of 200 square miles. When there is enough food, the tiger lives in a much smaller territorty. It lives in the forest, the grassland, or the swamps. The tiger attacks a variety of prey, mainly deer, antelopes, pigs and buffalo. Once in awhile, it will attack cattle and even humans. There are many stories about the evils done by "man-eating" tigers. They're usually old tigers that are sick or wounded, and cannot hunt normally. The destruction of their usual prey may also cause them to attack humans. As soon as the tiger spots prey, it begins a slow and silent app .....

The Entertainment Universe
Words: 880 / Pages: 4

.... look to him for guidance. As the intensity of the situation elevates the mass of people begin to violently slam into each other in a chaotic ceremonial dance. The purpose of the dance is to cause and endure as much physical pain as possible. The dance eventually gets so extreme that a young man in the crowd snaps his neck and dies. The man does not stop his ravings and the crowd doesn't stop their dance. Instead the man becomes entirely deranged, screaming at the body of the young man that he is now going to hell where he rot in flames of agony for eternity. The crowd roars and the man laughs. What do you suppose would now transpire? At the .....

The Problem With Desertification
Words: 1841 / Pages: 7

.... dry subhumid areas as a result of various factors, including climatic variations and human activities (World Atlas of Desertification, 1997) These drylands have been central in the evolution of mankind. These are the lands that sustained our transition from a hunting/gathering to pastoralism and agriculture (Kaya and Yokobiri, 1997). Drylands still provide much of our grain and livestock. These areas cover more than 40 percent of the world’s land surface. As these areas decrease in size, so does the reliability of the land to support the human population. In some areas, desertification is occurring to such a degree that some lands can no lon .....

Chinook Salmon
Words: 601 / Pages: 3

.... resource for power, however it is very damaging to our salmon populations. The dams block off rivers, which block the salmon's path back to their breeding grounds. The salmon go back to the same areas, just as their ancestors did, to lay their eggs. The hydropower plant's turbines are also very dangerous to young salmon. Many of them are killed by the giant turbines on their way back to the ocean. Killing off many of the salmons new generation. Pollution is also a killer of many Chinook salmon. Pollution caused by sewage, farming, grazing, logging and mining find it's way into our waters. These harmful substances kill many species of fish .....

Hard Water
Words: 2266 / Pages: 9

.... of water and it’s minerals, it is crucial to develop a better understanding of the whole process of water and how it is made accessible to us every day of our lives. According to the Water Quality Association, approximately “15percent of the Canadian population relies on individually owned and operated sources of drinking water, such as wells, cisterns and springs. On the other hand about 80percent of the population receives water from a community system”(1). Household pumps and community water systems a generally used by the majority of consumers. Household pumps are designed to pump ground water for household use, wh .....

Faster Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit
Words: 3502 / Pages: 13

.... laws to help preserve our natural resources. There is local evidence that improved sewage treatment means improvement in water quality. Monitoring on a national level showed that large investments in point-source pollution control have yielded no statistically significant pattern of improvement in dissolved oxygen levels in water in the last 15 years. It may be that we are only keeping up with the amount of pollution we are producing. (Knopman, 1993) The early biosphere was not pleasant for life because the atmosphere had low levels of oxygen. Photosynthetic bacteria consumed carbon dioxide and produced simple sugars and oxygen which cre .....

Venomous Creatures Of The West Pacific
Words: 5484 / Pages: 20

.... without backbones) and vertebrates (animals with backbones.) These animals are further broken down into phylums and classes. ECHINODERMS Echinoderms are marine invertebrate animals of the phylum Echinodrmata, having external skeletons of calcareous plates just under the skin, no head, and a water vascular-system with tube feet. Echinoderms are radially symmetrical, lack specialized ecretory organs, and reproduce sexually. Echinoderms have the ability to regenerate lost or injured body parts. Starfish: Starfishes are free-living echinoderms that have a flat, star-shaped or pentagonal body, usually with a continuous disc that has five or more r .....

The Monkey
Words: 736 / Pages: 3

.... erect, and consequently their hands are freed for many manipulative tasks. Most have a short, relatively flat face without great prominence of the muzzle (excepting the baboons and drills). The hands and feet are prehensile, with, typically, five digits on each, the first (thumb and big toe) being divergent from the others. Commonly, the digits have flattened nails, but those of the marmoset are an exception. Except for the night-roaming durukuli of tropical America, monkeys are active during the day, moving frequently in bands in search of vegetation, birds' eggs, smaller animals, or insects to eat. Monkeys are highly social animals and are oft .....

Global Warming
Words: 2327 / Pages: 9

.... cause of the environmental problems that we have today. 2. Human Activity Causing the Problem The reason our Earth is getting hotter is that human activities are emitting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The radiation from the sun gets trapped in the bag of carbon dioxide that surrounds our earth. One main reason for the problem of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gases. We use these fuels to run factories, power plants, cars, trucks, buses, air conditioning and etc. The people of the earth are putting 5.5 billion tons of carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide in the air every year .....

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