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Science Essay Writing Help

Copper And Molybdenum Deposits In The United States
Words: 2613 / Pages: 10

.... 2500 B.C.) and brass (copper+zinc; 0 A.D.). The growth of copper production in the United States has been a relatively recent occurrence. North American French explorers knew of sources of native copper in the region of Lake Superior and the area natives had copper jewelry and ornamentation. Earnest copper mining began in Simsbury, Connecticut about 1709 and copper was actually exported to England after a source was discovered in New Jersey around 1719. In later times domestic copper resources did not satisfy national needs until the discovery of gold in California shifted the focus of mineral exploration westward and strikes of rich copper ores oc .....

Words: 307 / Pages: 2

.... of aluminum is increased by alloying it with other metals and elements. Aluminum is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity, it also reflects heat and light very well. Aluminum is fond in many Rocks and minerals on the earth's crust. Because aluminum is not very strong and is highly reactivate with Oxygen, water, acids, and bases it is compounded with other metals and elements to from alloys for common uses. In Society Aluminum Alloys are used in many ways because of it's light weight and versatility. As more and more ways are discovered to strengthened Aluminum with other elements more uses have also been discovered Aluminum is used in .....

Words: 874 / Pages: 4

.... in strength, and if an animal does not use an organ it deteriorates until it eventually disappears (Strickberger 22). The inheritance of acquired characteristics states that the changes that occur in animals through the principle of use and disuse are passed on to the animal's offspring (Strickberger 23). Lamarck's theory on was proven false because it incorrectly asserts that organisms can change their inheritable traits. This assertion was shown to be untrue when the theory of natural selection was conceived. The idea of natural selection was formed by both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-1800s. Unaware of each other's work .....

Adaptation Syndrome
Words: 326 / Pages: 2

.... tension (refer to appendix xxx). It is this physical reactions that characterize this early stage is the GAS model. (Author, pg#). Dr. Selye preformed most of the early work on the adaptation syndrome. His experiments in general looked at harmful stimuli on the response of the body. In an experiment, Seyle exposed a large number of rats to a refrigerated room where the temperature was near freezing,(Author pg#) “…during the first 48 hours they developed the typical manifestations of the alarm reaction. This was proved by killing ten animals at the end of the second day; all of them had large fat-free adrenals, small thymuses, and stomach ul .....

Energy Flow Systems
Words: 1419 / Pages: 6

.... with humanity. White explains how the river is energy. The Columbia River works as gravity pulls it to the Pacific Ocean. The Columbia is continuously cutting into the terrain that it flows through. Over millions of years water rushed through the Columbia Basin to form the Columbia River. Water carries soil, silt, and debris downstream. The constant movement of material in the river cuts and shapes the river basin into the land. This movement is a slow and inefficient use of energy. According to White, only two percent of water's potential energy results in the work of erosion. The other ninety-eight percent of water's energy was lo .....

Effects Of Marijuana
Words: 1053 / Pages: 4

.... types of Indian Hemp. They are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Rudderalis. These three plants vary in size and mood altering effect. The hemp plant has many uses and has been farmed for centuries. Marijuana can be taken in three ways, by eating, made into a tea, or smoking (the most popular). Smoking it can be done three ways, through a pipe, a joint, blunt. A joint is a rolled piece of paper that is twisted at the ends. A blunt is normally an emptied cigar wrapper filled with marijuana. In a blunt you can fit much more marijuana. Though a blunt isn't always purely marijuana, it can be mixed with other drugs such as .....

Words: 1285 / Pages: 5

.... in color. Diamond is the hardest gem on Mohs’ hardness scale and graphite is the softest. Diamond is very hard because of its dense packing and interlocking atomic arrangement. Graphite, on the other hand, although it is the same element, is more loosely packed and has a six-sided, layered configuration, which makes it soft (Pough, 1991). The differences between graphite and are accounted for by the conditions in which they are created. form over long periods of time, between 100 km and 200 km below the surface. At this great depth, carbon gets a chance to cool very gradually, forming diamond crystals. When volcanic eruptions occur, magma car .....

Words: 841 / Pages: 4

.... But ozone is also the main ingredient of smog, and causes serious health effects and forest and crop damage in the lower atmosphere. Ozone is formed through the chemical reaction of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen dioxide, in the atmosphere, in the presence of sunlight. This reaction is called a photochemical reaction, because sunlight is required. The product is known as smog. The notorious brownish color of smog is due to nitrogen dioxide of the mixture. Increased temperature stimulate the reaction, which is why ozone conditions are worse in the summer. It is an oxidant, meaning it takes electrons away from other molecules, and d .....

Darwinism 2
Words: 1199 / Pages: 5

.... law” which supported their actions and beliefs. Advocates manipulated the scientific doctrine to fulfill their personal needs and to justify religious beliefs, capitalism, and military conquests. Darwinism greatly impacted the scientific world purely through its specific doctrine. The enlightenment had paved the way for rational thinking and observation. People were willing to accept scientific data as fact and they were able to objectively consider theories that went against the church. Because of the story of creation, Darwinism would have been immediately rejected only a few centuries earlier. People used Darwinism as a weapon to strike at t .....

An Investigation Into Electrical Resistance
Words: 1160 / Pages: 5

.... may have a conductivity billions of times as great, or more, as the conductivity of a good insulator, such as glass or mica. Method We were set the task of investigating the factors that come into play when determining the resistance of a piece of wire. We would be provided with the necessary apparatus needed to carry out the investigations. The basic setup would involve a circuit with a set of cells connected in series with an ammeter and the piece of wire being investigated, and a voltmeter connected in parallel with the wire. The ammeter is placed in series with the wire. An ammeter has a low resistance, so that it introduces as little extra re .....

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