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Science Essay Writing Help

Lead And The Environment
Words: 871 / Pages: 4

.... low melting point, ability to block radiation, resistance to corrosion, readiness to form alloys and chemical compounds, and ease of recycling. Its versatility, as well as its physical and chemical properties, accounted for its extensive use. Lead can be rolled into sheets which can be made into rods and pipes. It can also be molded into containers and mixed with other metallic elements. Lead was used in ancient times for making coinage, art objects and water pipes. One of the first known toxic substances, lead was used by the Romans for lining aqueducts and in glazes on containers used for food and wine storage; and it is suspected to have resu .....

Animal Research
Words: 1139 / Pages: 5

.... believe that although animal experiments are sometimes intellectually seductive, they are poorly suited to addressing the urgent health problems of our era, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, AIDS and birth defects." He goes on further to say that animal experiments can not only mislead researchers but even contribute to illnesses or deaths by failing to predict any toxic effect on drugs. The majority of animals in laboratories are used for genetic manipulation, surgical intervention or injection of foreign substances. Researchers produce solutions from these animal "models" and are adapting them to human conditions. Unfortunately, these a .....

Awakenings And Tourette
Words: 991 / Pages: 4

.... illness, Leonard and those like him were often misdiagnosed and eventually placed in mental hospital facilities because of their apparent vegetative state. Doctors who worked on the earlier cases believed the patients mental faculties to have been destroyed by the illness. Dr. Sayer (Dr. Oliver Sacks in real life) discovers that certain vegetative patients reacted to outside stimuli, such as a pattern on a floor, a tossed ball, or a television with a maladjusted vertical hold. Finally, Dr. Sayer comes across Leonard as a middle-aged man, some thirty years after he was originally afflicted with the disease. After doing some tests, the doctor comes to .....

Antibiotic Resistance 2
Words: 3982 / Pages: 15

.... public health nightmare: increasing bacterial resistance to many antibiotics that once cured bacterial diseases readily. Ever since antibiotics became widely available in the 1940s, they have been hailed as miracle drugs -- magic bullets able to eliminate bacteria without doing much harm to the cells of treated individuals. Yet with each passing decade, bacteria that defy not only single but multiple antibiotics -- and therefore are extremely difficult to control -- have become increasingly common. What is more, strains of at least three bacterial species capable of causing life-threatening illnesses (Enterococcus faecalis, Mycobacterium .....

Down Syndrome
Words: 1633 / Pages: 6

.... looked like people from Mongolia, who were thought then to have an arrested development. This ethnic insult came under fire in the 1960s from Asian genetic researchers, and the term was dropped from scientific use. Instead, the condition became called "Down's syndrome." In the 1970s, an American revision of scientific terms changed it simply to "," while it still is called "Down's" in Europe. There are three main types of . The vast majority of children with (approximately 95 percent) have an extra 21 chromosome. Instead of the normal number of 46 chromosomes in each cell, the individual with has 47 chromosomes. This condition is called trisomy .....

Pollution In Eastern Europe
Words: 2530 / Pages: 10

.... Third, the future prospects of the region: what has to be done and the chances of it happening, and what has been done up to this point to indicate what the future holds. Finally, it should be pointed out at this time that the pollution that is discussed here is only related to pollution that directly harms people and the environment they live in, not pollution like carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases or other factors concerned with the global warming issue. The causes of environmental problems and the actual problems that were caused are the first subject that must be explored. Air pollution is by far the most serious pollution problem is eastern .....

Water And Its Importance
Words: 1880 / Pages: 7

.... of the best solvents. The specific heat property of water stabilizes temperature in living organisms and its high heat of vaporization regulates earth's climate. One of the most unique things about water is the fact that it expands when it freezes unlike many other liquids. Its thermal and transparent properties protect aquatic life in freezing temperatures. All of these things combined help to sustain life and keep it constantly evolving. In the next couple of pages, we are going to go into detail of how it does this. Water consists of two hydrogen atoms that are joined to one oxygen atom by covalent bonds. These bonds are polar bonds. The partial ch .....

Robert Wright's Article "The Evolution Of Despair"
Words: 825 / Pages: 3

.... isolation; whether mired for hours in a sense of life's pointlessness or beset for days by unresolved anxiety; whether deprived by long workweeks from quality time with offspring or drowning in quantity time with them – whatever the source of stress, we at times get the feeling that modern life isn't what we were designed for" (1). Everyone, at some point, has experienced the feelings that Wright describes. And with the pronoun ‘we' Wright tells his readers, ‘Yes, I have been through the same things.' This sort of statement is like a token of good will. The readers feel that Wright understands their plight and thus are more like .....

The Effect Of Concentrations Of Starch And Sugar Solutions On Synthetic Semi-Permeable Membranes
Words: 628 / Pages: 3

.... inside a beaker. Add the amount to the tube. Vortex, gradually turning the speed up. Heat in a water bath. Cool the tube. 2. Wet the dialysis tubing with the beaker of distilled water. 3. Twist one end of the tubing. 4. Fold the twisted end over on itself. 5. Tie a tight knot. Leave the extra string. 6. Insert the transfer pipette (cut off top) about one third of the way into the tubing. 7. Tie a knot securely around the transfer pipette. Leave the extra string. 8. Add two transfer pipettes (two squirts) of the Gatorade solution to the tubing. 9. Add two transfer pipettes (two squirts) of the starch solution to the tubing. 10. If you spilled an .....

Words: 822 / Pages: 3

.... member of the panthera family to be found in the Americas and its is by far the biggest cat on the continent. The range, which once spanned from the southern states of the USA down to the tip of South America, now centres on the north and central parts of the South American continent. The jaguar is predominantly a forest dweller with the highest population densities centring on the lowland rain forests of the Amazon Basin - dry woodland and grassland also serve as suitable terrain, although the cat is rarely found in areas above 8000 feet. The overall body size and coloration of the cat often relates to its location - found in dense forested areas .....

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