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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 1681 / Pages: 7

.... testing concluded that at least 1.0 parts per million of fluorine could help to prevent cavities, but more than 1.5 PPM would cause mottled tooth, so basically a little fluorine would be okay but a lot of fluorine would be bad (Behrman 182). In 1938, with this information, Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute began to promote the addition of fluoride to public water systems, claiming that it would reduce tooth decay, however there were two major obstacles in his path, The American Medical Association, and The American Dental Association. Both associations wrote articles in their journals about the dangers of fluoridation of water supplies. The .....

Creation VS. Evolution
Words: 1409 / Pages: 6

.... are exaggerated and foolish. Creationists will pick one scientific theory and do everything they can to point out it's flaws, disregarding what they can't prove wrong. They will often use emotions to control the public to their side. They spend their time trying to discover false evolution rather than teaching their beliefs to the general public. The theory of evolution removes humans from the center of the universe, and religious followers can't believe that their God, who created us in his image (Bible, 2), would allow that. The creationist arguments can be summed up in one example from the Morris -Parker book. They state "Evolution is claimed to .....

Nuclear Energy 2
Words: 2921 / Pages: 11

.... the reactor core there is a 5 foot thick lead plate and above that there is a meter thick floor composed of iron, barium, serpentine, concrete, and stone. The exploding steam fires the floor up like shrapnel. The metal plate goes through the four foot thick concrete roof like butter and reaches and altitude of sixty meters. You can hear ripping, rending, wrenching, screeching, scraping, tearing sounds of a vast machine breaking apart. L. Ray Silver, a leading author who covered the disaster at Chernobyl, said that within the core, steam reacts with zirconium to produce that first explosive in nature’s arsenal, hydrogen. Near-molten fuel fragmen .....

Words: 834 / Pages: 4

.... the moons of Jupiter as means of determining . He theorized that could be found by the position of the moon and select stars. At the time, Dr. Edmond Halley proved this theory wrong. After many observations, Halley concluded that the moon’s rate of revolution around the earth was accelerating overtime. John Harrison was a simple clockmaker and a self-educated person who was accredited for finding by means of a timekeeper. John built his first pendulum watch in 1713. It was constructed entirely out of wood. Harrison called his first sea clock Harrison’s No. 1 or H-1 for short. H-1 was bar-shaped, built out of shinny brass, and .....

PCR And Its Use
Words: 773 / Pages: 3

.... the Nobel prize for inventing the technique. This is how they go about doing this: They first get their small DNA sample. Then they mix all the chemicals (this includes the primer, etc). Then they have to run it through the PCR machine. Here is a (rather detailed) description of the process: "The cycling protocol consisted of 25-30 cycles of three- temperatures: strand denaturation at 95degC, primer annealing at 55degC, and primer extension at 72deg C, typically 30 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds for the DNA Thermal Cycler and 4 seconds, 10 seconds, and 60 seconds for the Thermal Cycler 9600, respectively." Basically, that means that t .....

Ocean Environment
Words: 2944 / Pages: 11

.... study of oceans was named oceanography. Density, salinity, and temperature are very important concepts in the study of oceanography. The salinity and temperature of the water influence its density, and the differences in density are the major factor in understanding the formation of currents and the positions of water masses in the sea. In addition, temperature and salinity play major roles in influencing the distribution of plants and animals. The sediments of the sea floor may be divided into lithogenous, hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous sediments. Lithogenous sediments are the major sediments on the ocean floor. They are derived from .....

Kawasaki Disease
Words: 2118 / Pages: 8

.... and under. As shown in Figure 1, those affected are children usually age four or less. The graph of Figure 1 clearly shows that there is the greatest percentage of those diagnosed at the age of three or less. is very rare over the age of ten and any time that it is diagnosed to a patient above that age it should be interpreted with suspicion. The diagnosis may not be completely accurate because there is still as of yet no definitive way to test for , only the doctor’s interpretation of the symptoms. In the United States approximately three thousand patients will be hospitalized for every year. Even with the amount of cases and the time being s .....

Organic Compounds
Words: 1100 / Pages: 4

.... (pg.579, Smoot, Price, and Smith, Merill Chemistry) The largest group of organic compounds are the hydrocarbons. These compounds are composed only of carbon and hydrogen. Almost all other organic compounds can be considered as derivatives of the hydrocarbons. If the carbon atoms are linked in chains, the compounds are called aliphatic compounds. If the atoms are linked in rings, the compounds are called cyclic compounds. (pg.581, ...ibid...) (Biology Pamphlet) In terms of naming organic compounds the number of carbon-carbon chains are named using the prefixes below: meth- 1 carbon eth- 2 prop- 3 b .....

Hereditary Colon Cancer
Words: 979 / Pages: 4

.... develop hundreds or even thousands of colon polyps. These polyps are developed at a very young age, Some people have been known to be as young as 13years of age. Most colon polyps are benign but some become cancerous. Most FAP patients develop cancer by the age of 39. Another form of hereditary cancer is Hereditary Non-Polyposis (HNPCC). HNPCC accounts for five to ten percent of all cases. HNPCC develops also at a young age but not as young as FAP patients. The actual cancer appears in the persons 40's. HNPCC is known as a "fast growing" form of cancer. Along with colon cancer HNPCC patients are also at a much higher risk for other forms of .....

Solutions Around You
Words: 543 / Pages: 2

.... The particles in a solution are very small. In fact, they are atoms, molecules, or ions, which is why you cannot see them. The particles in a solution are evenly disturbed, or intermingled informally on a molecular level. A small sample of one part of a solution. The particles in a solution will not separate no matter how long the solution is allowed to stand under constant conditions. In a solution, one substance is usually considered to be dissolved, or broken down in another. The substance that is dissolved is called the solute. The substance that does the dissolving is the solvent. Not every substance dissolves in every other subs .....

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