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Science Essay Writing Help

Global Warming ------
Words: 847 / Pages: 4

.... There have been dramatic fluctuations in overall average temperature for the past 150,000 years that are a direct association with carbon dioxide levels. In the past the temperature highs and lows have been the same with carbon dioxide level highs and lows, this does not seem to be a mere coincidence. Carbon dioxide currently accounts for 0.03% of the gas content within the atmosphere. However, it has a adverse impact on the earth's temperature. Thus, minor fluctuations in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide will likely have a significant effect on the global temperature. The percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen over the .....

Words: 657 / Pages: 3

.... stone to a metal and it would transform into the metal the alchemists wanted. Many alchemists would spend there whole lives searching for the substance that would start the transmutation that would make them rich, also many alchemists were hired by lords and noblemen who wanted to know the secret so they could become wealthier then they already were. Basically they saw easy money and would waste their lives and money to find out how to get it. There was another side to alchemy them just changing lead into gold, people not only wanted to be rich but they also wanted to live forever. The Elixir was the substance that would extend the life of the u .....

Moon Expoloration
Words: 538 / Pages: 2

.... Command Module and the Service Module also called the CSM. It was 34ft. long and 10ft. in diameter at the end. It had a major advantage with its internal guidence system, that was developed by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The CSM was made of two parts. The crew stayed in the Command Module, which had some couches and was pressurized with oxygen. Behind the CM was the SM or Service Module which had the main engine, which had 21,500lb. of thrust. The reaction control system , oxygen, fuel cells, hydrogen tanks, and envirnmental control systems. The main engine was only used for changes in course and changes in orbit and escape fro .....

Words: 936 / Pages: 4

.... far lower than theoretically possible values. In 1965, scientists at Du Pont discovered a new method of producing an almost perfect polymer chain extension. The polymer poly-p-benzamide was found to form liquid crystalline solutions due to the repetitiveness of its molecular backbone. The key for the structural requirement for the backbone is para orientation on the benzene ring, which allowed for rod-like molecular structures. This technology was used when Du Pont released aramid fiber in 1971. What is it? Kevlar is an aramid, a term invented as an abbreviation for aromatic polyamide. The chemical composition of Kevlar is poly para-phenylenetere .....

The Aftermath Of Hurricane Mitch
Words: 382 / Pages: 2

.... epic floodwaters. Workers hack and chip at the mud with shovels and pickaxes, and an endless procession of shopowners scurry between their gutted businesses and the river in a desperate attempt to wash and salvage their goods. A muddy valley runs past the Central Prison, where some of the incarcerated swam to freedom as Mitch's floodwaters rose and propelled them over the walls. Hundreds of homes, streets, and businesses were washed away, and those that remained standing found themselves anchored beneath several feet of mud and debris. In some places, the stench is overpowering. The smell from intermingled garbage, rotting food, ranci .....

Words: 827 / Pages: 4

.... called major . Major is a mood disorder characterized by extreme and persistent feelings of despondency, worthlessness, and hopelessness causing impaired emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and physical functioning (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 1998). Major affects about 12 million American a year (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 1998). Individuals who suffer from this form of is overwhelmingly sad. Often, sadness is accompanied by feelings of quilt, worthlessness, inadequacy, emptiness, and hopelessness, even though these individuals are surrounded by friends and family, they feel along and disconnected from others (A. Schwartz, & R.M. Schwartz, 1993). S .....

Cardiovascular Disease
Words: 2198 / Pages: 8

.... to 30 minutes, five times a week also has been found to improve health. In fact, high levels of exercise increase the risk of injuries (Edlin p.130 ). If you exercise regularly, your overall risk of a heart attack is about 50 percent less than if you are inactive and out of shape. With routine exercise you can reach a level of physical fitness comparable to an active person ten to twenty years younger. Regular exercise may also lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of diabetes. Exercise increases the size of coronary arteries and reduce clogging due to atherosclerosis. Exercise also increases the efficiency of your blood's .....

Effects Of Smoking
Words: 464 / Pages: 2

.... in cigarettes just like a junkie is addicted to heroin or cocaine. When a person smokes a cigarette the body reacts immediately to the chemical nicotine. Nicotine begins to effect a smoker’s blood pressure, the flow of blood from their heart, the heart beat and breathing rate. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide, the same poisonous gases released from a car exhaust pipe. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless, highly toxic gas that reduces the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry. Combined with the effects produced by the nicotine, it creates an imbalance in the demand for oxygen by the cells and the amount .....

Aggression As A Mental Disorder In Canines
Words: 692 / Pages: 3

.... competition over resources and self protection (Dodman 23). Dominance-related aggression is usually directed toward those who reside with the dog which makes affected dogs difficult to live with (Horwitz 42). According to Dodman, traditional treatments of dominance-related aggression include an increase in exercise, brushing up on obedience training, and ceasing to engage in any rough play or wrestling (35) . More recently, however, drugs such as Prozac have been used as treatment. Dodman says that Prozac is,"...extremely effective at curtailing dominance-related aggression...enabling owners to quickly gain the upper hand,"(34). Another type of .....

Gold 2
Words: 732 / Pages: 3

.... – 118 ? Classification – Transition Metal ? Crystal Structure – Cubic Facts: ? Date of Discovery – Circa 3000 BC ? Discover – Unknown ? Name of Origin – From the Old English word geolo (yellow) ? Symbol Origin – From the Latin word aurum (gold) ? Uses – electronics, jewelry, coins ? Obtained From – crust of the earth, copper ores Atomic and Chemical Properties: In it’s usual state – atomic mass number 197 – gold is stable. However, there are radioactive (unstable) isotopes of mass number 186 to 196 and 198 to 203. Gold normally exhibits a chemical valence of one or .....

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