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Science Essay Writing Help

Simple Machines
Words: 586 / Pages: 3

.... Machines are used in everyday life just to make things easier. You use many machines in a day that you might take for granted. For example a simple ordinary broom is a machine. It is a form of a lever. Our country or world would never be this evolved if it wasn't for machine. Almost every thing we do has a machine involved. We use machines to manufacture goods, for transportation, ect. In the W=F*d equation the trade of between force and distance is as you use a machine the force goes down and distance goes up. If there was no friction they would be equal and trade. There are six simple machines. They are a lever, pulleys, inclined plain, w .....

Aedies Aegypti
Words: 933 / Pages: 4

.... it’s geographic distribution is extremely wide and varied. The Aedes aegypti, with regard to both sexes, are generally similar in coloration (Womack 1993). The female adult is noticed by it’s small dark figure that is colored by white markings and banded legs. Its proboscis or snout is mostly black with regard to the white palp tips (Russel 1996). The dorsal pattern of white scales on the scutum is in the shape of a ‘lyre’ with two central based stripes that contrast with the dark scales present on the insect (Womack 1993, Russel 1996). Its wings are dark scaled and femur and hind legs are pale scaled for about three-quarters, .....

Eucalyptus Trees
Words: 338 / Pages: 2

.... in height. Around Sydney Harbour, blackbutts once grew as big as a large lounge room Eucalypts seem to be able to grow anywhere. They are found springing out of large cracks in rocks, growing at the edge of sandy dunes in the full force of sea gales, and bent and twisted at the edge of the snow line in the Alps. They are also found in other parts of the world from Ethiopia to Ecuador, from California to Israel. Where eucalypts grow is determined by many environmental factors such as soil type, amount of water, wind direction, the direction the tree is facing and whether there is frost. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EUCALYPT Eucalypt oil is used for co .....

Killer Bees
Words: 496 / Pages: 2

.... Texas to New Mexico and Arizona and then into California by 1994. The bees reached an apparent climatic limit to their southern range in the middle of Argentina, and their range is expected to be similarly limited to the southern and coastal states in the United States. They have hybridized to some extent with resident wild and hive populations of European honeybees. However, many of the basic African honeybee traits remain, including rapid population growth, frequent swarming, minimal hoarding of honey, the ability to survive on sparse supplies of pollen and nectar, and a highly defensive nature. Africanized honeybees are more difficult to manage .....

Words: 1226 / Pages: 5

.... theories of the universe say that there is no such thing as a negative mass. The second and more subtle mistake is the idea that anti-water would only annihilate with ordinary water, and could safety be kept in (say) an iron container. This is not so: it is the subatomic particles that react so destructively, and their arrangement makes no difference. Scientists at CERN in Geneva are working on a device called the LEAR (low energy anti-proton ring) in an attempt to slow the velocity of the anti-protons to a billionth of their normal speeds. The slowing of the anti-protons and positrons, which normally travel .....

Nuclear Weapons
Words: 955 / Pages: 4

.... energy and two or more neutrons. Each of these neutrons has enough energy to split another heavy nucleus, allowing the process to repeat itself. This is the chain reaction that makes nuclear weapons possible. In a fusion nuclear device such as a hydrogen bomb, lightweight nuclei are forced to fuse at very high temperatures into heavier nuclei, releasing energy and a neutron. In order to squeeze the two nuclei together, an atomic fission bomb is usually used. A fusion reaction releases about four times more energy per unit mass than a fission reaction. The United States supervised the development of the atomic bomb under the code name Manha .....

Depression 2
Words: 1454 / Pages: 6

.... degree (Salmans 75). Finally, in 1970, they saw depression as a disorder in young peoples (Stewart 8). Even babies can become depressed if they’re neglected. Many young people that suffer from depression turn to suicide. 5,000 young people take their lives each year (Stewart 9). The rate of suicide dealing with teenagers, 15-19, has tripled in the past 30 years (Salmans 40). Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among older teens (Stewart 9). Depression isn’t the only reason for suicide though. Depression has many effects on a person, both physically and mentally. Restlessness, irritability, frequent crying, and change in behavior .....

Research And Patterns Of Thinking
Words: 422 / Pages: 2

.... researching, as there are so many to choose from. I also wasn't real sure of where to begin. I decided to begin with location and money, which are important when deciding a college. Next I decided to visit the few I singled out which greatly helped me choose this for my education. Next I had to perform and even harder task, choosing a major. It's very difficult to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life in just a short time. I had the plans of working in the woods, so I talked with some friends who work with wildlife conservation and they told me parks and recreation was the way to go. After this strenuous research, I was very .....

The Effects Of Foreign Species Introduction On An Ecosystem
Words: 643 / Pages: 3

.... same amount of life. If one species hogs the food and does not contribute itself to the food chain, the balance is disrupted and there will be less available for the native species. Once the new species has found its ecological niche however, balance begins to restore itself. When the biodiversity in the ecosystem is reduced, the ability of the ecosystem to grow, or the biotic potential, is as well reduced. More species residing in an ecosystem which depend on each other allows for a greater chance of survival and perpetuation. This may occur for several reasons, for example a bee and a flower. The bee requires the pollen of the flower to make it .....

Words: 640 / Pages: 3

.... deriving from their word plata, meaning silver. The ore, called native platinum, usually occurs in beds of gold-bearing sand. Miners call it white gold. Native platinum contains from 60 to 85 percent pure platinum. The small, irregular grains that contain the ore also contain other rare metals, such as iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, and ruthenium. The grains also contain small amounts of iron, copper, chromium, and titanium. A large nugget of platinum will be found only on occasion, like in 1843, a lump weighing over 21 pounds was found in Russia. Russia produces the worlds largest share of platinum-group metals. Other important sour .....

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