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Science Essay Writing Help

Depression 3
Words: 556 / Pages: 3

.... stressful incident. This has been termed by psychologists as first depressive episode. Possible causes include the death of a loved one, an abortion or miscarriage, a move to a new home or job, the end of an important relationship, financial problems, a chronic illness, or any other traumatic event. For many people, these incidents produce a mild to moderate case of the blues. They feel "down" for a while, but they are able to continue functioning and performing everyday tasks. Although these people may experience the chemical imbalance that is the hallmark of depression, the brain abnormality typically corrects itself within a few weeks. .....

Chlamydial Infection
Words: 753 / Pages: 3

.... abnormal genital discharge or pain during urination. These early symptoms may be mild. If symptoms occur, they usually appear within one or three weeks after exposure. Two of every three infected women and one or two of every four infected men have no symptoms whatsoever. As a result, often the disease may not be diagnosed and treated until complications develop. Doctors estimate that, in women, one third of the s result in PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). Often these infections are not diagnosed until PID or other complications develop. In men, rarely, s may lead to pain or swelling in the scrotal area, which is a sign of epididymitis, a .....

Words: 974 / Pages: 4

.... integral inventors of the satellite. He was born on October 5, 1882. He earned his Masters and Doctoral degree in Physics at Clark University. He conducted research on improving solid- propellant rockets. He is known best for firing the world's first successful liquid-propellant rocket on March 16, 1926. This was a simple pressure-fed rocket that burned gasoline and liquid oxygen. It traveled only 56m (184 ft) but proved to the world that the principle was valid. Gossard Died August 10, 1945. Gossard did not work alone, he was also in partnership with a Russian theorist named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Tsiolkovsky was born on September 7, 1857. As a chi .....

Acid Rain
Words: 795 / Pages: 3

.... it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, or even decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers and lakes like the river Tovdal in Norway had not yet begun to die. However by 1976 local inspectors were noticing that many of the lakes were beginning to show signs of death. Fish were found dead along the banks of many rivers. As the winters ice began to melt off more and more hundreds upon hundreds more dead fish were being found. As scientists continued to wor .....

Words: 359 / Pages: 2

.... did in fact go straight through the foil, some of them were deflected at large angles. Rutherford concluded that the deflections of the alpha particles were caused by a center of positive charge that contained most of the atom's mass (the nucleus). He also explained that the particles that went straight through the foil did so because the atom is mostly empty space and that the distance between electrons and the nucleus is vast compared to the size of the nucleus itself. In 1919, he discovered the "artificial disintegration" of nitrogen. His experiments show that under alpha radiation, nitrogen is decomposed and hydrogen is formed. Rutherfor .....

Hubble Space
Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... what and where they are. We are still finding new frontiers," says Rodger I. Thompson of the University of Arizona in Tucson. "This is just our first tentative glimpse into the very remote universe," says Alan Dressler of the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, CA. "What we see may be the first stages of galaxy formation. But the objects are so faint that their true nature can only be explored with the advanced telescopes of the future." "This observation is a major step toward fulfilling one of Hubble's key objectives: to search for the faintest and farthest objects in the universe," adds Ed Weiler, NASA's acting Associate Administrator for Space S .....

Mans Effect On The Environment
Words: 2105 / Pages: 8

.... 80% of the waste which is pumped into the sea each year is produced by dredging, 10% is industrial waste and 10% is sewage. Some of the consiquences due to this are :- presence of toxic substances and the rapid uptake of contaminants by marine organisms to name but a few. Oil spillages either by tankers or offshore ridges cause devistating effects on the local environments. Oil is extremely dense which means it floats on top of the water and can kill fish and birds, ruin beaches but nothing as yet has been invented to deal with this major problem. Dangerous metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead are also dumped into the sea. All of these exam .....

Carbon Dioxide
Words: 662 / Pages: 3

.... procedure is repeated over and over and a natural balance is obtained. However this natural balance is disrupted by human activity. People of the world are putting more than 5.5 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. 75% of this is caused from the burning of fossil fuels. These fuels are burnt all the time to run factories, power plants and vehicles. The main sources of CO2 emissions are electric utilities, residential buildings, industry and transportation. The other 25% is induced by the destruction of the world's forests. The reason for this is that there are less trees and plants to take in the CO2 but there is just as many, if .....

Words: 9024 / Pages: 33

.... VARIATION AND SPECIATION .......................... 35 DARWIN'S FINCHES .......................................... 37 SPECIATION vs. CONVERGENT EVOLUTION ....................... 39 CONCEPT OF ADAPTATION ..................................... 41 PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM .................................... 43 VALUE/LIMITATIONS: THE THEORY OF BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION .... 45 ALTERNATE EXPLANATIONS OF BEING ........................... 47 CONCLUSIONS ............................................... 48 INTRODUCTION Theories explaining biological evolution have been bandied about since the ancient Greeks, but it was not u .....

Natural Disasters
Words: 2589 / Pages: 10

.... the United States. There are many reasons why I chose to use this variable. The main reason is I couldn't think of another topic that fit into e veryone's lives and had an effect on everyone. The hurricane year is broken up into two seasons. They are referred to as early season and late season. The early season starts June first and runs to September 10. The late season starts on September 10 and runs to the end of November. The date of September 10 is the midway point between the two seasons. This is the date that separates early season from late season. This leads me to what my research was about. I am writing about the differences between early .....

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