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Science Essay Writing Help

Words: 914 / Pages: 4

.... 1997). So it is unknown who discovered gold. Gold has the best working qualities of any metal. It is an unusual metal in its color, Luster, malleability and it can with stand corrosion. "By at least the fourth millennium BC, gold was found through both placer and vein(lode) mining and by the time of the early cultures from which modern civilization is descended the search for gold was wide spread"(Green 1968). Gold is mainly extracted through mining. It is mainly found in tiny flakes or sands but sometimes is found in nuggets. The largest nugget ever found weighed eight kilograms. "Gold deposits are usually classified as lode, place .....

Why We Have Seasons
Words: 773 / Pages: 3

.... means that the sun is an equal distance from the north and south poles. At this time both hemispheres have the same amount of sun as the sun makes its way north. Before the vernal equinox the sun hits the northern surface at an angle instead of hitting it directly. By hitting the earth's surface at an angle there is not as much radiation warming the surface. As the earth rotates and the sun moves further north the temperature increases and the weather turns warmer. During the three months of spring the sun continues to move north and warming the earth more efficiently. At around June 21st the sun is directly facing the tropic of cancer. At th .....

Genetic Engineering
Words: 750 / Pages: 3

.... engineered to be resistant to herbicides. Insects are being genetically engineered to attack crop predators. Wald noted that research is ongoing in growing agricultural products directly in the laboratory using genetically engineered bacteria. Genetically engineered animals are being developed as living factories for the production of pharmaceuticals and as sources of organs for transplantation into humans in the United States and abroad. Fish are being genetically engineered to grow larger and at a faster rate. According to U.S. News and World Report, many pharmaceutical drugs, including insulin, are already genetically engineered in the lab .....

Collisions Of Two Objects
Words: 217 / Pages: 1

.... of linear momentum, which says the total momentum of an isolated system is the table and the balls, and the law then implies that the total momentum of the balls just before they collide is the total momentum just after the collision. Therefore if the masses of two colliding objects are known, the velocity and the velocity of the other before the collision, you can calculate the final velocity of this second object after it has collided. To obtain an exact answer however, we must find out what type of collision takes place, whether it is elastic or not elastic. The type of collision is characterized by what is called the coefficient .....

Drinking Water Contamination
Words: 4200 / Pages: 16

.... Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the EPA advised that people with weakened immune systems should consult with their doctors and consider boiling their drinking water to kill any cryptosporidium.[2] This is just the tip of the iceberg. Some scientists believe that for every outbreak reported in the United States, another ten may be occurring.[3] One such study found that as many as one in three gastrointestinal illnesses — often chalked up to "stomach flu" — are caused by drinking water contaminated with microorganisms.[4] Such microbial-related outbreaks say nothing about the many other hazards borne by our nation's water supply. Researchers .....

Quantum Computing
Words: 2038 / Pages: 8

.... to much more than a theory of atomic and subatomic processes, it represents nothing less than a complete transformation of our world view. "Its [quantum physics] implications for the nature of reality and the relationship between observer and observed are both subtle and profound. (Barenco)" A description of the world in which an object can apparently be in more than one place at the same time, in which a particle can penetrate a barrier without breaking it, in which something can be both a wave and a particle, and in which widely separated particles can cooperate in an almost psychic fashion, is bound to be both thrilling and bemusing. Niels .....

Words: 1215 / Pages: 5

.... also another option, however, less convenient; laptops are being used by millions of people everyday, so with a CD-ROM drive and a antenna, you can hook up your laptop to your car with an antenna and have the same results as the ones that come with cars. Just because we have these in our cars however, doesn't mean that we won't get lost, but it is more difficult to get lost, and it's definetly easier to find your way around if you do get lost. When get in your car, all you have to do is type in your destination and the computer will show you where your destination is, aswell as how to get there and the easiest and fastest way to get there. These sy .....

Words: 1858 / Pages: 7

.... during atmospheric formation (Environment Canada, 1996). Ozone, however, is very rare even in the ozone layer. Oxygen makes up approximately twenty percent of air and ozone makes up only 3 x 10-5 percent of air. Furthermore, this minuscule amount of ozone is enough to protect the earth from most ultraviolet light. Ozone prevents most UV-B radiation from reaching the surface of the earth (Environment Canada, 1996). Ozone is very important to life on earth because the harmfulness of high-energy UV-B radiation stems from the high energy of these light rays, enabling them to penetrate deeply into water, plant tissue and epidermal tissue of animal .....

Lift, Weight, Thrust And Drag
Words: 730 / Pages: 3

.... is in a state of equilibrium. If the other aerodynamic factors remain constant, that airplane neither gains nor loses altitude. When an airplane is stationary on the ramp, it is also in equilibrium, but the aerodynamic forces are not a factor. In calm wind conditions, the atmosphere exerts equal pressure on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. Movement of air about the airplane, particularly the wing, is necessary before the aerodynamic force of lift becomes effective. During flight, however, pressures on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are not the same. Although several factors contribute to this difference, the shape of the wing .....

Words: 1146 / Pages: 5

.... caves within the bowels of the earth and severe shocks were by gales that found their way into great subterranean caverns" (Matthys 87). However, with modern technology we found that what actually causes is tectonic plates which on average move only two inches per year they are driven by convection currents which is the upward movement of heated particles rising from the earth's molten core. As the plates are driven against each other one will try to and eventually will slip underneath the other. When plates move quickly an earthquake is the result. Before the availability of instruments capable of a quantitative measure of their magnitude, were .....

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