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Science Essay Writing Help

Celiac Sprue Disease
Words: 1518 / Pages: 6

.... characterized by signs and symptoms of malabsorption, such as diarrhea and weight loss caused by eating grains. The term "gluten-sensitive enteropathy" more correctly defines the clinical pathologic disease caused by an immune-mediated sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in many cereal grains, principally wheat, barley, rye, and to a lesser degree oats. Most nutritionists agree that gluten is not present in rice, white or sweet potatoes, and corn. Over 100 years ago a British physician named Samuel Gee described the "coeliac affection." Dr. Gee observed the syndrome in people of all ages, but especially in children who had chronic diarrhea, .....

Chrones Disease
Words: 1400 / Pages: 6

.... intestine, the ileum. Inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and rectum is caused by Ulcerative Colitis, while Crohn's disease is an inflammation that extends into the deeper layers of the intestinal wall. Crohn's disease can also affect the also affect the colon, the regional lymph nodes, and the mesentery (outside covering of the intestines). The disease can be aggravated by a bacterial infection. It begins with the development of patches of inflammation on the intestinal wall, which can spread from one part of the digestive tract to another. It sometimes only develops in one place and does not spread any further. The inflammation cau .....

Mechanical Energy
Words: 493 / Pages: 2

.... stored energy as heat. We recognize this process as burning. The individual relies on food for fuel which contains energy©giving substances that our bodies can store until we need this energy to use our muscles. When we do use our muscles within us, we may not always be sure that heat is given off. Our bodies do not burst into flames but the perspiration on our skin is a clue to what is happening. The movement of the windsurfer has a different explanation. The windsurfer is propelled along by a sail which collects mechanical energy from the winds that sweep along the water. This energy has been produced by the sun which warms the eart .....

Renewables, The Energy Source For America’s Future
Words: 1078 / Pages: 4

.... readily available. The increased use of renewable energy, mainly wind and solar energy, and reduction of dependence on oil is the best way to solve our current energy dilemma. For the past fifty years, fossil fuels have been the main source of energy in the U.S. They are a great source of power, but unfortunately they also have many setbacks. The finite reserves of fossil fuels are being depleted at a rate one hundred thousand times faster than they are being formed. As supplies decrease we become more and more dependent on the Middle Eastern countries for our supplies of oil, recently, fifty-two percent of imported oil came from such countr .....

Geology Fo Mars
Words: 1330 / Pages: 5

.... The surface of Mars is varied greatly between north and south. This has been largely attributed to volcanism and erosion. Mars is similar to our moon in the southern hemisphere. This region is referred to as the “Highlands” of Mars. The area is pitted with numerous craters that reach between one to four km above the datum. Ejecta from the impact scatter around the crater making a rim like structure. The northern hemisphere is very low compared to the southern hemisphere. In the north the ground level rarely reaches above one km below the datum. This stark contrast between north and south is thought to have happened 3 Gyr ago. .....

Endangered Species 3
Words: 2194 / Pages: 8

.... Ferret almost face extinction. Here is a list of endangered animals:Bottle Dolphin, Peacock, Wolf, Emperor Penguin, Koala, Reticulated Giraffe, Snowy Owl, and unfortunately hunderds of more. The death of these animals each year are all different and sometimes so simple. There are two different kinds of causes that drastically cut Down the number of these endangered species: Direct Causes Direct Causes is when the animals are purposely hunted, trapped, fished, whaled, or seled to extinction. Hunting for sport has been responsible for endangering such animals as the Polar Bear and the Siberian Tiger. But the endangerment of most species that a .....

AIDS: Is It A Modern Plague?
Words: 924 / Pages: 4

.... these forms is the virus. Some viruses, such as the common flu, are considered to have a fairly detrimental capacity. The flu can incapacitate a human for several weeks with various symptoms such as bodily soreness, fever, bronchial complications, and even pneumonia. But while these conditions can be painful and frightening, we are usually confident that proper medication and rest will take care of the matter. However there is a much more severe and indiscriminate tyrant, with enormous corrupting influence, capable of infiltrating all of civilization. Scientifically, it is a submicroscopic pathogen consisting of a particle of nucleic acid, enclosed in .....

Words: 722 / Pages: 3

.... family member of one, or has been the victim of an alcohol related crime. In spite of the dangers alcohol presents,it is still in countless social cirles. Alcohol penetraes all ages, educational, occupational, and socioeconomical boundaries. Each year it is estimated that ten percent of all deaths are related to alcohol abuse. Am astonishing fifty percent of all major automobile accidents, and murders are associated with alcohol. On and on the statistics point to the enormous dangers of alcohol, yet it is a legalized drug. As bleak as this problems seems to be on society as a whole, it is also rueful for the poor soul who is alcohol dependent. T .....

Words: 688 / Pages: 3

.... the problem of there are a few simple things one should do to keep the case mild. First you should treat the early. The longer a person waits the worse the problem can get. Scarring may appear if one waits too long to take car of their situation. Once a pimple in noticed, don't squeeze or scratch at it. This will help illuminate the spread of more pimples and scarring. Your hands carry many bacteria that will help to spread infection. This is not a good thing to do (Facts 2). When using cosmetics it is best to stay away from nonwater-based products and products that are rich in oils. These cosmetics will block the pores and trap the oils .....

Ants, Little But Mighty
Words: 1728 / Pages: 7

.... a spot to start a new ant colony. After making a nest, the young queen ant seals off the entrance and begins to lay eggs. Some of the first batch are eaten by the queen for nourishment. When the surviving eggs hatch they become like larvae. After a few weeks each larva spins a cocoon around itself and pupates. In a few more weeks, adult workers emerge. It is their job to hunt for food and make the nest bigger. More workers will develop and the colony gets very organized. The new workers will completely take over as caretakers of the eggs, larvae, and pupae. Now the queens only duty is to lay more and more eggs, thousands of them in .....

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