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Science Essay Writing Help

Thoeries Of Evolution
Words: 1798 / Pages: 7

.... Lamarck believed that environmental changes evoked in individual animals direct adaptive responses that could be passed on to their offspring as inheritable traits. This generalized hypothesis of evolution by acquired characteristics was not tested scientifically during Lamarck's lifetime. A successful explanation of evolutionary processes was proposed by Charles Darwin. His most famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859), is a landmark in human understanding of nature. Pointing to variability within species, Darwin observed that while offspring inherit a resemblance to their parents, they are not ide .....

Greenhouse Gases And Consequences
Words: 1452 / Pages: 6

.... This absorption of heat warms up the atmosphere, which in turn radiates some of the heat back to the earth. Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), chloroflurocarbons (CFCs), Ozone (O3), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). It all seems very straightforward: greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat, warming the planet sufficiently for life to exist. There is, however, one problem: human activity has dramatically increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Over the last two centuries the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased quite significantly, mainly as a result of burning fossil fuels .....

Asymmetric Epoxidation Of Dihydronaphthalene With A Synthesized Jacobsen's Catalyst
Words: 2135 / Pages: 8

.... of unfunctionalized alkenes, providing enantiomeric excesses that regularly reaching 90% and sometimes exceeding 98% . The chiral manganese complex Jacobsen utilized was [(R,R)-N,N'-Bis(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2- cyclohexanediaminato-(2-)]-manganese (III) chloride (Jacobsen's Catalyst). (R,R) Jacobsen's Catalyst Jacobsen's catalyst opens up short pathways to enantiomerically pure pharmacological and industrial products via the synthetically versatile epoxy function . In this paper, a synthesis of Jacobsen's catalyst is performed (Scheme 1). The synthesized catalyst is then reacted with an unfunctional alkene (dihydronaphthalen .....

Discoveries Of Scientists Of The "Age Of Reason"
Words: 516 / Pages: 2

.... Thus, he composed the theory, which led to great controversial book "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres" in which the church was greatly angered. While Copernicus's book was not a revolutionary book, it was, however, a catalyst to make other minds ponder the new Heliocentric theory. After Copernicus's death there were three other scientists which helped credit the Heliocentric theory. Tycho Brahe was the first, he played with the idea that the planets all revolved around the sun, but the sun instead revolved around the Earth(still Geocentric). After Brahe's death Johannes Kepler took the notes and data that Brahe had taken. K .....

Future Of Radio And The Internet
Words: 942 / Pages: 4

.... Once in this form, it can be modified in any way without any degradation of the original sound. One can make copies of copies with digital audio, and the hundredth will be exactly like the first. The great advantage of digital audio with respect to radio is the possibility of listener interactivity. Currently, any interactivity is limited by the inability of the individual talk to the other end of a radio transmission chain. When one switches stations on our radio, there is no interaction, we are simply selecting from a series of predefined options, just like changing channels on television. If you switch from one station to another, none of the .....

Water Pollution
Words: 1517 / Pages: 6

.... beach clean-up. Volunteers collected over 7 million pieces of trash.1 The worst offenders are commercial ships. The world fleet of commercial boats dump over 5,550,000 plastic, metal, and glass containers into the ocean in a single day.2 The most harmful of these is plastic. Sea mammals such as birds and dolphins often get tangled in the plastic six-pack rings, fishing lines, and net that humans discard into the ocean waters. Once entangled, they are unable to free themselves which can cause deep cuts, starvation, and drowning. Many ocean mammals have died as a result of ingesting these plastic items. In 1985, a sperm whale beached itself on a N .....

Words: 849 / Pages: 4

.... sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group that is joined to one end of the sugar molecule, and one of several different nitrogenous bases linked to the opposite end of the deoxyribose. DNA has two specific functions: to provide foe protein synthesis, and hence the growth and development of the organism and to furnish all descendants with protein-synthesis and hence the growth and development of the organism. So all living things on plant Earth contains the genetic material DNA and the structure of a DNA molecule or combination of DNA molecules determines the shape, form, and function of the offspring. 2)The term "genetic technology"(or genetic .....

Words: 987 / Pages: 4

.... Tomography”. It is a way of looking inside your body using a special camera. It is an advanced scanning x-ray and computer system that makes detailed pictures of horizontal cross-sections of the body, or the part of the body that is x-rayed. A CT scan is a diagnostic test that combines the use of x-ray with computer technology. A series of x-beams from many different angles are used to get these cross-sectional images of the patient’s body. In a computer, these pictures are assembled into a 3-dimentianal picture that can display organs, tissues, bones, and any such thing. It can even show ducts, blood vessels and tumors. One of the advantages .....

Adrenal Gland
Words: 1019 / Pages: 4

.... by binding adrenergic receptors in the hormone releasing cells of the pancreas. Epinephrine is called the “fight” or “flight” hormone. The actions of epinephrine and norepinephrine are generally similar, although they differ from each other in their effects. Norepinephrine constricts almost all blood vessels. Norepinephrine is formed by intravenous infusion to combat the fall in blood pressure associated with types of shock. Norepinephrine is formed in the body from the amino acid tyrosine, and epinephrine is formed from norepinephrine. Mineralocorticoids steroids control the overall body fluid. Mineralocorticoids are critical to regulate .....

Human Cloning -
Words: 1292 / Pages: 5

.... are vast indeed, but research in the area has been dramatically restricted in the United States and in some other countries. Pro-life groups that oppose free access to abortion have considerable political power, and were able to have all human embryo research banned by the Reagan and Bush administrations in most of the 1980’s and the 1990’s (religoustolerance). Although the ban was lifted during the first days of Bill Clinton’s presidency, in 1997 he sent a bill to congress marked “immediate consideration and prompt enactment” stating that it would be illegal to create a human clone whether in private or public labo .....

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