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Science Essay Writing Help

Determination Of An Unknown Amino Acid From Titration
Words: 1634 / Pages: 6

.... the COOH group. The amine group (NH2) is Lewis base because it has a lone electron pair which makes it susceptible to a coordinate covalent bond with a hydrogen ion. Also, the carboxylic group is a Lewis acidic because it is able to donate a hydrogen ion (Kotz et al., 1996). Other forms of amino acids also exist. Amino acids may exists as acidic or basic salts. For example, if the glycine reacted with HCl, the resulting amino acid would be glycine hydrochloride (see fig. 2). Glycine hydrochloride is an example of an acidic salt form of the amino acid. Likewise, if NaOH were added, the resulting amino acid would be sodium glycinate (see fig. 3) .....

Changes In The Atmosphere Causing Multicellularity
Words: 471 / Pages: 2

.... ago. Eukaryotes are distinguished from prokaryotes by their larger size, the separation of nucleus from cytoplasm by a nuclear envelope, the association of DNA with histone proteins and its organization into a number off distinct chromosomes, and complex organelles, among which are chloroplasts and mitochondria. Scientists believe that eukaryotic organisms such as the protists evolved from the prokaryotes. There are two main theories which describe how this transition may have occurred. The first is the endosymbiotic theory, or enosymbiosis, and the other is the autogenous theory, or autogenisis. These two theories are not mutually exclusive, mea .....

Is Science Necessary For Our Future?
Words: 653 / Pages: 3

.... When he tried to use his genius to prolong life, he found he had the power to create life. The doctor's scientific success in creating the monster was ultimately a failure for morality. Frankenstein, upon completion of his monster, realized the immorality of his work and rejected it and disassociated himself from it and science. The result of Frankenstein's immorality was death for just about everyone he loved and utter despair for himself. The monster was not necessary for our future and neither were the methods of his creation. Because of the doctor's irresponsibility, he lost everything including his life. The monster, spawned by the imm .....

Words: 368 / Pages: 2

.... its specific substrate will fit into. The polypeptide chains of an enzyme are folded in such way that they form a grove or pocket on the surface. The substrate fits in to this grove, which is the site of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme, or active site. Recent studies of enzyme structure have suggested that the active site is flexible. The binding between and substrate appears to alter the shape of the enzyme. This induces a close fit between the active site and the substrate. It is also believed that this may put some strain on the substrate molecule facilitating the reaction. Another characteristics of are competitive inhibition and non-c .....

The Giant Anteater
Words: 346 / Pages: 2

.... grow to be over six feet in length, with a tail of about three feet (Encarta ‘98)! Anteaters' tongues are two feet long, and the animals can move them in and out of their mouths up to 150 times per minute (Schupska 1). The giant anteaters lives on the ground. It walks with its front feet turned on the sides to protect its claws, which the animal uses to rip open ant nest before eating. Then it flits its long tongue and literally licks up the ants. The anteater precedes to rip oben a termite or ant hill with its clawed hand and work its tubular snout down into the heart of the colony, trapping the insects on its tongue's sticky coating (Encart .....

Newton's Laws Of Motion
Words: 484 / Pages: 2

.... example, there is a friction between a wood floor surface and the surface of a rubber ball when it is rolled across the floor. The floor surface resists the motion of the rubber ball surface. This resistance or friction will slow down the moving object and eventually bring it to a stop. Friction exists between any two surfaces that touch, slide, or roll on one another. Any change in an object’s speed is called acceleration. An increase in speed is called positive acceleration, while a decrease in speed is called negative acceleration, or deceleration. Acceleration can also mean a change in direction as well as in speed. A force is needed to .....

Killer Bees
Words: 500 / Pages: 2

.... Texas to New Mexico and Arizona and then into California by 1994. The bees reached an apparent climatic limit to their southern range in the middle of Argentina, and their range is expected to be similarly limited to the southern and coastal states in the United States. They have hybridized to some extent with resident wild and hive populations of European honeybees. However, many of the basic African honeybee traits remain, including rapid population growth, frequent swarming, minimal hoarding of honey, the ability to survive on sparse supplies of pollen and nectar, and a highly defensive nature. Africanized honeybees are more difficult to manage .....

Should The Harris Superquarry Go Ahead?
Words: 2034 / Pages: 8

.... to an end and would another form of investment not be more appropriate to their needs? Would the presence of a quarry restrict the choice for further development? Could an integrated approach be adopted and a 2nd generation quarry planned? The decision of whether or not to go ahead cannot be delayed indefinitely as Norway and Spain are looking at developing their own. If it is to go ahead then an early start will give Harris a stronger position in the market. 2 INTRODUCTION This report examines the controversy and key issues surrounding the superquarry at Rodel, Lingerbay on the southern coast of the Isle of Harris (Figure 1) and attempts t .....

Dinosaur History
Words: 995 / Pages: 4

.... deep because of the years of rocks and dirt that were piled up on it. Some also get buried if a dinosaur were to die next to a river, and over the years the river probably changed courses a little, so therefore the bones would be covered up. They would actually be in the bank of the river. The Evolutionary theory states that everything evolved over millions of years. Evolutionists say that dinosaurs came from six million years back. They also say that the Earth is four to six billion years old. They say that fifty million years ago there was horses no bigger than dogs, and birds as tall as man, three hundred million years ago giant dragon flies buz .....

Extra Terrestrial
Words: 404 / Pages: 2

.... life. Yet the only evidence of any extraterrestrial beings come from sightings by ordinary people. World governments tried to keep the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life forms secret. Due to the fact our society is gullible believing every myth that one might tell to another. This confidentiality only lead to more curiosity among the people. So far, in spite of a concerted effort by not only the U.S. government, but other governments worldwide to discredit the whole notion of unidentified flying objects; in spite of the ridicule heaped on anyone who even hints they may have seen something remotely resembling a UFO; in spite of officia .....

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