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Science Essay Writing Help

Gene Therapy 3
Words: 781 / Pages: 3

.... who are having babies, and/or for a society as a whole. There are many reasons as to why I do not agree to the procedure of gene therapy eradicating homosexuality from humans eventually and permanently. One reason that I do not agree with the procedure is because I believe it would eliminate the freedom of sexual preference throughout our society. As Thomas Jefferson stated in "The Declaration of Independence," "We hold these truths to be self- evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"(314). If we are told .....

Recommendation For Recycling Water In Florida
Words: 2564 / Pages: 10

.... in a Florida Pilot Plant" The water shortage problem has affected all of us in one way or another. Either through the mandatory restrictions or the increased price of water, or even the ever increasing occurrence of sinkholes, the evidence of a water shortage is everywhere. Since we need water to survive, and there are no alternatives to support life on this planet, we must find a way to keep up with our ever increasing water demand. This report presents the water shortage problem that is occurring in Florida. This report will familiarize you with the problem and explain the other uses currently being employed in Florida. This report also e .....

The Ocean
Words: 1232 / Pages: 5

.... current? It is a movement of ocean thatcan buring the fish to other places. There are two kinds of circulation create the currents in the ocean. They are (1) wind-driven circulation and (2) Thermohaline circulation. Wind-driven circulation result from the wind sets the surface waters into motion as currents. The currents generally flow horizontally-that is parallel to the earth¡¦s surface. The wind mainly affects only the upper 100 to 200 meters of water. However, the flow of wind-driven currents may extend to depths of 1,000 meters or more. Thermohaline circulation produces great vertical currents' hat flow from the surface to the ocean bottom and .....

Chesapeake Bay Pollution
Words: 1118 / Pages: 5

.... however, continues to dwindle, and some find fish populations have declined. Species, such as striped bass have increased to the point that they are commercially viable again. The Chesapeake Bay's decline was evident as early as the 1950s. In the late 1970s, state and federal scientists began an extensive study to determine the reasons for the Bay's decline. Three major problems were identified; excess nutrients from wastewater, agricultural lands, and developed land; sediment in runoff from farms, construction sites, and eroding lands; and possible elevated levels of toxic chemicals. Nitrogen and phosphorus are considered good things because th .....

The Age Of The Earth
Words: 582 / Pages: 3

.... and older rocks, Carbon 14 would not be a good choice because of its short half life. Uranium, which is known to have a much longer half life would be a good alternative. If a pound of the metal Uranium is left to decay, it would take approximately 4.5 billion years for it to turn into half a pound of Lead ( Howter, 1996, Radiometric Dating: An Exercise in Faith). As it turns out, this is what scientists believe to be. The assumption that the earth is 4.5 billion years old has raised doubts in the minds of some skeptics who question the accuracy of the data used in radiometric dating! They claim that without knowing the exact amount of Uranium in .....

UFO Sightings
Words: 1024 / Pages: 4

.... worthwhile if it can overcome the fear of ridicule associated with the topic and get some funding for targeted research to try to explain these occurrences. "It may be valuable to carefully evaluate UFO reports to extract information about unusual phenomena currently unknown to science," the report stated, adding that such research could also improve understanding of, and in some cases debunk, supposed UFO events. For example, Earth science researchers have eventually accepted several phenomena "originally dismissed as folk tales," including meteorites and certain types of lightning, the panel noted. The findings are from a four-day worksho .....

Environmental Issues Associated With Vehicle Use
Words: 1423 / Pages: 6

.... erosion of limestone and sandstone buildings; increased susceptibility to respiratory infections; throat and eye irritation; leaf necrosis, reduced growth and growth abnormalities and drowsiness. Increasing levels of air pollution, particularly particulates from vehicles, are linked to increasing respiratory problems including asthma and this air pollution is thought to cause up to several thousand deaths and up to 20,000 hospital admissions every year. Acid rain is another serious problem, helped along with the increased usage of motor cars. The increased acidity of the precipitation is down to contamination by carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide .....

Acid Rain
Words: 1940 / Pages: 8

.... are often emitted into the atmosphere with little or no treatment. The term was first considered to be important about 20 years ago when scientists in Sweden and Norway first believed that acidic rain may be causing great ecological damage to the planet. The problem was that by the time that the scientist found the problem it was already very large. Detecting an acid lake is often quite difficult. A lake does not become acid over night. It happens over a period of many years, some times decades. The changes are usually to gradual for them to be noticed early. At the beginning of the 20th century most rivers/lakes like the river Tovdal in N .....

Plant Evolution
Words: 832 / Pages: 4

.... in plants was 'The Age of Primitive Vascular Plants. This new period (the second stage) in plant history occurred within the next 50 million years (400-500 million years ago). Some of these developed root systems stems and leaves. They also formed woody tissue, which created stiffer stems, which eventually developed into tree trunks. They became tree-like and up to 40 meters tall, forming the world's first forest. 'The Age of Seed Bearing Plants' was the next stage of plant history where plants were taken to their next step up in the evolution. This occurred around 280 million years ago. This was also the dinosaur era. Earth began to become .....

Circus Animals
Words: 645 / Pages: 3

.... leaving many animals with out water. Furthermore, with out water, cleaning becomes a low priority. This is very hard on animals especially elephants who bathe frequently in their natural environment. But, the circus environment is very different from an animal’s natural habitats. Summer can be hard on animals such as bears, while lions, can suffer more in winter months. Veterinarians qualified to treat exotic animals, are not always present or available. As a result animals suffer and die due to the lack of proper medical attention. Physical confinement is very harmful physiologically and psychologically. The Born Free Foundation conducte .....

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