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Science Essay Writing Help

Marijuana And Its Effects On Humans
Words: 1467 / Pages: 6

.... Most of these claims, however, have been unreplicated in humans or have been contradicted by other work. This section will address each of these reported negative side-effects. Various studies have claimed that cannabis destroys brain cells. However, several other studies found no structural or neurochemical atrophy in the brain at all. Furthermore, it should be noted that Heath's work was sharply criticized for avoiding safeguards of bias and reporting "changes" that occur normally in the mammalian brain. Wu et al. found a correlation between cannabis use and low sperm counts in human males. This is misleading because a decrease in sperm count h .....

Words: 431 / Pages: 2

.... features of the comet are the tails. Most have two tails. One tail is made from dust particles and the other, called ion tail, is made gases. As a comet approaches the sun, the frozen gas becomes unfrozen which causes the dust particles to become free. Light pressure from the sun and some other forces cause these materials to move away from the head of the comet and in the opposite direction from the sun. According to Charles A. Schweighauser in his book, entitled Astronomy from A to Z: A Dictionary of Celestial Objects and Ideas, he states that we see comet heads and tails because they not only reflect sunlight, but they also fluoresce—giv .....

Breast Cancer In Women
Words: 700 / Pages: 3

.... self-exam, and other forms of early detection, and does it really help to save women from the disease? This is a question I hope to address in the following research. Self examinations are the most commonly used tests used for detecting breast cancer among women today. The self exam is a simple exam that women can perform on their own with a few simple steps. Another way of detecting breast cancer is with a mammography. This is an X-ray that scans in make up of the breast to show whether there are and tumors. This is the most effective type of detection to date. (Cancer Facts, Detection. National Cancer Institute) One disadvantage to using ma .....

Gene Therapy
Words: 1437 / Pages: 6

.... goal. has been discussed in the context of treating lethal and disabling diseases although it also has a potential for disease prevention. is in its formative stages, being investigated in basic research laboratories. A number of early human clinical trials have been initiated to test important concepts that have emerged in these laboratory studies. The reasoning for lies in our understanding of the genetic basis of human disease. It is probably safe to say that genes we inherit from our parents influence virtually every human disease. A composite of approximately 150,000 individual genes constitutes a human being. Several years ago, an internat .....

Male Pattern Baldness
Words: 324 / Pages: 2

.... receptor sites, in other words is resulted by the presence of endocrine hormones (like testosterone) on the hair follicle (which is where the hair is produced) that have genetic receptor sites. usually is a symmetrical disease, so if there is a non-symmetrical area of baldness, it is not the cause of androgenic alopecia. The typical pattern begins of occur at the hairline, then over time forms an “M”. The crown also begins to become thinner, as does the existing hair. Eventually, the “m” meets the thinned crown and forms the most common bald shape, the horseshoe. Currently, there are no treatments for male pattern b .....

The Kondratieff Wave
Words: 2089 / Pages: 8

.... appropriately. Knowing in what phase of the long wave cycle can help link smaller wave cycles with the actual world system long wave cycle. Briefly described, there are four quadrants to the K-wave. In quadrant one we have that “risk is relevant to what the masses think”. In this stage of the K-wave going against mass thinking can result in a very wise choice. Most people can be extremely cautious and pessimistic during this period not knowing what to be cautious about. There is much speculation going on and being one of the first persons to act may give you and advantage. In the second quadrant nominal rates expand, there’s speculation .....

Nuclear Legacy
Words: 1091 / Pages: 4

.... reuse it, but "that would cost a fortune". They thought of launching the waste into outer space but it too will cost a fortune. They tried to dump barrels filled with nuclear waste into the ocean but they started leaking. As you can see, there is a great need for a nuclear waste disposal site. These sites may sound frightening, but it may be the only way for us to dispose the devastation we had longed to create. In 1986, the decision for a nuclear waste depositary proved to be "the most frightening decision of the decade." Of these sites, three were chosen to be the "most suitable" for the disposal of nuclear by-products. These three sites consi .....

A Big Problem: Shortage Of Fish
Words: 976 / Pages: 4

.... in charge of fishery management. They are requesting that the water be re-opened for fishing. Problems for concern to many, are that all the regeneration that has occurred due to the closure of these waters will all be for nothing if re-opened because the same problem will happen again. Another concern is that the equipment that is used by the fishermen to catch the scallops not only do just that, but they also pick up everything else in their path. This has an impact on all marine life, particularly species such as sponges and barndoor skate which were almost forced to extinction because fishermen can't control what is being caught in the net .....

Lsd 2
Words: 769 / Pages: 3

.... through the skin.) Hoffman then sent LSD around the world to be tested and investigated to find medical uses. Lysergic acid deviates were found to relieve migraines and control postpartum hemorrhage because it causes veins to contract, but also caused gangrene of the limbs, and so further experimentation with the drug was abandoned. In the late 50's, however, LSD was used by the CIA as an interrogation drug for spies. However, it was proven to be unreliable and was later replaced with other interrogation drugs. LSD comes in the forms of crystals, liquids, tablets, gelatins, or blotting squares. The squares have designs on them such a flowers, d .....

Environmental Isuues
Words: 1272 / Pages: 5

.... get sick everyday; this usually warrants a trip to the doctor’s office. The doctor will usually examine the patient and prescribe an antibiotic. Antibiotics are being used as a way to solve medical problems. The heavy use of antibiotics is causing a threat to the population. They are so widely used and are beginning to become a contaminant in the environment. When used so frequently, antibiotics are found in the sewers, septic tanks, and even receiving waters. With antibiotics being so abundant in these places, the microbes here are now becoming resistant. With all of the sterilization and sanitation precautions, we would not expe .....

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