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Science Essay Writing Help

The Creation Of The Universe
Words: 193 / Pages: 1

.... regarding , for example, there is an ancient Egyptian legend that says that Osiris Khepera created himself out of a dark, boundless ocean called "Nu". Then out of this ocean, he created the universe. I will be writing about these theories: The Big Bang theory is what most people believe, also there is a theory called "Steady State", which is the opposite of the Big Bang theory. There is the theory of an "Oscillating Universe", which is sort of a compromise between the Big Bang theory, and the Steady State theory. There is also the religious theory, in which God created everything. There are a lot of different theories regarding the creation of th .....

Acid Rain
Words: 3390 / Pages: 13

.... oxides react with water, oxygen, and oxidants. This forms a mild solution of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Sunlight increases the rate of most of these reactions. Rainwater, snow, fog, and other forms of precipitation containing those mild solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids fall to the earth as . Water moves through every living plant and animal, streams, lakes, and oceans in the hydrologic cycle. In that cycle, water evaporates from the land and sea into the atmosphere. Water in the atmosphere then condenses to form clouds. Clouds release the water back to the earth as rain, snow, or fog. When water droplets form and fall to the earth they pic .....

Hurricane Flloyd
Words: 1093 / Pages: 4

.... at 16 mph and forecasters expected Floyd to continue along this track for 72 hours. Floyd was in an area very favorable for development and satellite images indicated the system was strengthening. The center of the system was not yet well defined, but forecasters believed Floyd could reach major hurricane strength with maximum sustained winds of 112 mph or more after 72 hours. Tropical Storm Floyd Continues to Intensify Washington, September 9, 1999 -- The National Hurricane Center (NHC) reported that Tropical Storm Floyd was located about 450 miles east of the Leeward Islands. The strong tropical storm and had maxi .....

Words: 447 / Pages: 2

.... that is trapped by Mercury’s weak gravity. Scientists think that collisions with protoplanets early in the history of the solar system may have stripped away lighter materials, making Mercury a very dense planet with an iron core extending outwards 4/5 of the way to the surface. Mercury bares a very similar resemblance to our moon because it has a lot of craters. The craters, which cover seventy-five percent of Mercury’s surface, were formed by huge rocks that smashed into the planet’s surface. The largest crater is called the Caloris Basin and it is 1400 km in diameter and is flooded with molten lava. Mercury also has many cliffs that are .....

Global Warming A Serious Threa
Words: 881 / Pages: 4

.... local climate threatens human health is that "extreme temperatures can directly cause the loss of life". And also many serious diseases appear in warm places. But not only is it that "warm temperatures can increase air and water pollution, which in turn harm human health" (ESP Health 1). The hot temperature, which could be the most direct effect of climate change, causes the heat problem. Because their cardiovascular system has to work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather. The temperature causes harmful effects to human health and another is cause of lung problem. "Higher air temperatures also increases the concentration of ozone a .....

Bacteria Classification By Gram Staining
Words: 751 / Pages: 3

.... pending the de-colouring process. Materials: 1. Bacteria Sample 2. Microscope Slide 3. Gram Staining Kit and Wash Bottles a. Crystal Violet Solution b. Iodine Solution c. 95% Ethyl Alcohol d. Safranin e. Distilled Water 4. Bibulous Blotting Paper 5. Microscope 6. Oil Procedure: A. Preparation : 1. Bacteria is cultivated on agar jelly in an incubator at 25°C for 24 hours. 2. Obtain a microscope slide and with a toothpick, smear a thin coat of the bacteria sample onto the slide 3. Cover the smear with a drop Crystal Violet and leave standing for 20 seconds 4. Wash off the stain with distilled water; drain and blot off the excess wit .....

What Is Macroevolution?
Words: 1087 / Pages: 4

.... Another way to state the difference is that macroevolution is between-species evolution of genes and microevolution is within-species evolution of genes. There are various kinds of dynamics of macroevolution. Punctuated equilibrium theory proposes that once species have originated, and adapted to the new ecological niches in which they find themselves, they tend to stay pretty much as they are for the rest of their existence. Phyletic gradualism suggests that species continue to adapt to new challenges over the course of their history. Species selection and species sorting theories claim that there are macroevolutionary processes going on that make .....

Environmental Protection
Words: 1958 / Pages: 8

.... whose other views are curiously much more anthropocentric, is contrary to some well established facts. Unlike other creatures that have inhabited the Earth, human beings are the first to possess the technological ability to cause wholesale extermination of species, genera or even entire families of living creatures. This process is accelerating. Wildlife management efforts initiated during this century have been unsuccessful in stemming the tide. Most public attention given to endangered species has focused on mammals, birds, and a few varieties of trees. Ecologists recognize a far greater threat to the much larger number of species of reptiles, .....

How Low Self-esteem Effects Anorexia
Words: 1288 / Pages: 5

.... themselves. B. An anorexia will take drastic measures to change her body image in an attempt to fit in. An Conclusion: It has not yet been pin-pointed what the exact cause of anorexia is. Many factors play a role, including self-esteem. Children need to be showed love and caring in order to gain the appropriate levels of self-esteem. Anorexia is a big issue in society today. Girls and boys are developing anorexic symptoms as young as age five. While anorexia can be detected in boys, girls, men, and/or women of all ages, “the most common ages of onset [remains] between thirteen and twenty-two.”(Levenkron,1) .....

How Technology Effects Modern America
Words: 1229 / Pages: 5

.... Mellon University reports, “recruitment of it’s software engineering students is up this year by over 20%.” All engineering jobs are paying well, proving that highly skilled labor is what employers want! “There is clear evidence that the supply of workers in the [unskilled labor] categories already exceeds the demand for their services,” says L. Mishel, Research Director of Welfare Reform Network. In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society. “The danger of the information age is that while in the short run it may be cheaper to replace workers with technology, in the long run it is potentially self-de .....

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