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Science Essay Writing Help

Air Pollution
Words: 788 / Pages: 3

.... to produce a form of oxygen called o-zone. O-zone(O³) is the chief component of photochemical smog, which is a common form of . Fuel combustion for heating and cooling homes,offices,buildings, and factories contribute significantly to . Electric power plants that burn coal or oil in also releases pollutants into the atmosphere. The major pollutants from these source are nitrogen- oxides, sulfur-oxides, and carbon dioxide. The rapid growth of population and industry, and the increased use of automobiles and airplanes has made a very serious and complicated problem. The air we know today and breathe has become so filled with pollutants .....

Words: 416 / Pages: 2

.... paralysis. When nerve cells in respiratory centers, which control breathing, are destroyed, the victim must be kept alive by an iron lung (see Artificial Respiration). For every paralytic case of myelitis, however, there may be 100 nonparalytic cases. Treatment Because no drug developed so far has proved effective, treatment is entirely symptomatic. Use of moist heat coupled with physical therapy to stimulate the muscles was first initiated by the Australian nurse Elizabeth Kenny, and antispasmodic drugs are administered to produce muscular relaxation. In the convalescent stage, occupational therapy is used. Disease Control Three broad types of t .....

Growth Dynamics Of E. Coli In Varying Concentrations Of Nutrient Broths, PH, And In The Presence Of An Antibiotic
Words: 2626 / Pages: 10

.... a given time. Then two graphs were plotted, Number of cells per unit volume versus Time in minutes and Log of the number of cells per unit volume versus Time growth curve. The final cell concentration for the control was 619,500 cells/mL. Four media, after calculations, produced fewer cells than that of the control, these were: Chloramphenicol producing 89,3 01 cells/ml; glucose producing 411,951 cells/mL; lactose producing 477,441 cells/mL and finally pH 6.0 producing 579,557cells/mL. The remaining four media, after calculations, produced cell counts greater than the control: 2X with 1,087,009 cells/mL; 0.5X with 2,205,026 cells/mL; pH 8 wit .....

Avalanches And Landslides
Words: 583 / Pages: 3

.... nearly one hundred people, and covered a small town near Alberta with ice and snow. Another devastating avalanche incident is the 1964 Sherman slide, in which a huge avalanche was triggered by the 1964 Alaskan earthquake. The slide spilled out onto the Sherman glacier, during the big slide several other smaller slides happened and those were the one that took lives in Anchorage, and destroyed property There are a couple of types of avalanches and how the destroy so much this one is named "Loose Snow Avalanches"1, it starts' in a small area then grows in size and mass as it descends.Another type is the "Slab Avalanche" it actually starts in a large .....

Words: 815 / Pages: 3

.... we cannot see both particle and wave properties at the same time. It is often useful to confine in an optical-cavity. This allows us both to make more intense , as well as select of a particular colour (or energy). ¨ travels at a speed of 2.99792458x10^{8} ms^{-1} ¨ When passing though matter, is slowed down by brief interactions, and so appears to travel more slowly. ¨ This "slowing down" is accounted for by the index of refraction of the matter. 's properties can at first seem confusing and inconsistent because of the unique nature of light: light has the properties of both a wave and a particle. In some situations, light's behavior i .....

Solving The Mystery Of The Romanovs
Words: 476 / Pages: 2

.... ten times the rate of the nuclear DNA. This high mutation rate results in unique patters of single nucleotide polymorphisms, which are inhereited through generations. Because of the location of the polymorphisms in the cells cytoplasm, during fertilization, mitochondria are only passed on from the egg. This means that the mitochondria DNA is passed on from the mother. This information becomes useful when using them for identification purposes. In any given cell, there are thousands of copies of mitochondrial DNA. This relative abundance of mitochondrial DNA can be used by scientists to obtain DNA from samples where genomic DNA .....

Development Of Operating Systems
Words: 1757 / Pages: 7

.... (1945-1955) In the mid-1940's enormous machines capable of performing numerical calculations were created. The machine consisted of vacuum tubes and plugboards, and programming was done purely in machine code. Programming languages were unheard of during the early part of the period, and each machine was specifically assembled to carry out a particular calculation. These early computers had no need for an operating system and were operated directly from the operator's console by a computer programmer, who had immediate knowledge of the computers design. By the early 1950's punched cards were introduced, allowing programs to be written and read dir .....

Big Bang
Words: 1243 / Pages: 5

.... and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant g .....

Words: 1211 / Pages: 5

.... casualties does not exist. Many case histories show heart damage. Inflated lungs and brain damage have also been observed from fatalities. Loss of consciousness, amnesia, paralysis and burns are reported by many who have survived. Deaths and injuries to livestock and other animals, thousands of forest and brush fires, as well as millions of dollars in damage to buildings, communications systems, power lines, and electrical systems are also the result of . Finally, the threat of causes many work stoppages and lost production increasing the time and cost required to prepare NASA spacecraft for flight. Benjamin Franklin performed the first systemat .....

The Origin Of Humanity
Words: 370 / Pages: 2

.... be quite a bit more sustantial evidence on earth to support the theory of evolution. The evidence is holds up more because actual samples of fossils have been collected and scientifically tested using a method called carbon dating to determine the age of the fossils. Which can then be examined and placed along a timeline. The time periods show slight differences in bone structure showing what is hypothesized to be the human evolving. Evolving from what though? The theory of evolution states that creatures change overtime to suit their surroundings. This is called environmental adaptation. The more a creature can adapt to it's environment the greater .....

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