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Science Essay Writing Help

Transmission Of Aids
Words: 575 / Pages: 3

.... HIV (up to late- 1996), however, this is probably only the tip of the iceberg as there are many others who are infected but do not know that they are. In the 1980s, the majority of infections in Singapore were homosexual or bisexual men; but now there are many infections seen among heterosexual men and women. Heterosexual sex is now the main method of transmission in Singapore and over 75% of infections throughout the world are acquired through heterosexual intercourse. Not everybody who has sex with an infected person will get infected. However, the risks increase sharply in the presence of other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) i.e. gonorrhea .....

Hammerhead Sharks
Words: 965 / Pages: 4

.... (Sphyrna lewini)-Pectoral fins are tipped with black this grey shark. The maximum length is about 12 feet. 2. Bonnethead (Spyrna tiburo)-With a head shaped like a shovel the bonnethead rarely grows more than four feet long. This shark is commonly seen inshore. 3. Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)-Bronze with dusky fin tips, it can grow to thirteen feet. 4. Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)-Attaining a length of a possible 18 feet, this is the largest and most dangerous of all the hammerheads. One of the most interesting things about the hammerheads is the unique shape of their heads. Ever since scientists started to study the hammerhe .....

Dna 2
Words: 1906 / Pages: 7

.... coli under controlled conditions). The chains were purified and later combined by chemical techniques to produce insulin structurally and chemically identical to pancreatic human insulin. (Hyde, 1984) As of 1986, human insulin began to be produced by a process which involves the enzymatic conversion of human insulin's biosynthetic precursor, human proinsulin. The genetic coding for human proinsulin is inserted into the special E. coli bacteria which are then grown in a fermentation process to produce human proinsulin. With genetic engineering, new proteins are synthesized. They can be introduced into plants or animal genomes, producing a new type .....

Extra Sensory Perception
Words: 1744 / Pages: 7

.... research, or psi for short. Besides ESP, there is another branch of psi communication which includes the phenomenon in which an object seems to be moved by the mind alone. The mover does not touch the object which can be living or non living. This is called psychokinesis or PK. There are three accepted types of ESP, clairvoyance, precognition,and telepathy. Clairvoyance is the extra sensory perception of events that are taking place at the exact time of the perception, but the sensor cannot know of these events through any of the five senses. Precognition is the extra sensory perception of events in the future. And finally, telepathy is th .....

Biological Warfare
Words: 1787 / Pages: 7

.... back to Exodus when God placed the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, as a result of Pharaoh’s refusal to free the Jews from slavery. These plagues included blood, frogs, vermin, flies, murrain, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the slaying of the first born. Even though this type of warfare may have had origins as early as Exodus, the methods of making these germs is described in scientific literature and is no secret to terrorists. This germ warfare is an especially serious threat for several different reasons. The first reason is the ability of these germ agents to be undetectable to spy technology. Secondly, the warfare labs that are used to .....

Words: 4426 / Pages: 17

.... remains uncertain what business models and Internet functions will prove most popular and profitable over the long term. Much will depend upon how the new electronic technologies will change existing business practices, market structures, and the social habits of the workplace, marketplace, and home. Can we discern how electronic commerce adds value to conventional marketplace transactions, making the Internet a preferred venue for business? Will markets of the future be substantially more efficient, to the extent of being "friction-free?" Or will a new regime of dominant players arise to eliminate competitors and create "winner-take-all" m .....

Cold Fusion
Words: 954 / Pages: 4

.... and multiplied, or energy alone can be generated although in a much smaller amount. For example, one watt of energy can be input and 3 watts recovered. Some systems are capable of producing hundreds of watts per individual watt. The actual physics of the reaction is not completely understood. Some claim it is merely a chemical reaction not yet understood, while others are convinced it is a nuclear reaction. One example is a cell which used .04 grams of metal hydride. It produced 86 megajoules over a two month period. A similar chemical reaction would have required 2,000 grams of chemicals to produce the same amount of energy. Another .....

Color Blindness
Words: 722 / Pages: 3

.... cone contains visual pigments that are sensitive to one of three wavelengths of light: red, green and blue. Normally, all colors of the spectrum are able to be matched by mixtures of only three color sensitivities. Therefore, the huge variety of colors we see are a response to different compositions of wavelengths of light. The rods are responsible for encoding white and black. results when one or more of the cone cells fail to function properly. One of the visual pigments may be functioning abnormally, or be absent altogether. There are several different types of , however, complete , or achromatopsia, is probably the simplest to understand. T .....

An Argument For Animal Research
Words: 621 / Pages: 3

.... animal research; it has tried to destroy it." ( ¯The Wall Street Journal®, "Animals and Sickness", Page 378.) Animal rights advocates and activists generally have ethical objections regarding treatment of animals during experimentation, but the use of animals in research for the benefit of all people is and always will be justifiable. Over 99 percent of all animal experiments are on rats and mice developed expressly for laboratory use. "Less than 1 percent of experiments involve cats, dogs, farm animals, nonhuman primates, frogs, fish, and birds." ( ¯Encyclopedia of Medicine, AMA®, "Animal Experimentation", Page 110.) Animal rights advoc .....

Words: 612 / Pages: 3

.... conduct electricity as solids. These solid electrolytes have ions that can move and carry charges without solvents. There are two ways to be able to have ions that are able to conduct electricity, the dissociation of Ionic Compounds, and the Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are ionically (electrically) bonded together. They already made out of cations and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in their crystal structure, and can’t move around. When the ionic compound is dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having .....

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