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Science Essay Writing Help

Bernoulli Principle
Words: 579 / Pages: 3

.... area of wing in a standard airfoil shape, a teardrop with the fat end facing forward, the equation L=Cl 1/2 (pV2)S. Cl is the lift coeficent, which is determined by the shape of the airfoil and the angle of attack. P stands for the air mass density, V for the velocity of the air passing over the wing, and S for the area of the wing when viewed from above or below. As the air flows over the wing producing lift, it grabs onto the wings surface and causes drag. Drag can be measured by the equation D=Cd 1/2 (pV2)S, much like the lift equation. The drag coeficent Cd is found, again, by determining the shape of the airfoil and then finding .....

Wired Hands - A Brief Look At Robotics
Words: 1193 / Pages: 5

.... robots working at Chrysler and in numerous other modern factories are extremely adept at performing highly specialized tasks - one robot may spray paint car parts while another does spots welds while another pours radioactive chemicals. Robots are ideal workers: they never get bored and they work around the clock. What's even more important, they're flexible. By altering its programming you can instruct a robot to take on different tasks. This is largely what sets robots apart from other machines; try as you might you can't make your washing machine do the dishes. Although some critics complain that robots are stealing much-needed jobs away f .....

Arthritis 2
Words: 867 / Pages: 4

.... losing their tensile strength. The cartilage that caps the ends of bones, and which is normally four times more slippery than Teflon, loses that slipperiness and becomes perforated by ulcers. Many of the changes that occur in the joints of people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis are assumed to be caused by a disease process, when in fact they are often a consequence of relative immobility. These findings underscore the enormous importance of exercise in the fight against arthritis. You should realize that immobility will set off the destructive set of events. After four or five months, such degeneration may be quite well along, so that .....

Words: 4290 / Pages: 16

.... AD is usually divided into three stages mild, moderate, and severe. Throughout these stages a specific sequence of cognitive deterioration is observed (Lezak, 1993). The mild stage begins with memory, attention, speed dependent activities, and abstract reasoning dysfunction. Also mild language impairments begin to surface. In the moderate stage, language deficits such as aphasia and apraxia become prominent. Dysfluency, paraphasias, and bizzare word combinations are common midstage speech defects. In the severe stage the patient is gradually reduced to a vegetative state. Speech becomes nonfluent, repetitive, and largely non-communicative. .....

Words: 278 / Pages: 2

.... 1999, where it will serve as a weather satellite for a full martian year (two full Earth years). The next Mars lander is scheduled for January 3, 1999 liftoff. Mars Polar will touch down on Mars in December 1999, carrying two softball-size penetrators, the Deep Space 2 mission, that will crash land on Mars some 60 miles north of the landing site. All is going well with ’s Saturn-bound Cassini mission and the Deep Space 1 mission. Cassini will reach Saturn in June 2004 and Deep Space 1 will rendezvous with asteroid 1992KD in July 1999. The Galileo spacecraft at Jupiter went into a safe mode just six hours before its scheduled flyby of Euro .....

Words: 764 / Pages: 3

.... for this some of the world’s largest companies are working out the details for gigantic megamergers. Some of the recent mergers are an example of the things to come. Two pharmaceutical companies, Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy, merged to create a new company, Novartis. The largest pharmaceutical merger in history, this new company is valued at over $100 billion. A near merger between Glaxo and SmithKline would have created the world’s third largest company, with a budget large enough to fund the estimated cost of sequencing the human genome. Its capitalization would have been larger than the annual gross national product of some 143 of the world†.....

Acid Rain 5
Words: 3019 / Pages: 11

.... in 1980, 1990, 1994, 1995, and 1996. It also contains sulphur emissions from major sources from four Canadian provinces as well as sulphur dioxide emissions from electric power generators in three Canadian provinces. There are also some interesting questions and answers and facts are included also. This information was organized from various websites. It also contains information from a newspaper article about a new monitoring site for acid rain in Irish Cove located in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. ACID RAIN The atmosphere, unpolluted, is the means of life on earth. It is a thin layer of gases which surrounds our planet. It is known that witho .....

Two Inventions That Changed European History
Words: 475 / Pages: 2

.... time as the chest harness’ invention, medieval villagers were organizing their land into a two field system of agriculture. This system utilized one large field divided in half, one half of a field with crops and left the other half of a field was left unplanted for a year so as not to exhaust the soil. This system led to problems, because dividing the land in half led to shortages in the production of food because only half of the field was being used. This system of agriculture needed some minor adjustments to increase the production of food without destroying the soil in the process. This new system came about around the year 800. Farmers bega .....

Bipolar Disorder 3
Words: 792 / Pages: 3

.... of manic and depressive episodes varies greatly from person to person and most individuals experience "normal" periods between their manic and depressive episodes. Manic depression can send a person plunging from a high state, where one may believe one has superhuman energy and abilities, into a pit of despair, where it may seem as if the only way out is suicide. There are two types of bipolar, bipolar 1 and bipolar 2. Bipolar 1 is diagnosed differently than bipolar 2. Bipolar I is diagnosed when person has a manic episode and has had no depressive episodes in the past. However, after the first manic episode occurs, depressive episodes often foll .....

Acid Rain And Its Effects
Words: 588 / Pages: 3

.... are fully aware of the serious consequences that acid rain have on many different factors. For one, Acid rain causes acidification of lakes, streams, and other bodies of water. Because many lakes and streams suffer from chronic acidity (a condition which water has a constant low pH level) this makes them susceptible to acid rain because of their limited ability to neutralize acidic compounds. This results in many lakes and streams being completely dead of fish and all other living things. Acid rain also greatly contributes to forest degradation, even more so to high-elevated trees, it also impairs the tree growth. Acid rain effects forest soil. As .....

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