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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Julius Caesar And His Accomplishments
Words: 847 / Pages: 4

.... poor village and he said that he should rather choose to be first in such a village as than second at Rome (Rogers, Bruce, 1870,p.70). Caeser was so successful in the administration of his province that he returned in a short time with military glory and with money enough to pay all his debts. Every hero has its background; Ceaser was a Roman hero by millions and lived through many important events and accomplished many things that no other person has ever come close to. Julius Caesar could be described as one of the greatest men in the history of the world. Caesar was always interested in public affairs, and tried always to gain favor of the peo .....

Words: 378 / Pages: 2

.... to become a professional soldier. His father fought for Corsican independence, and as a result of actually obtaining it, he then fulfilled a well-to-do job, which leaded into the aristocracy. received an excellent education, and even at a young age excelling in military training and math, a necessary trait for victorious fighting. When he was just a teen, joined the French army and was soon after promoted to Captain. Within a year of being Captain he conquered Toulon, which was responsible for him being honored as brigadier general at only 24. This man knew from the beginning that he was made for nothing but to honor and serve his fellow ci .....

Alice Walker
Words: 1500 / Pages: 6

.... after graduating in 1965, she married Melvyn Leventhal, a Jewish civil rights lawyer; afterward, they worked together in Mississippi, registering blacks to vote. In the summer of 1968, she went to Mississippi to be in the heart of the civil-rights movement, helping people who had been thrown off farms or taken off welfare roles for registering to vote. In New York, she worked as an editor at Ms. Magazine, and her husband worked for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. In 1970, Walker published her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, about the ravages of racism on a black sharecropping family. In Meridian, 1976, her second novel, she exp .....

The Theories Of John Locke
Words: 1145 / Pages: 5

.... Essays on the Law of Nature, the Fundamental constitution of Carolina, essays concerning Human Understandings, an Two Treaties of Civil Government. (Cranston) Locke has had great influence on all the presidents and political leaders throughout American history. One man that was affected by Locke’s theories and influential ideas is Thomas Jefferson. He was the second president in America’s history. Jefferson followed a great president, Washington. Washington was a military man not a politician and did not have any idea on how to set up America’s government. Jefferson took over after Washington freed the colonies from the British cont .....

Thomas Paine
Words: 799 / Pages: 3

.... doors opened for him, including jobs tutoring many of the sons of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia. Paine started over again, by publishing African Slavery In America, in the spring of 1775, in which he criticized slavery in America as being unjust and inhumane. At about this same time, he became the co-editor for the Pennsylvania Magazine. When he arrived in Philadelphia, Paine noticed the tension, and the rebellious attitude, that was continually getting larger, after the Boston Tea Party. In Paine's opinion, the Colonies had all the right to revolt against a government that imposed taxes on them, and which did not give them the right of rep .....

Alphonse Capone
Words: 1263 / Pages: 5

.... gang and established its headquarters nearby in a saloon he ran on James Street. Capone looked up to Torrio and said " I looked on Johnny like my adviser and father and the party who made it possible for me to get my start". (Pg. 26) Al and his family moved to another Italian neighborhood in 1907. When Al was in the 6th grade, he got in trouble with his teacher, so she reproved him and he struck her for it. After this incident he quit school, never to return. He worked at many places such as a clerk in a candy store, a pinball setter in a bowling alley, then as a paper and cloth cutter. For a while Capone worked for Yale's Saloon as a bouncer, .....

Marilyn Monroe
Words: 1876 / Pages: 7

.... went into the service during World War II, and I took a job folding parachutes. Photographers came to take pictures of us to send to the soldiers. One, David Conover, took a particular interest in me, and directed me to Snively's Modeling School. From there I met Anaré de Dienes. He and I took many photo trips together, and Jim was rightly jealous, so he filed for divorce. I signed for a year's contract (twenty-six months) with Ben Lyon who worked for Twentieth-century Fox Productions, on August 24, 1946. He was responsible for changing my name. While working at Fox, I met someone who was later to become my best friend, Allan Snyder, and got .....

George Brenard Shaw
Words: 1119 / Pages: 5

.... found work at Edison’s Telephone Company at a wage of two shillings and a sixpence, and in his spare time taught himself to write. After a while he was promoted to head of his department with a wage of 80 pounds. Soon enough Shaw admitted that he was not a working man, and he wanted to be a writer. December 23rd 1880, the family moved to Fitzroy Street. This enabled Shaw to visit the museum library, where he learned the most for his education. Unemployed, he could not afford to eat at the local restaurants and ate instead at the vegetarian eatery where he could buy a good and nourishing meal. He became a vegetarian in 1881 and kept his vow never to .....

Theodore Roosevelt
Words: 890 / Pages: 4

.... Club , Alpha Delta Phi , O.K. Club , Natural History Society , The Harvard Advocate (editor) , Glee Club , and in the Class Committee. After he graduating from Harvard in 1880 , he married Alice Hathaway Lee of Boston. In the same year he entered Columbia University Law School. But historical writing and politics lured him away from a legal career. His yearning for public acknowledge plus the corrupt state of New York led him to join a local Republican Reform Club. In 1881 he was elected to New York assembly where he set out to stop the corruption in both party machines. In 1884 the death of his wife and a defeat in his political care .....

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Words: 1632 / Pages: 6

.... him have to give up his work for a while. In Concord, New Hampshire he met another poet, Ellen Tucker, also suffering with tuberculosis. Even though she was only 17, while Ralph Waldo was 24, they got married. They were both happy, but both very ill. Ellen died only after two years of their marriage. In the same year that Emerson met Ellen, he became a preacher, but it didn't last long. His chest was weak and he had to give it up. His travels to Europe led him to meet many men, even though he was very sick. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth and Thomas Carlyle were among the few. Carlyle stayed his friend throughout his whole life. Nature .....

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