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Biographies Essay Writing Help

Thomas Jefferson
Words: 527 / Pages: 2

.... owning and using slaves. Although Jefferson was supposedly a good slave owner, his hypocritical nature made him accuse others not to own slaves while he, himself was owning slaves. Another part of the hypocrisy was that Jefferson believed that the slaves were dependent upon the white man, while he, himself was dependent upon the slaves. Jefferson also was hypocritcal in his acquisition of the Loisiana territory. In Jeffersonian principles, large expansive governments were bad, and small was good. This was a antithesis of that principle. Jefferson knew that the acquisition of the Loisiana territory was beneficial to the welfare of the U.S. According to .....

Ernest Hemingway 2
Words: 528 / Pages: 2

.... theory of writing, Hemingway wants readers to “read in-between lines” and derive the true meaning of the story. To do this, you must interpret the symbolism Hemingway uses. The story “Hills Like White Elephants” is about a man and a woman who are at a train station in Madrid, Spain. The woman is pregnant and the man and the woman are discussing whether the woman should have an abortion operation. They have only forty minutes (the time they have to wait for their train to arrive) to make their decision. At the end of the story, the woman is still not certain if she should have the abortion operation. In “Hills Like Whi .....

Emily Dickinsons Private World
Words: 1748 / Pages: 7

.... took these words to heart. Her poems convey both a sense of intellectual superiority and a sense of isolation that she seems to both cherish and yearn to liberate herself from. Both the structure of her poems and her syntax reveal the contradictions within a poet whose imagination was fed by her solitude but who also desired tangible sensual experiences. It is unlikely that her poems would be so insightful and perceptive had she been engaged in the daily business of dealing with people, for it is only by removing herself from the world that she could analyze it. Dickinson's poems reflect the cloistered and enclosed world in which she lived-- they a .....

Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck-Schönhausen
Words: 776 / Pages: 3

.... tired to seize the border territories of Schleswig-Holstein. Prussia and Austria joined forces verses Denmark to stop Christian IX. Denmark lost. This resulted in the Gastein Convention. This convention declared joint control over Schleswig-Holstein. Two years later, Bismarck accused Austria of violating the Gastein Convention. At this time he also submitted a plan for German unification to the German Diet. This plan excluded Austria (klein-deutsch). As a result of this, Austria and other German states declared war on Prussia, beginning what is now known as the Seven Weeks War. Austria and its allies were quickly defeated, and Bismarck incor .....

Thomas Hobbes
Words: 511 / Pages: 2

.... should obey their king, even if he is a tyrant. He said that because people were only interested in promoting their own self-interests, democracy would never work. In fact, he thought democracy was very dangerous. But even though he distrusted democracy, he believed that a diverse group of representatives presenting the problems of the common person would prevent a king from being unfair and cruel. Hobbes coined the phrase, "Voice of the people," meaning one person could be chosen to represent a group with similar views. In 1651, wrote his famous work, "Leviathan" which put into writing his views on democracy and monarchy. In this work, he said th .....

Dwight D Eisenhower
Words: 432 / Pages: 2

.... he announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for Presidency. He was soon nominated at the Republican convention and elected on November 4, 1952. He was able to use the catchy slogan “I Like Ike” to help him win. He was able to serve two terms as President of the United States from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961. He saw the end of the Korean War, and promoted “Atoms for Peace” and dealt with several crisis in Lebanon, Suez, Berlin, and Hungary in Foreign affairs. He helped make Alaska and Hawaii become states. Throughout his presidency he was very concerned with civil rights issues and the interstate highway system in .....

Magic Johnson
Words: 2709 / Pages: 10

.... Kim and the twins, Evelyn and Yvonne were younger. This whole family squeezed into three small bedrooms and one bathroom. “The place turned into a real madhouse before school every morning, when we all lined up to use the bathroom. You learned to be quick.” said Earvin once. (Johnson, p.4) Both of Earvin’s parents played high school basketball. Earvin played basketball a bunch with his older brother Larry. (Brenner, p.44) Earvin would wake up early and play basketball before school started. “People thought I was crazy,” Earvin remembered. “It would be seven-thirty and they’d be going to work and say, ‘There’s that crazy June .....

Daniel Webster
Words: 691 / Pages: 3

.... famous. Some of his most notable cases were Dartmouth College v. Woodward, Gibbons v. Ogden, and McCulloch v. Maryland. He made himself the nations leading lawyer and an outstanding skilled public speaker or an orator. In 1823, Webster was returned to Congress from Boston, and in 1827 he was elected senator from Massachusetts. New circumstances let Daniel Webster become a champion of American nationalism. With the Federalist Party dead, he joined the National Republican party, he joined with Westerner Henry Clay and then endorsing federal aid for roads in the West. In 1828, since Massachusettses had shifted the economic interest from shipping to .....

Albert Einstein Biography
Words: 662 / Pages: 3

.... earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905. In 1908 he became a lecturer at the University of Bern, the following year becoming professor of physics at the University of Zurich. By 1909 Einstein was recognised as a leading scientific thinker. After holding chairs in Prague and Zurich he advanced (1914) to a prestigious post at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft in Berlin. From this time he never taught a university courses. Einstein remained on the staff at Berlin until 1933, from which time until his death he held a research position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In the first of three papers (1905) Einstein examined .....

Biography Of Gordie Howe
Words: 393 / Pages: 2

.... to play hockey for life. Gordie played for the Toronto Maple Leafs for a couple of years then he went to the Detroit Red Wings for around twenty-five years. He played four Detroit Stanley Cup championships. He was the league's leading scorer six times. He was also named “Mr. Hockey.” He is in the Hockey Hall of Fame for all kinds of high records. He had 1,518 assists, 1,071 goals; he scored 2,589 points, and played in 2,421 games. He also received the Hart Trophy as NHL'S most valuable player six times. He managed to came back and play a few more games in his life. Gordie got married and had a daughter named Cathy. He married Col .....

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