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Health Essay Writing Help

Work Stress
Words: 3014 / Pages: 11

.... describe some actions management can take to alleviate work stress. 2.0 Harmful Effects of Stress Most research studies indicate a high correlation between stress and illness. According to authorities in the United States and Great Britain, as much as 70% of patients that are treated by general practitioners are suffering from symptoms originating from stress . Everyone experiences stress, however, each person responds to stress very differently. Their response is dependent on how each person reacts to stress emotionally, mentally, and physically. There are, however, common effects of stress for most people on the physical and mental body. 2. .....

Words: 1459 / Pages: 6

.... their perceptions can be altered or distorted by external suggestions. At the command of the hypnotist, subjects may lose all feeling in a place on the body, and any kind of pain will not cause them any pain. The heartbeat can be slowed or quickened, and a rise in temperature and perspiration can be created. They can be commanded to experience visual or auditory hallucinations or live the past as if it were the present. Also, recently a scientist discovered that the way the subject's mind experiences time can be altered so that hours or even weeks can pass in second, from the subjects point of view. Subjects may forget part or all of the hypnotic exp .....

Words: 812 / Pages: 3

.... contribution. It’s the power and energy of the elderly, and the strength and will of the ill that give the world life. All of us no matter how good we take care of ourselves, exercise, or eat our vegetables, are going to die. We cannot escape this. As our population grows in this country the issue of will continue to be debated. "In 1995 two lawsuits were filed in New York and Washington State by a handful of terminally ill people and doctors claiming that the state laws that made assisting in suicide a criminal offense were unconstitutional.” What most people find troubling is how to define whom is terminally ill and how this process can be .....

The Black Plague
Words: 1113 / Pages: 5

.... it killed and estimated eighty eight thousand people in less than three months. The Plague reached southern England in the late summer of 1348 and swept northward through the following year. completed it's journey and died out by the end of 1351. Although the people of Medieval Europe did not know the direct cause of the Plague, they believed without doubt that God was responsible, judging human behavior and ready to punish the wicked. They concluded that this Black Plague was punishment from an angry God (Corzine 27-31). had several different names. Bubonic Plague received its name because of the painful swellings it produced called buboe .....

Teens And Suicide
Words: 922 / Pages: 4

.... rebellious behavior, running away from home, unusual neglect of personal appearance, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, or says things like “I won’t be a problem for you much longer,” “nothing matters,” “it’s no use,” To prevent a teen from committing suicide, encourage him or her to talk to friends, to a family member, or to someone they feel they can trust. Listen to their feelings let them know that someone is here for them. Do not give advice or feel obligated to find simple solutions. Just try to imagine being in their place, dealing with the feelings and emotions they are feeling. When talking with your child, don .....

Words: 2817 / Pages: 11

.... effects upon patients and society. In the vast market of prescription drugs, Ritalin, one of the most highly used drugs, also carries with it some of the greatest medical drawbacks. ADD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) stands tall as America's number one psychiatric disorder (Hancock 52). Estimates suggest that more than two million children live with the disorder; in addition, according to Dr. Daniel Safer of Johns Hopkins University, over 1.3 million regularly consume Ritalin for treatment of ADD (Hancock 52). Ritalin appears to be a popular choice for doctors, but the daily effects of the drug, which family physicians do .....

Words: 850 / Pages: 4

.... to kill large plants and trees very efficiently. It was sprayed liberally during the Vietnam War where came in to contact with American soldiers. Some time after the war, many veterans of Vietnam reported rashes, mental conditions, and were found to have cancer. After much research it was found that Agent Orange which contained , specifically 2,3,7,8, TCDD, was responsible for these medical conditions. After the Agent Orange controversy lost their space in the spot light for some time until the mid-eighties up to now. are released in four major ways. One is the incineration and combustion of products containing chlorine, which happens m .....

Skin Cancer
Words: 1575 / Pages: 6

.... an adequate amount of prevention information to help reduce the disfigurement and mortality from this cancer. Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the most frequently blamed source of skin cancer. Due to the reduction of ozone in the earth's atmosphere, UV radiation is higher today than it was several years ago. Ozone serves as a filter to screen out and reduce the UV light that reaches the earth's surface and its people. Very simply, sunburn and UV light can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer (1., p 1). The American Cancer Society also faulted repeated exposure to x-rays, artificial forms of UV radiation like tanning beds .....

Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Words: 246 / Pages: 1

.... the Surgeon General stated that cigarettes cause lung cancer there was a tremendous movement to make cigarettes illegal. Now the debate is on environmental tobacco smoke also known as secondhand smoke, passive smoking, and sidestream smoke. The worry is that when non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke they face the same health hazards as smokers. Tobacco smoke contains more than forty known carcinogens. Sidestream smoke carries these carcinogens into the air (Sussman 12). According to scientific studies tobacco smoke contains four thousand chemicals, and at least sixty are known to cause cancer. Carbon monoxide is the main gas in cigaret .....

Resuscitation From Severe Hemorrhage
Words: 431 / Pages: 2

.... shock: compensated hemorrhagic shock; uncompensated hemorrhagic shock, the shock which is reversible; and irreversible hemorrhagic shock. The most popular way of resuscitation is the use of lactated ringer's solution to make up for lost blood volume by making the cells swell and in turn restores normotension. This works fairly well but it is not the optimal treatment. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Half of the deaths that occur annually are due to acute illness or injury, and are associated with circulatory failure or shock. Some of these deaths could be avoided by the proper monitoring. The present technology is the monitoring early in the temporal course of .....

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