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Health Essay Writing Help

AIDS: Risk Factors / Modes Of Transmission / W. Africa
Words: 1674 / Pages: 7

.... acknowledge modes of transmission across the African continent as a whole (Bethel, 138). Also, “we can assert that AIDS cases do not occur on the African continent in a uniform fashion but rather form an “AIDS Belt” in central, southern, and eastern Africa” (Bethel, 138). First, by mentioning the fact that the Third World contains three fourths of the Earth’s population, and combining that fact with that of those worlds having an overall lesser knowledge upon transmission, prevention, and AIDS in general, it is not surprising that these countries populations are greatly impacted by mortality. “Africa, with about 12% of the world’s po .....

Words: 256 / Pages: 1

.... school age children, but young adults may catch the disease. Everyone born before1957 has already had mumps. After one attack of mumps, you will have lifelong immunity. The mumps virus is spread by contact of another person's discharge from the nose or mouth. The virus is present in these discharges from six days before symptoms to nine days after the glands begin to swell. The virus will then incubate for two to three weeks before symptoms appear. Symptoms include headaches, jaw being painful and tender to the touch, fever, and difficulty swallowing. The swelling usually disappears after seven to ten days. Some complications in .....

Words: 1643 / Pages: 6

.... achievements. have enabled the medical profession to treat effectively many infectious diseases, including some that were once life-threatening. How Antibiotics Work ? Antibiotics can be bacteriostatic (bacteria stopped from multiplying) or bactericidal (bacteria killed). To perform either of these functions, antibiotics must be brought into contact with the bacteria. It is believed that antibiotics interfere with the surface of bacteria cells, causing a change in their ability to reproduce. Testing the action of an antibiotic in the laboratory shows how much exposure to the drug is necessary to halt reproduction or to kill the bacteria. Although .....

AIDS: Myths And Facts
Words: 650 / Pages: 3

.... seats, and even that it is spread by mosquitoes. AIDS has also been labeled the disease of homosexual men. These are all false beliefs,proven through many scientific studies. Hemophiliacs have contracted AIDS, after having been giving transfusions of blood which was contaminated with the HIV virus. Drug addicts have been infected through the intravenous injection of drugs with “second hand” or dirty needles used by someone who carried the HIV virus. Prostitutes contract and spread AIDS through sexual activity with several different partners without knowing their partners' sexual history. This in turn, leads to the spread of the disease thr .....

Addiction: Its Causes And Effects
Words: 1228 / Pages: 5

.... of weakness of will when, in fact, the new way of thinking leads us to believe addictive behavior is caused by a chemical in the brain called dopamine. The word addiction comes from two Latin words ad dictum. Ad dictum means "to the dictator". When people were captured and sent into slavery, they were sent ad dictum. This idea of enslavement is mirrored by the addict's need to maintain the addiction (. Before we can understand why addiction is the number one social and health problem in the United States, a definition of addiction needs to be established (Experience 12). It is important to remember no one thing can explain addiction. Factor .....

Treatments Of Alcoholism
Words: 1821 / Pages: 7

.... of all treatments for alcoholism is to get the alcoholic to stop drinking and refrain from abusing alcohol in the future. The paths to this goal are diverse. Several factors - biological, social and psychological - influence why an individual becomes an alcoholic. So treatments vary, depending upon why the alcoholic drinks and what the physician or therapist believes is the best method for recovery. Some treatments focus on the physical addiction of alcoholism. Others emphasize the alcoholic's social or psychological cravings. Alcoholics Anonymous and Rational Recovery are two support groups that help alcoholics recover. Other alcoholics b .....

Medical Uses Of Marijuana
Words: 1565 / Pages: 6

.... marijuana was still a violation of federal law, and that any doctors who did so could be prosecuted and lose their license to prescribe all drugs regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). However, the medical use of marijuana has been gaining respectability. Several states have research programs of their own and some governors, including Republican William Weld of Massachusetts, openly endorse medical legalization. The editor of the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, Jerome Kassirer, lambasted the Clinton administration in an editorial entitled, "Federal Foolishness and Marijuana," that received national attentio .....

Words: 775 / Pages: 3

.... side and not on the middle of the field, where someone going for a foul does not trip over a baseball or a helmet. I do not think athletes really think in such terms until someone actually gets hurt. One thing that I always kept my eye on when I was working was to make sure the catcher's were wearing their face mask when they were warming the pitchers in the bullpen. At first, the athletes thought I was telling them to put their mask on as an authoritative figure; however, after I explained to them it was for their own good, and I was only looking out for their safety, they realized why I was doing it. I believe one way to get the respect o .....

Words: 387 / Pages: 2

.... or involuntary jerking are some of the common symptoms that tend to precede a seizure. These symptoms are different from the aura or feeling that precedes a generalized seizure and comes seconds or minutes before the actual seizure. In most people, however, seizure are unpredictable and unrelated to the person’s current situation some external determinants may trigger seizures though. Lack of sleep, emotional stress, missed meals, alcohol ingestion/withdrawal, even fever or some infections may produce seizures. There are many possible cause of but in more than half the causes, the precise cause cannot be determined. An inherite .....

Words: 853 / Pages: 4

.... one was involved in a terrible accident. Common reactions to these nightmares would be leaping up from your sleep, and sitting atop your bed in a cold sweat. How about those moments where we may start dreaming about one thing, and without warning we are snatched into another dream that is completely irrelevant to the preceding one. Why? Mankind has been baffled since the beginning of time as to why they [] occur. Minds from all over the globe have united, and each person has attempted to formulate theories of their own as to why all of this is occurring inside our conscious and subconscious mind. Though none of these theories have been proven .....

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