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Health Essay Writing Help

The Digestive System
Words: 420 / Pages: 2

.... very strong walls that are used for swallowing, while the small intestine is lined with villi that absorbs digested food into the body. also contains other organs that help you break up food like you teeth, your tongue, liver and your pancreas. The Esophagus is your tube that your food goes down into the stomach. If we didn't have an esophagus we probley wouldn't be alive. Your stomach is your main organ because it is the thing that makes your food into smaller units and you would die if you didn't have a stomach. Enzyme is a kind of protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body. If we didn't have enzyme everybody would be walking 1 mile an .....

Assisted Suicide
Words: 2363 / Pages: 9

.... has played in the area of suicide. Next, we'll look at what the constitution says and see if any of the states have allowed suicide. Finally, we'll study some of the cases that have been brought before the American courts. Suicide has become a big part of American society, year after year more people are taking their own lives for many different reasons. A lot of philosophers have broken down all the reasons of suicides into two different categories, rational suicide and irrational suicide. A rational suicide has been given five basic criteria that usually must be met for the person's act to be considered rational. The five criteria which a perso .....

Words: 341 / Pages: 2

.... almost always males. In one-third of all cases hemophilia thought to be caused by spontaneous gene mutation with no family history. This is how females are able to be affected by hemophilia. Inheritance is controlled by a recessive sex-linked factor carried by the mother on the X chromosome. There is a fifty percent chance that the sons of a female carrier will have hemophilia. There also is a fifty percent chance that the daughters of a female carrier will be carriers of hemophilia. In addition, all daughters of men with hemophilia are carriers, but his sons are unaffected. Men cannot transmit hemophilia, and female carriers are free of the dis .....

Suicide -- Causes And Effects
Words: 528 / Pages: 2

.... can and they feel suicide is an easy way out. It is a known fact, that in today¡¯s fast moving world there is so much of competition everywhere in every field. Every day we hear cases of adults, teenagers, and even children being pushed around to their best. It brings out the best in some people but not everyone. Those who are pushed to their limits and cannot cope with it feel let down by themselves. They feel as if they are not wanted anymore by the society. This creates a low self-esteem. There are a lot of misconceptions about suicide. It is believed that people who talk about suicide won¡¯t attempt it. It is also believed that people who .....

My Viewpoint Regarding Abortions
Words: 469 / Pages: 2

.... to have an abortion and that you do not believe in abortion but by saying that you are taking away a woman's freedom of choice. A woman should have the right to choose if she wants to have an abortion. Your viewpoint does not acknowledge a woman's right to freedom of choice. I agree with your opinion, that the fetus is a human and that it has a right to life and that is why I believe in early abortions. I feel that your viewpoint would cause many problems. One problem is that your viewpoint allows no abortions, that allows no consideration for the mother of the family that would be effected by that child. Also, pro-lifers do not agree with s .....

Meditation: A In-Depth Look
Words: 988 / Pages: 4

.... of young people flocked to the ideas of Hinduism in the 1970's to escape the drug culture of the times. As the troubled youth of the 1970's matures into the professionals of the 1990's, the practice of meditation has been incorporated into the medical field and studied for its effect on the body and mind. The physical practice of meditation slows and calms the body, lowering blood pressure and heart rate with the use of deep breathing exercises. The calming of the body in itself works to fight stress but those who meditate say that meditation also helps to replenish the mind. The mind, along with the body, needs to feel at peace. In the hus .....

Abortion - Right To Choose
Words: 759 / Pages: 3

.... It does not posess the criteria derived from our understanding of living human beings. In a notable defense of this position, philosopher Mary Anne Warren has proposed the following criteria for "person-hood": 1) consciousness (of objects and events external and or internal to the being), and in particular the capacity to feel pain. 2) reasoning (the developed capacity to solve new and relatively complex problems) 3) self-motivated activity (activity which is relatively independent of either genetic or direct external control) 4) the capacity to communicate, by whatever means, messages of an indefinite variety of possible contents, but on indef .....

Prenatal Diagnosis: Heredity Disorders, Other Biochemical Diseases, And Disfiguring Birth Defects
Words: 2121 / Pages: 8

.... complex fatty substance accumulates in the body because of the missing enzyme which would ordinarily break this compound into pieces.(Nora,1989). This missing enzyme causes kidney and blood-vessel problems that lead to high blood pressure, kidney failure and strokes.(Mulinsky, 1989). After many years of symptoms, most patients have died in their thirties and forties owing to a lack specific treatment. A biochemical disorder also caused by a missing enzyme is the Lesch- Nyhan syndrome, an extremely unpleasant disorder characterized not only by profound mental retardation and features of brain damage (stiff limbs with peculiar movements), but also .....

Abortion And American Legal System
Words: 446 / Pages: 2

.... the case of Hodgson v. Minnesota the court upheld a Minnesota law requiring parental consent and a forty-eight hour delay for adolescents seeking abortions. Many feel this denies adolescents “equal rights, equal access, and real choice”. Once again chipping away from women’s reproductive rights, and further restricting the earlier Roe v. Wade decision. The law is contradicting because it does in fact place obstacles in the way of a woman’s obtaining an abortion. From the readings in the Mahler text, one can assume that Nigeria does not have a stable democracy. After reading this passage I was asked to analyze and access the Nigerian re .....

Being Unfit Can Mean Problems
Words: 540 / Pages: 2

.... that you enjoy. The rewards and benefits of fitness can all be reaped, if you work at it. There are many benefits to fitness. The main one is health. Research has shown that people who are in shape and fit are less prone to disease such as coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, frailty, diabetes and conditions like obesity than the people are not. Fit people also tend to live a longer life. Doing aerobic and weight exercises such as running, walking, swimming, weight lifting etc. and a healthy diet is important in preventing or treating the above diseases or conditions. When you are fit, you feel energized and want to be active. Unf .....

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