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Pro Choice: Letter To The Editor
Words: 294 / Pages: 2

.... fabric of morality and ideas that we live by everyday. When this right is denied to someone by the government, undoubtedly something very wrong. It is such the case with making abortions illegal. By outlawing abortions, you are outlawing a woman's choice for how she will live her life. The government has in a sense become a "big brother" and has decided what is good for her and what is not. When government goes beyond foreign affair and the protection of it's citizens, into the controlling of lives and decisions that we make, it is no longer a government. It becomes something that goes against every single principle and idea that this country w .....

Words: 927 / Pages: 4

.... sucking the pieces into an attached container. There is a risk that the uterus can be punctured during the procedure. Also, the ist must take care that all the body pats are removed from the womb, as infection and hemorrhage can occur if fetal or placental tissue is left in the uterus. This method can be used up to the eighth week of pregnancy. The second most common method is called saline injection or salt poisoning and is used after sixteen weeks or pregnancy. The doctor inserts a long needle through the mother’s abdomen and injects a saline solution into the sac of amnionic fluid surrounding the fetus. The fetus is poisened by swallowing .....

Ovarian Cancer
Words: 4156 / Pages: 16

.... rapid emergence of drug resistance, and associated cross-resistance remain unresolved. Ovarian cancer has a high frequency of metastasis yet generally remains localized within the peritoneal cavity. Tumor development has been associated with aberrant, dysfunctional expression and/or mutation of various genes. This can include oncogene overexpression, amplification or mutation, aberrant tumor suppressor expression or mutation. Also, subversion of host antitumor immune responses may play a role in the pathogenesis of cancer (Sharp, 77). Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma was first described by Peham in 1899 as "hypernephroma of the ovary" be .....

Humans Soon To Be Extinct... Say It Ain't So!!
Words: 3003 / Pages: 11

.... theory for the dinosaur extinctions within the scientific community. It is called the dinosaur- greenhouse extinction theory. It says that a climate change via the greenhouse effect killed off the dinosaurs. My paper takes this proposed theory and relates it to the world today. Some of the things that happened back then are also happening now, and if the dinosaur- greenhouse extinction theory is indeed true, then we are also in danger of dying from the greenhouse vertebrate killing mechanism, abrupt atmospheric changes, and the other effects caused by the increased greenhouse effect and people should know about the consequences of what we are doi .....

Words: 343 / Pages: 2

.... their babies in the uterus, and perhaps through infected mother's milk. Currently there is no cure for AIDS, however research is showing hopeful signs. Research has made breakthroughs the past years and have come up with ways to slow things down, but not cure AIDS. There are many ways to prevent AIDS. I believe the leading way is abstinence. No sex until your sure of your sexual partners past sexual history should you consider sex. If you must have sex then have safe sex. Safe sex includes using any instrument or object which does not allow bodily fluids to be exchanged. Preventing AIDS is something we all can do. No one is forced to have sex .....

Words: 840 / Pages: 4

.... artificial life support equipment or other medical or surgical procedures. While this has generally been a desirable development , it has also had some negative consequences in that, in some instances, the dying process is unnecessarily prolonged. There are two main arguments against that severe pain can and that if some form of killing by doctors, or others were made legal, it might easily be abused and people might be put to death for reasons unconnected with mercy. However, many people see the argument in terms of their own right to die,when faced with the indignity of deterioration, dependence and hopeless pain. Doctors although do at times .....

Prolonged Preservation Of The Heart Prior To Transplantation
Words: 1939 / Pages: 8

.... the organ. Scientists and doctors are currently only able to keep a donor heart viable for four hours before the tissues become irreversibly damaged. Because of this preservation restriction, the donor heart is ultimately given to someone whose tissues do not match up as well, so there is a greatly increased chance for rejection of the organ by the recipient. As far as the man in Oregon goes, he will probably not receive a donor heart before his own expires. Currently, when a heart is being prepared for transplantation, it is simply submerged in an isotonic saline ice bath in an attempt to stop all metabolic activity of that heart. This .....

Words: 2987 / Pages: 11

.... AIDS cases and more than 152,000 deaths had been reported in the United States alone. This is only the tip of the iceberg of HIV infection, however. It is estimated that between 1 million and 1.5 million Americans had been infected with the virus by the early 1990s but had not yet developed clinical symptoms. In addition, although the vast majority of documented cases have occurred in the United States, AIDS cases have been reported in about 162 countries worldwide. Sub- Saharan Africa in particular appears to suffer a heavy burden of this illness. No cure or vaccine now exists for AIDS. Many of those infected with HIV may not even be aware t .....

The Effects Of Teenage Alcoholism
Words: 1072 / Pages: 4

.... eye movement while they sleep during which their dreams process what they have learned. The slowing down of eye movement can also cause lack of sleep. Since the brain won’t be able to review what happened in one day they will not be able to remember what they have learned.[ Coping with] Alcohol also has other effects on the body. It can cause a person to loss their balance and make it very hard for them to stand up and walk. Alcoholism also effects a person’s reaction time and hand-eye coordination, which can often lead to serious accidents. High concentrations of alcohol can cause your breathing to slow and eventually stop. Alcohol slows a .....

Words: 1310 / Pages: 5

.... or displaced out of context; two disparate ideas or images may be condensed into one; thoughts may be dramatized in the form of images rather than expressed as abstract concepts; and certain objects may be represented symbolically by images of other objects, although the resemblance between the symbol and the original object may be vague or farfetched. The laws of logic, indispensable for conscious thinking, do not apply to these unconscious mental productions. Recognition of these modes of operation in unconscious mental processes made possible the understanding of such previously incomprehensible psychological phenomena as dreaming. Through analys .....

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