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Health Essay Writing Help

Artificial Heart Devices
Words: 1801 / Pages: 7

.... are enormous. According to the American Heart Association, there are between 16,000 and 40,000 possible recipients of artificial heart devices under the age of sixty-five. If perfected, it would enable us to save thousands of human lives. In considering the full impact of artificial heart devices on society, we must not narrow our thinking to include only the beneficial possibilities. There exist moral, ethical, and economic factors that accompany these new innovations to humanity. Who will receive these brilliant inventions? Obviously not all of the patients will get transplants, so selection criteria must be established. The high price of ar .....

Words: 423 / Pages: 2

.... not only takes your concentration and does crazy things to it. It also takes away your will to do the tasks on hand. you know your paper is due, and that you must get it to school somehow, but yet you do not want to do it and only want to curse the teacher that gave it to you. Of course people will say that I could have written a good three page essay in the time that it took me to scribble this down, but I believe this is untrue. As this paper took no concentration and just my thoughts coming down on paper. If a real essay would to come to me now that is what would be on the paper. But as you see it is not a true essay. Honesty is always the .....

Pro-Life And Pro-Choice Regarding Abortion
Words: 571 / Pages: 3

.... a mans sperm and a womens egg, are joined. "At that moment the fetus is formed as a unique person that is allowed to develop freely, would grow to function independently." So abortion is wrong. Many pro-choice proponents argue that human life begins at viability, the moment when a fetus can survive outside the mothers womb. That is why they believe abortion is an okay decision to make. Pro-life advocates believe that a babys life begins at conception. They state "That right to be born overrides the mothers right to make decisions about her body since her decisions to abort affect the life of another human being, the unborn baby."To them aborti .....

Should Abortion Be Supported?
Words: 914 / Pages: 4

.... behave with standards of high sexual morality. If we were all to practice high sexual morality, there would be fewer teenage pregnancies, illegitimate babies, and consequently no need for abortion clinics in our country. However, some special cases might still existed. For instance, a fetus may have a high chance of being born mentally ill, with a handicap, blind, or AIDS. In such cases, according to utilitarianism by which to produce the greatest happiness to the greatest number, then people should have the right to have abortion because it will cause both emotional and economical burden to the parents. Because of the new invention and technolog .....

AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
Words: 1392 / Pages: 6

.... given AIDS its name (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome)," write the Segals, "has been traced back to a destruction or a functional failure of the T4-lymphocytes, also called 'helper cells`, which play a regulatory role in the production of antibodies in the immune system." In the course of the illness, the number of functional T4- cells is reduced greatly so that new anti-bodies cannot be produced and the defenceless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that under other circumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die from opportunistic infections rather than from the AIDS virus itself. The initial infection is characterize .....

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Words: 1761 / Pages: 7

.... injury is usually some type of neck injury. The most common MOI is an auto accident, frequently producing a whiplash, but other types of hyperextension neck injuries are seen too. Also common is repetitive stress at work by people who work on assembly lines or keyboards, or athletes such as swimmers and baseball pitchers. All of the above predisposing factors ultimately lead to the narrowing of the costoclavicular space in the shoulder. This injury is most commonly an overuse injury. This is due to the cause of the build up of scar tissue on the muscles of the neck by there being a stretching injury to the neck muscles. The tight muscles press agains .....

Issues Of Assisted Suicide
Words: 1094 / Pages: 4

.... were legalized many unnecessary and unethical killings would occur”. It is not so much the idea of a person wanting to act in assisted suicide but the fact of making it a legal practice is wrong. Suicidal people usually need help with their problems, not the help to die. They do not know the reason why they want to commit suicide they just find reasons to get the easy way out. Assisted Suicide should not be legalized because it is religiously wrong, because it is unethical and because it is MURDER. Assisted suicide is wrong in the eyes of God because suicide is a sin. Thomas Aquinas documented the Christian beliefs on suicide as “ It violates .....

Euthanasia: The Right To Die
Words: 922 / Pages: 4

.... to you. One notable euthanasia case would be Sue Rodrigous. She had a disease known as Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS, which is a rare incurable disease of the nervous system. ALS gradually destroys the nerves that control the muscles. The results of which are weakness, paralysis, and eventually death. That is what Sue Rodrigous was suffering from for well over a year. Knowing that her condition was only going to get worse, and eventually, after the pain and suffering, would result in death, Sue wanted to die. She wanted people to remember her as a lively healthy woman, not just a body lying helpless in a hospital bed. With that thought in mind, Sue .....

Herbal Extracts And Hormones
Words: 1618 / Pages: 6

.... for the past several years. Herbs are being used in homes, for more than just spicing the sauce or glazing the chicken. Herbs are being used as an alternative for medications as well. In the coming years, we may see the introduction of newer and better medicinal herbs as scientists Mowry pgs. 26-27 continue their search for the cures of all aches and pains. In past years, herbs were used for pains and aches. These herbs are making a comeback because they have fewer side effects than regular medicine. An example is willow bark Mowry, pgs. 43-49 which is being used instead of aspirin. Aspirin was made from the active ingredient in will .....

Alzheimer's: Genetic Dementia
Words: 899 / Pages: 4

.... a certain allele of the APOE, apolipoprotein E, gene located on Chromosome 19. APOE, which encodes a protein that helps transport cholesterol in the body and also is involved in nerve cell repair, comes in three alleles, e2, e3, and e4. Those with one or two e4 alleles are deemed at higher risk of Alzheimer's disease, although those who possess APOE-e4 are not guaranteed to develop the disease. APOE-e4 may simply be unable to efficiently repair nerve cells. The presence of e4 does not signify if person will develop Alzheimer's; instead, it signifies when he or she will get it. Recent studies suggest that Alzheimer's may be affected by an inte .....

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