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Abortion: Murder Of An Innocent Human Being
Words: 338 / Pages: 2

.... is quartered and piece by piece the body parts are sucked out through a suction tube. In another method, a saltwater solution is injected into the amniotic sac, and the baby is poisoned. These methods are extremely cruel and painful, regardless of the organism it is being performed on. This torture needs to be stopped now. Being irresponsible and not using protection when having sex is not a good excuse to kill an innocent baby. Before having sex, the couple needs to think about the consequences and what to do if something happens, kill an innocent child or have the baby, and put it up for an adoption. Taking the life of another human being is murde .....

Unconventional Medicines
Words: 2512 / Pages: 10

.... heal many things such as sprains, headaches, and even pneumonia. It is usually accompanied by massage, and used often in sports. Imagery is a type of therapy in which the patient imagines that they are being healed, and before long, they will feel better. For example, if a patient had a bad sunburn on their back, they could imagine that a block of ice was melting inside their neck and dripping down the back. Within minutes, the pain should be gone. Imagery can also include sounds, tastes, and smells. (Nash,1996:45) The list of alternative therapies goes on and on. For every disease known to mankind, there is probably a complementary alternati .....

Bacteria: Good And Bad
Words: 290 / Pages: 2

.... plants can use in a process called nitrogen fixation.Bacteria are good for recycling because they feed on dying material and convert it back into basic substances.Without decomposition the food chain would cease.Bacteria also helps in the breakdown on rocks which influences the movement of key elements,such as,sulfur,iron,phosphorus,and carbon,around the world.Bacteria are the main digesters of cellulose within cows and other animals.Bacteria are used in the making of dairy products.Without bacteria the dairy industry would not exist.Bacteria are also helpful in sewage treatment.These certain bacterias convert the organic materials of sewage into ca .....

Braces: A Pain In The Ass
Words: 483 / Pages: 2

.... Most offices are open-air, filled with other patients. This means an audience as the nurse stretches and pulls patient's mouths in Jim Carrey-like expressions. If one should forget to brush their teeth before their visit, they will regrettably become immortal as the doctor announces the left- over remains of Taco Bell in-between molars.Braces become a constant source of embarrassment. Braces are three years of physical torture beginning with the very first office visit. The application of the brackets itself is long, tedious, and uncomfortable. First, cold, polydent flavored clay is thrust into the crevices of the mouth, forcing i .....

Euthanasia And The First Amendment
Words: 779 / Pages: 3

.... has made the choice to either partake in physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. “Physician-assisted suicide occurs when the physician provides the patient with the means and/or knowledge to commit suicide”(Death and Dying,91). “ Euthanasia is when the physician administers the death causing drug or agent”(Death and Dying,92). The most recent case is that of The State of Florida v. Charles Hall. “Charles Hall is dying of AIDS and challenged the State of Florida to let him die by a self-administered lethal injection without fear of prosecution”( deathnet/open.html). On January 31, 1997, a Judge ruled that Charles H .....

Laws Against Assisted Suicide In Canada
Words: 1010 / Pages: 4

.... in late April, early May: "Suicide is not the aim. Eliminating suffering is the aim, but you pay a price with the loss of a life." Although Kevorkian's methods have succeeded with some difficulty, in the USA, their northern neighbour, our great dominion of Canada, disallows the administration of this relieving practice. In our grand country assisted suicide is illegal. Cases of other terminally ill persons have surfaced throughout the news, the most prominent being those related to Dr. "Death" Kevorkian. We don't often think on what a terminally ill person might be like. They might be suffering from Lou Gehrig's Disease. They might be sufferi .....

Words: 1925 / Pages: 7

.... sweating may accompany alcohol use. Loose muscle tone, lose of fine motor coordination,odor of alcohol on the breath,and a stagging "drunken"gait. The effects of alcohol intoxication are greatly influenced by individual variations among users. Some users may become intoxicated at a much lower Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level that I am about to show you. Along with drinking their are different levels to it: 0.02-0.03 BAC: No loss of coorination,slight euphoria and loss of shyness. Depressant effects are not apparent. 0.04-0.06 BAC: Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, sensation of warmth. Some minor impairment of reasoning .....

Treating Diabetes With Transplanted Cells
Words: 1248 / Pages: 5

.... could prevent death. Unfortunately, this is not a cure. Patients can get potentially fatal diabetes-related disorders. These include blindness and, or kidney failure. Atherososclerosis, numbness and pain in extremities caused by narrowed vessicles, may also be a problem. These effects are caused because insulin injections can't perfectly mimic naturally made insulin. That's why a therapy that maintains glucose values within normal from the begging is needed. An ideal treatment would be the implantation of islets. This, in theory, would only have to be done once and would insure proper insulin production. Successful grafts would also preven .....

The Price Of Smoking
Words: 946 / Pages: 4

.... and the number of deaths?" People start smoking for their individual reasons. Some common reasons why a person may start smoking may be due to stress, to peer pressure, or even because the person wants to change his social status. The tobacco industry deceives people with their ads, implying that cigarettes can relieve stress, help you to fit in with the cool kids, and even change the social status of men, women, and teens. A camel smoking a cigarette, wearing a leather jacket, with several beautiful ladies surrounding him portrays the image that smoking is for tough men whom the ladies love. Models are used to illustrate that smoking will make women .....

What Causes Infectious Diseases To Strike?
Words: 1411 / Pages: 6

.... of the most basic questions about the disease remain unanswered today. This mysterious virus ha sdisturbing symptoms and almost no incubation period. Ebola liquefies every organ of the body and causes bleeding from every opening. The virus is twice as deadly as AIDS and works one-thousand times as fast, killing victims in three to ten days. Ebola is spread from mostly by means of close contact with an infected person and can also be tranfered through sexual contact. People who are lucky enough to survive the disease usually pose no threat of infection to others. Marburg is just as deadly as ebola, but is less widespread. Marburg causes .....

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