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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 1207 / Pages: 5

.... is the Sudan. It was discovered in Sudan in 1976 and identified by Dr. Karl Johnson. This type of resurfaced again in sudan in 1979. Then Came Reston. This virus was brought by African monkeys that were imported to the United States in 1989. It was identified by Dr. Peter Jahling This type of is not believed to cause health poblems in humans. The most recent strain discovered is the Tai. It was identified by Dr. Bernard Le Guenno in 1995. It was discovered in the Ivory Coast of west Africa in the Tai Forest. A Swiss researcher was the first to contract this strain he survived the infection. There are many differences betweent t .....

Sickle Cell Disease
Words: 1403 / Pages: 6

.... destroyed in the liver and in the spleen. This results in a shortage of red blood cells called anemia which, when severe, can cause the patient to be pale, short of breath and easily tired. Certain conditions, such as infections, may worsen a patient's anemia by speeding up destruction of red blood cells or reducing red blood cell production. Two of the most common forms of are sickle cell anemia (SS disease) and sickle "C" disease. Sickle beta thalassemia is a less common form of . The effects of vary greatly from one person to the next. Some affected people rarely see their doctors for sickle cell-related complaints; others may be hospitalized fr .....

Body Systems
Words: 311 / Pages: 2

.... skeletal or voluntary or striated (found superficial to the bones, like biceps, triceps...) and cardiac (heart). Their functions are movement, to maintain body posture & tone and in the production of body heat. Now its time for the Nervous System. Its constructed of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves (neurons). Its functions are to communicate (fast with short duration), integration, and to control. The subsequent system is the Endocrine System (known as ductless too...). This is composed of a lot of things... They are:pituitary gland - below the brain (master gland), pineal gland - brain (It`s called the "third eye" by some, because its .....

Two Sides Of The Brain
Words: 1112 / Pages: 5

.... the body (this is reversed in about half of the 15 percent of the population that is left-handed) and, in essence, is logical analytical, judgemental and verbal. It's interested in the bottom line, in being efficent. The right brain controls the left side of the body and leans more to the creative, the intuitive. It is concerned more with the visual and emotional side of life. Most people, if they thought about it, would identify more with their left brain. In fact, many of us think we are our left brains. All of that non-stop verbalization that goes on in our heads is the dominant left brain talking to itself. Our culture- particular .....

Abortion And Euthanasia: A Significant Difference
Words: 1078 / Pages: 4

.... on these issues because it is from their own ideals and beliefs that their own sets of morals arise. Thus, is it possible for someone who is conservative in regard to abortion to favor active euthanasia? With all aspects considered, it is definitely very possible for one to sanction active euthanasia, and at the same time remain conservative in regards to abortion. It is possible that the dilemmas of birth control and birth selection can extend to the problems of death selection and death control whether by the individual or society. However, the theories of ‘birth’ and ‘death’ are by far two very separate concepts. It is true that birth m .....

Words: 732 / Pages: 3

.... to have any serious side effects. Also, since is found naturally in the body and in foods, “it has not been, or is it likely to be banned from use in athletic competition.” (Brody 84) What is ? is a nutrient that is found in many foods. It is most highly concentrated in lean red meat. “A half-pound of red meat contains about two grams of ”. (McDonald 78) Your body also produces in very small amounts. is necessary for proper cell functions and reproduction and is one of the main energy stores for muscle. How does work? When somebody is exercising, his or her muscles demand energy. The energy that the muscle gets is called aden .....

Words: 498 / Pages: 2

.... commonly strikes in the shoulders, elbows, knees, pelvis, hips or Achilles tendons. Bursitis can affect nearly anyone for any number of reasons. It affects mainly adults both male and female. The individuals most at risk are people who engage in excessive and improper stretching and people who are involved heavily in athletic training. Bursitis can be caused by many things. For one, it can be caused by injury or overuse of a joint. Strenuous unfamiliar exercise also can cause Bursitis. Plus, such diseases as gout, arthritis, and chronic infection of a joint can be likely causes. But frequently the cause of Bursitis can not be determined. The onl .....

Words: 2220 / Pages: 9

.... neurologist Jean Martin CHARCOT tried to rid the mind of undesirable thoughts through hypnotic suggestion, but without lasting success. Josef Breuer, a Viennese physician, achieved better results by letting Anna O., a young woman patient, try to empty her mind by just telling him all of her thoughts and feelings. Freud refined Breuer's method by conceptualizing theories about it and, using these theories, telling his patients through interpretations what was going on inside the unconscious part of their minds, thus making the unconscious become conscious. Many hysterias were cured this way, and in 1895, Breuer and Freud published their findings a .....

Words: 558 / Pages: 3

.... became adept at reabsorbing glucose, salts, and other materials which would have been lost if simply pumped out of the body by a simple organ. The cut surface of the kidney reveals two distinct areas: the cortex- a dark band along the outer border, about one centimeter in thickness, and the inner medulla. The medulla is divided into 8 to 18 cone-shaped masses of tissue named renal pyramids. The apex of each pyramid, the papilla, extends into the renal pelvis, through which urine is released from the kidney tissue. The cortex arches over the bases of the pyramids (cortical arches) and extends down between each pyramid as the renal columns. Urin .....

Words: 3079 / Pages: 12

.... Major depression, as defined by psychiatrists, is unfortunately relatively common. What is depression? The term "affect" refers to one's mood or "spirits." "Affective disorder" refers to changes in mood that occur during an episode of illness marked by extreme sadness (depression) or excitement (mania) or both. Depression is a disorder of affect. Affective disorders are predominantly disturbances of mood that are severe in nature and persistent despite the influence of external events. Depression is characterized by severe and persistent low mood, which is often unresponsive to the efforts of friends and family to cheer the sufferer up. Patients .....

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