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Health Essay Writing Help

Words: 632 / Pages: 3

.... severe (Bourne 996). To diagnose leukemia doctors have to insert a needle into the bone marrow to extract it and then then view it under a microscope to see if it has any abnormalities that relate to that of leukemia. Some of the symptoms that are involved with leukemia include: lack of energy, fever, susceptibility to infection (because of lack of white blood cells), excessive or repetitive bleeding, easy bruising, and also enlargement of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes (997). This disease has been known to cause about "10% of all cancer deaths, about 50% of all cancer deaths in children and adults less than 30 years old, and at least 4 m .....

Bubonic Plague
Words: 309 / Pages: 2

.... as you begin to experience the last stages of the disease, are your back starts to hurt and painful swelling of your lymph nodes. Hard lumps filled with blood and puss called "boboes",from which the disease gets it name, form on various parts of your lymphatic system, such as your neck, inner thigh, groin, and armpits. This stage is the most painful. Blood vessels break and later the dry blood turns black underneath your skin. The treatment for the plague is a vaccine that lasts 6 months. You can use the preferred vaccine Streptomycin, or gentamicin, teracyclines, or chloramphenicol are all good substitutes. The treatment must start w .....

The Problem Of Teens And Smoking
Words: 881 / Pages: 4

.... After smoking their tobacco they would break off a bit of the end and place it back above the hearth for the next person. By 1620, planters started to grow their own supply of tobacco. They started growing up to 100,000 pounds of tobacco a year! At this rate, the figure of tobacco got to be as high as 100 million pounds by the time of the American Revolution. In the 17th century, cultivating tobacco became the most important industry of the Virginia and Maryland colonies. Sometime later it became the major industry in North Carolina. “The first of the tobacco manufacturers to mass-produce cigarettes was Washington, Duke and Sons of Du .....

Strep Throat
Words: 691 / Pages: 3

.... a sore throat is caused by strep from just looking at the throat itself with the naked eye. The symptoms of can resemble the sore throat caused by many viruses. In fact, most sore throats are not strep, but are merely sore throats caused by viruses. So, in order to tell if a sore throat is in fact strep, a throat culture is needed. There are a few symptoms of . First, a significant fever of about 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Second, pus, or white spots, on either or both the tonsils and throat area when the tonsils have been removed. A third symptom is swollen, tender lymph nodes in the throat area, just below the ear, where the jaw bone an .....

Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Words: 791 / Pages: 3

.... more in muscle groups that are used repetitively. The symptom of fatigue can be mild in some patients and yet incapacitating in others. The fatigue has been described as “brain fatigue” in which patients feel totally drained of energy. This can lead to difficulty concentrating. Most fibromyalgia patients have an associated sleep disorder called the alpha-EEG anomaly. This condition was uncovered in a sleep lab with the aid of a machine which recorded the brain waves of patients during sleep. Researchers found that patients could fall asleep without much trouble, but their deep level (or stage 4) sleep was constantly interrupted by bursts of .....

Solutions To The Abortion Issue
Words: 600 / Pages: 3

.... 2000 election. On the eve of his inauguration for second term as Governor of Texas George W. Bush made the statement “ Part of our responsibility era understand the value of life. I would hope that our next leader would lead America to respect all levels of life, including the life of the unborn”(Thomas). This is a statement that the majority of the population would agree with. The thing now is that we need to get on into office that is able to pass laws making it more difficult for one to have an abortion done. In the past George W. Bush has passed laws in Texas making it to where a minor has to have the permission of a parent to have this proced .....

Dreaming Problems
Words: 702 / Pages: 3

.... have problems sleeping, are able to cope with problems easier, concentrate better, and finish tasks more adequitely. Lack of sleep can cause memory, learning, reasoning and calulation functions to decrease in efficiency. Lack of sleep can lead to illness and psychiatric problems also. An approximate 200,000 auto accidents are probably caused by sleep hindrence, and also, an estimate was made that sleep deprivation and work cost the economy one hundred fifty thousand dollars. Amount of sleep necessary depends upon the individual. Some are ready to go with six hours of sleep, while others can¹t function without nine. If a person feels unable .....

Asbestos: Helpful Aspects Vs. Harmful Effects
Words: 1592 / Pages: 6

.... properties include easy access and availability, durability, tensile strength yet flexible, and thereby produce many useful products. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), “there are six types of asbestos fibers: Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Anthophylite, Actinolite, and Tremolite” (8). OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has categorized asbestos work into four different classes depending on the amount of exposure to asbestos during a specific employment. The categories consist of classes I, II, III, and IV, with Class I work having the greatest amount of exposure to asbestos and Cla .....

Words: 1931 / Pages: 8

.... Hepatitis descries the destructive affect of the viral invasion of the body and liver by six and separate viruses. Each type of viral infection varies from one to another in degree of severity. The names of the viruses are in alphabetical order corresponding to their discovery. There is also a non-viral Hepatitis which is caused by substance. One rumor that has spread about hepatitis is that a person can only contract Hepatitis if associated with HIV or AIDS. This is not true! Any one can become infected with Hepatitis. Unfortunately this is about all most people know of Hepatitis. They need to know the full horror of which the virus is capa .....

Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Words: 560 / Pages: 3

.... referred to as the "good" cholesterol, and the LDL, Low Density Lipoprotein, which is known as the "bad" cholesterol. These are described as good or bad because of their affect on the cardiovascular system which includes the heart and blood vessels, throughout the entire body. An excess of "bad" cholesterol- LDL, is known to precipitate out and accumulate on the lining on the membrane of arteries, and eventually sludge this tube enough to impair the flow of life giving blood to the end organ supplied by this blood vessel resulting in disease and serious impairment of that organ, eventually. It has been well proven that an excess of "good" chole .....

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