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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Illegal Drugs
Words: 802 / Pages: 3

.... are putting themselves at a very high risk. They risk their health and their lives. Since they are breaking laws they also but themselves at the risk of getting arrested. They risk their freedom and their future all for drugs. Each year drug use is the cause of a large number of accidents at home in the office and on the road. Everybody pays the price of drug abuse: more cops and prisons more hospitols and treatment centers and many lives lost. But drug users hurt themselves more than anybody because they are supporting violent crimes in the drug world. Just by using drugs they become part of that drug world. They are already commiti .....

Marijuana Should Be Legal For Medicinal Reasons Only
Words: 1236 / Pages: 5

.... in the late 1970’s (14, p.2). Today, marijuana has a positive reputation for helping cancer patients overcome the nausea associated with chemotherapy, treating glaucoma, and in stimulating the appetite of AIDS patients (14, p.3). Studies have shown that marijuana clearly controls nausea and vomiting in many chemotherapy patients, helps AIDS patients gain weight, and greatly reduces damaging pressure in the eye caused by glaucoma (4, p.1). The fact that smoking marijuana to relieve medical distress is still illegal is alarming. If marijuana can help so many suffering victims of these ailments, then why keep it out of use? Marijuana ranked ninth in .....

Capital Punishment: Right Or Wrong?
Words: 4209 / Pages: 16

.... they did not commit. Perhaps the most frequent argument for capital punishment is that of deterrence. The prevailing thought is that imposition of the death penalty will act to discourage other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief. In addition, with the growing sympathy of modern society, the number of inmates actually put to death is substantially lower than 50 years ago. This fact that it was more safe back then than it is now probably has to due with the fact that in earlier times, where capital punishment was common, the value of life was less, and societies were more barbaric .....

Failure Of Gun Control Laws
Words: 1567 / Pages: 6

.... our country, and the role firearms have played in it. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States makes firearm ownership legal in this country. There were good reasons for this freedom, reasons which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonists felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these rebels found themselves opposed by the greatest military force in the world at that time. The 18th century witnessed the height of .....

What Is Our World Coming To: Rising Crime In US
Words: 295 / Pages: 2

.... of twenty-four hours. According to the DPS (Department of Public Safety) reports crime is down 3.8% in 1991. That sounds great but then you hear that rapes have increased 6.5% , in 1991, you don't think that we are improving so much. This report was compiled from ninety-three different Arizona police agencies. Of all the crime rape showed the largest increase. Last year in Arizona, there were 1,568 reported rapes compared to 1,472 in 1990. There was 289 slayings last year, in Maricopa county, while there were only 277 the year before that. An increase of 3.6%. Phoenix alone had 151 of those slayings last year. Lots of .....

The Penalties Of Drunk Driving
Words: 1172 / Pages: 5

.... of your license in New York lasts until prosecution is complete. New York is the first municipality in the nation to seize the vehicles of motorists arrested for driving while intoxicated. Under New York City's new drunken driving policy: motorists with a blood alcohol level of .10 percent -- the legal limit -- or higher will have their vehicles seized on the spot; while the motorist faces prosecution in criminal court, the vehicle seizure will be part of a separate proceeding in civil court under state forfeiture laws; because civil proceedings require only a preponderance of evidence for guilt -- rather than guilt beyond a reasonable doubt -- m .....

Pre-Employment Drug Testing
Words: 874 / Pages: 4

.... Resource Managers need to decipher which test best suites their company's individual needs. There is a various number of tests on the market. It is important for recruitment specialist to know what kinds of information they need. Pre-employment testing can test any thing from skills to physical ability. The discipline of pre-employment testing is not a stand-alone function. However, A majority of companies feel that it is one of the three vital components in the hiring process. The other components are comprised of Screening and Interviewing. It is the employers responsibility to make the hiring decision as well as undertake the above compone .....

Illegial Aliens
Words: 600 / Pages: 3

.... who can strike through those masks, can see vividly, the intentions of these invaders. These are they which are labeled, "Illegal Aliens". I know you're not laughing, because it's not funny. For example: 7-11? Once an American dream, before the Illegal Aliens came into the picture! Conceive that you walk wearily into a 7-11, yearning for a large Pepsi, filled with ice, and brimming with tiny bubbles popping at the surface. . . But no!! the cashier can only say, "Thank you, come again" in a bad accent. You've probably also taken an extensive trip once or twice along a barren interstate. But before leaving, you want to make sure your family .....

The Need For Capital Punishment
Words: 607 / Pages: 3

.... is where the real issue of whether or not capital punishment should exist begins and such a controversial issue could be best understood if we looked at capital punishment in a perspective of how it fulfils or does not fulfil society's ideas of punishment : Is not one of the four fundamental objectives behind punishment retribution? The sentencing objective based on the principle of "an-eye-for-an-eye", which means that what one person has done to another should also be done to that person in return. Is that not justified, especially in cases of premeditated murder of another human begin, another life? Does capital punishment not act as a deterrent? .....

Proposition 215: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
Words: 940 / Pages: 4

.... and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction. (C) To encourage the federal and state governments to implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana. (2) Nothing in this act shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of marijuana for nonmedical purposes. With standing any other provision of law, no physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recom .....

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