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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

New Gun Control Policy Is Needed
Words: 1596 / Pages: 6

.... of long guns under the age of 18, and 21 for the purchase of handguns. Most states prohibit the purchase of guns if you are: a convicted felon, alcoholic, drug addict, mentally ill person, alien, or a fugitive from justice. Some laws require prospective gun buyers, to get a purchase permit, which comes with applicant passing all background checks. A few states even require that all persons possessing guns must have a license to do so, even in their homes. Some states don't ban guns from addicts. This is a problem. Gun concelation isn't the same in each state. Also it is commonly unlawful to fire a gun within city limits or in other congested urban .....

Capital Punishment: Does The End Justify The Means?
Words: 1487 / Pages: 6

.... But human rights advocates continue to decry the immorality of state-sanctioned killing in the U.S., the only western industrialized country that continues to use the death penalty. Is capital punishment moral? Capital punishment is often defended on the grounds by the government, that society has a moral obligation to protect the safety and the welfare of its citizens. Murderers threaten this safety and welfare. Only by putting murderers to death can society ensure that convicted killers do not kill again. Second, those favoring capital punishment contend that society should support those practices that will bring about the greatest balance of goo .....

Methods Of Execution
Words: 2067 / Pages: 8

.... a condemned man is scheduled to be executed, he is led into the death chamber and strapped to the point of immobility into a reinforced chair with belts crossing his chest, groin, legs, and arms. Two copper electrodes, dipped in brine or treated with Eletro-Creme to increase conductivity, are attached to him, one to his leg and the other to his head. The first jolt, between five-hundred and two-thousand volts depending on the size of the prisoner, is given for 30 seconds. Smoke will begin to come out of the prisoner's leg and head and these areas may catch fire if the victim has been sweating profusely. A doctor will examine him and if he still show .....

Words: 1828 / Pages: 7

.... Is abortion OK? How about war? Euthanasia? These are topics that are in hot controversy these days, as civil rights groups battle political standings that have been around for dozens of years. Capital punishment is among those instances of justified killing that has been debated for years, and continues to be an extremely indecisive and complicated issue. Adversaries of capital punishment point to the Marshalls and the Millgards, while proponents point to the Dahmers and Gacys. Society must be kept safe from the monstrous barbaric acts of these individuals and other killers by taking their ability to function and perform in our society away from .....

Young Offenders
Words: 659 / Pages: 3

.... at all. In one case in particular “A boy who was 11 years old who has been in trouble with the law before took a girl with him to his apartment with his gang and then raped her. Then when the police arrived he said you can not touch me” . This to me is very sad first off because he is only 11 years old and he raped a girl but the thing I found most shocking and the rest off the media was that when the police arrived he told them that they could not touch him. Even though he did committee the crime and he should have been charged but sadly e was right. This young offenders knows that the young offenders act is a joke and that is why he committed .....

Marijuana: Persuasive Essay
Words: 547 / Pages: 2

.... on the November ballot and was voted into effect. The federal law that was put into effect no to long ago, states that using marijuana for any reason including medical reasons is illegal. This law was put into effect by the president Bill Clintion. I feel that the law enforcers in California should ignore the federal law or appeal it in court. There is another drug that is illegal to use in any way but for medical reasons. That drug is morphine, it is used in hospitals to relieve the sever pain of any patient. The reason I know this is that recently my mother was in the hospital for a brain aneurysm and when she got headaches she was giv .....

Marijuana: Controversial Smoke
Words: 324 / Pages: 2

.... should be taxed heavily to increase the revenue of the states. That extra money could be used for further research. First it need to be legalized for this to happen. Not like its counterparts, marijuana has medical benefits. It is morphine for glaucoma, and cancer patients. If they are allergic to any painkiller, patients could use marijuana to kill their pain. It gives an appetite to AIDS patients. The cloud of suspicion would disappear, and doctors could get on with investigating marijuana's medical uses without fear of controversy. If you think about it marijuana is just like all of those cigarettes behind the counter. Legalizing it wil .....

The Pros & Cons Of The Death Penalty
Words: 424 / Pages: 2

.... reasons why the Death Penalty should be used again. There is too much money going into holding killers, rapists and psychos. It cost more to hold one inmate one years than to put him through Harvard Law School. These people knew what they were doing when they did the crime, give them consequences. There is also the "eye for an eye" argument. Make them feel what their victims felt. The punishment for murder right now is three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in, very often activities to do. That include Tennis, Weightlifting, or even Prostitutes. Lets change the penalty for murder from country club to Death. The Cons: .....

Capital Punishment: For
Words: 592 / Pages: 3

.... of control and it must be capital punishment. Any person who kills people with no regrets or rapes innocent victims continuously, does not deserve to live in a luxurious North American penitentiary or anywhere for that matter, they deserve nothing but the death penalty. When the words ‘death penalty' or ‘capital punishment' are heard, they obviously are disturbing and uncomfortable, but so are their crimes. There is no hope for criminals with this kind of behavior and mentality. I believe that capital punishment is the key necessity. If capital punishment was enforced for severe crimes, it would eliminate a fair amount of tax money going t .....

Argument For Keeping Repeat Offenders In Jail
Words: 566 / Pages: 3

.... of their given sentence, I believe that there will be less repeat offenders and an overall smaller crime rate. Some say that if we cut down on prison terms we will save loads of tax money. There will be less need to build, maintain, and expand existing staff if there are fewer prisoners. But how much more can we cut these sentences, aren't they short enough already? The average jail sentence is seven years and eleven months, but the actual average time served is two years and eleven months. I think there are better ways to save money. For example, we should cut back on the funding of foreign governments. We have plenty of our own prob .....

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