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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

People Accused Of Violent Crimes Should Not Be Allowed To Post Bail
Words: 786 / Pages: 3

.... Nebraska, as written in the Statutes of Nebraska, bail is granted after a judge takes into account the nature and circumstances of the offense charged. This judge looks at the defendants family ties, employment, financial resources, character and mentality, having resided in the community, conviction records, and record of court appearances or of flight to avoid prosecution or failure to appear. A judge, when deciding if bail is to be granted, does not just flip a coin to decide. He or she looks at all aspects of the situation. It all rests in the judge's hands. When a judge looks at a person accused of a violent crime, such as murder, a few thing .....

Opinion On The Death Penalty
Words: 1001 / Pages: 4

.... switch or induces the poison. Early societies were based on a simple code of law: "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Today, now that our society has become more advanced, we do not function by this ancient code of punishment. For example, we do not rape the rapist's daughter; we do not kidnap the kidnapper's children; but if the death penalty were permitted, we would " kill the killer". So why, as educated citizens, would we want to lower ourselves to this level? Do we feel that we need to show the power of the police force by killing the killers? The death penalty is extremely barbaric and is often botched in order to let the accu .....

Legalization Of Drugs
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... legalizing one of the most deadly substances known to man actually eliminate it? It sounds ironical, but in fact, it makes perfect sense. First, by making drugs legal, you eliminate all source of profit made by dealers in illegal trading. Destroying that aspect of society will reduce the amount of drug related crime. Then that money will be used to set up treatment centers and rehabilitation clinics across America to help the already addicts. Keep in mind, is not the only answer, yet is a definitive step in the right direction. Education is the key to battling drug abuse, but that is a different topic. Nullifying the drug trade is the best way to .....

A Comparison Of Male Juvenile Sex Offenders With Delinquent Non-Offenders
Words: 1656 / Pages: 7

.... (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1987). In Harris County alone, over 34,000 youths are referred to the courts (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,1994). This is not only a nation wide problem, it is obviously a major problem in Harris County as well. There has been a steady increase in juvenile referrals since 1991 (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,1993). Of these referrals, over 200 are sexual assaults (Harris County Juvenile Probation Department, 1993). It is increasingly becoming a major problem and could possibly have profound effects in the near future. Though this is not a great number in comparison to the number of re .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 1317 / Pages: 5

.... studies have been created attempting to prove this belief; however, "all the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do."(Cavanagh 4) In relation to the times in the French Revolution where murderers and thieves heads were thrown into the guillotine, our society today is at a much higher level of thinking. Why should we bring ourselves to the level of thinking that was used almost two hundred years ago? The executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that "…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to .....

Drug Legalization
Words: 1225 / Pages: 5

.... drug abuse in our society has been a major cause of crime and social disruption. The drug problem has been so enormous that some in our society , misguided by frustration , are listening to the arguments to legalize or decriminalize drugs. The solution to the drug problem is not to repeal the drug laws. The solution requires commitment to a balanced effort on drug education , prevention , treatment, and law enforcement. Softening our drug laws would be a major mistake. Research and data clearly shows the problem is not drug prohibition , but drug use. When drugs are cheap and easily accessible , more people will use them. It is a fr .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 527 / Pages: 2

.... is the death penalty. Capital punishment is always going to be questioned by the states. The United States doesn't like the death penalty because they say its not a valid purpose of punishment. The states say a punishment that conflicts harm can hardly be good for us. The states don't want to kill a man who is already imprisoned. They say he's already being punished. However the states don't keep all murders in jail forever. Some of these criminals will get out and will probably start all over again. Its not that they have to kill, but they have a problem. Problem or no problem the states just can't let a killer get away wit .....

Gun Control In The United States
Words: 704 / Pages: 3

.... all the guns from the law abiding citizens. The law enforcement agencies of this country have stated that most firearm owners in the opublic are better armed then they are. How then, will they be able to disarm such a enormous group. If you pass a law that wiolates their interprtation of the second amendment you have left these people angry, and with no way out. They will fight. Are the gun control advocates ready to take responsibility for the hundreds if not thousands of deaths that will occur? Since the law enforcement agencies already admit to thier lack of ability to diarm these people, are they going to order in federal troops? It is a quest .....

Corruption In The NYPD
Words: 1313 / Pages: 5

.... Division and even launch independent investigations. However, mayor Giuliani and police commissioner Bratton are oppose to the plan, and refuse to give up authority to outsiders. Mollen stated that, " what we did find shocking was a total ineptitude of police fighting corruption, they are superb in fighting crime-except among themselves." Corruption is the product of individual police officer and police environment, and its control must mainly should come from the department. Any number of elements or combination of things can influence the behavior of an organization. Within the police department ; the organizational hierarchy , the police cu .....

Capital Punishment: The Legal Punishment Of A Criminal
Words: 557 / Pages: 3

.... These now strictly signify, death. Capital punishment has been a form of “disciplining” since 1750 B.C., when it was part of the code of Hammarabi. The bible itself, also prescribes death as a penalty for any of thirty crimes committed. The crimes ranged from any between murder and fornication. In the 18th century more than two hundred capital crimes were recognized, and as a result over one thousand people a year were faced with the sentence of death. Now at modern time, the death penalty, has been rekindled. Although, it is not as barbaric as it was. Now the law only allows itself the use certain types of “disciplining”. In the ea .....

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