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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Words: 410 / Pages: 2

.... quality of life for many people. Victims of glaucoma and those needing antinausea treatment, for example, would find marijuana easily available. If the madical advantages that are claimed for marijuana are real,many more patients would benifit. Another good thing is that the doctors could get on with investigating marijuanas medical uses with out fear of controversy. The last reason is the Fedral government would benifit two ways, First the fedral revenues would increase, because marijuana ciggaretes would be taxed at the point of sale. The companies that make the ciggaretes would also pay income taxes. Secondly there would be a reduse in the .....

Legalizing Marijuana
Words: 1291 / Pages: 5

.... called tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly called THC, which is the main chemical in marijuana. There are over four hundred chemicals in the marijuana plant, however not all of them cause the same effect. The chemical structure of marijuana is very complex and unique. This is why a number of people smoke this plant to get high. There are a large number of people in the United States who believe that marijuana should not be legalized. There are many reasons that people feel this was, and one is because of marijuana's short-term effects. A person who smokes marijuana will usually have problems with memory and leaning, trouble with thinking and pr .....

Our Prison System Sucks
Words: 501 / Pages: 2

.... and many other things. To me, that sounds awfully like a camp I was made to go to when I was young. Some people in prison even have television, others treat it like a hotel. This disgusts me! This doesn't sound at all like a prison. A prison is a place where people are supposed to be punished. Not treated like guests. There is a fin line between being punished and being over punished however. I'm not saying that each person should be beaten daily, or made to stay in a cell by themselves with no one to talk to for an eternity. The person should be punished according to the crime. "An eye for an eye." This brings me to the subject of capita .....

Capital Punishment
Words: 3289 / Pages: 12

.... of . An indecent justice, one that takes human lives based on ideals of vengeance and violence, is an immoral system that is unacceptable. The most widely used argument in support of is that the consequence of execution influences criminal behavior more effectively than imprisonment does (Amnesty International). Although the argument may sound reasonable, in reality the death penalty fails as a deterrent. First, punishment can only be a useful deterrent if it is rational and immediately used. cannot meet those conditions. The number of first degree murderers who are sentenced to death is small, and of this group an even smaller number of .....

The Rodney King Case
Words: 1656 / Pages: 7

.... acquittals of the policemen, the public’s mind was clearly open to the issue of racism in American society today. The Rodney King incident was a wake up call for all of America. The actions of Sgt. Stacy Koon, Officer Laurence Powell, Officer Tim Wind, and Officer Ted Briseno, which were captured on videotape the night of March 3, 1991, and the three days of rioting and violence that followed the trial shows how much differently people think when it comes to justice. In her article Karen Garner states that Rodney King and two friends were stopped and detained by the California Highway Patrol for allegedly speeding and evading law officers. Wi .....

The Police Exception And The Domestic Abuse Law
Words: 770 / Pages: 3

.... are human, and just like everyone else, they make mistakes. An up- and-coming officer could get in a skirmish at the local bar and be charged with Domestic Abuse. This same officer could become one of the most effective law enforcers in the country. With this law, this officer would not be allowed to continue his services for his county and his fellow police officers. Many people feel that this officer is being done a great injustice and should be allowed to continue his otherwise flawless career as an officer of the law. Interesting. One simple conviction could ruin the lives of every cop in the country. Hard working, one-time offensive policem .....

Decriminalizing Prostitution
Words: 663 / Pages: 3

.... is linked to organized crime, prostitution leads to violence, and prostitution is the cause of an increase in sexually transmitted diseases. Organized crime is “any group having a corporate structure whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities, often surviving on fear and corruption,” (“Interpool” by Fenton Bresler, page 1). A person engaging in organized crime has the sole purpose of generating profits from his/her victims. His crime is consciously and deliberately thought out in order to make earnings as quickly as possible. The United States Officials believe that the easiest form of organized crime is prostit .....

Falsely Accused
Words: 496 / Pages: 2

.... mean what should people start to think ? He said that he felt like an animal being stalked , just waiting to be killed . Now who are we to listen to ? This innocent man or the media , who obviously will print what it takes true or untrue , to make a story . I think that we as Americans owe the accused of there legal right of innocent until proven guilty before we can start accusing them publicly. There is no reason to believe what is being said in the media until there is some definite truth in the case . I mean just because the cops may have beliefs that there is guilt means nothing . After all the FBI gave the media information and it was plain an .....

Why Gun Control Is Needed
Words: 847 / Pages: 4

.... it wasn't for hunting, many would have faced starvation! Guns were a necessity! Now, back to the present . . . children, teenagers, maniacs, criminals, gang-ba ngers, and those with a history of violence are carrying around guns that can shoot 180 rounds per minute, bullets that can pierce metal, and all at an extremely high velocity! Gun control is needed to protect us from chaos! Did our framers intend for these kinds of weapons to be sold to anyone via the Internet or mail order catalog? After reading the information that Mrs. McCall gave to me, I see that a majority of guns, in use today, have one purpose and that is offensive military type .....

Juvenile Crime
Words: 519 / Pages: 2

.... in crimes by juveniles. Many of these juvenile criminals have been abused or neglected and they also grew up in a single-parent household. Research has found that 53% of these children are more likely to be arrested, and 38% more likely to commit a violent crime as an adult, then their counterparts who did not suffer such abuse. The symptoms of child abuse are “high levels of aggression and antisocial behavior” and these children are twice as likely to become juvenile offenders. Also improper parental care has been linked to delinquency such as mothers who drink alcohol or take drugs during pregnancy cause their babies to grow up with lear .....

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