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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Drug Trafficking Policies
Words: 325 / Pages: 2

.... Establishing strict controls that prevent illegal trafficking in firearms. Halting the flow of precursor chemicals for illicit purposes. Stepping up security along the nations borders. E. High-Level Contact Group for Drug Control (HLCG)- was established in March of 1996 by Presidents Clinton and Zedillo (of Mexico) to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking and reducing the consumption of illegal drugs. It has the following objectives: Eliminate the illegal use of drugs in both societies, especially among the youth. Increase the security along the common border, while maintaining full respect for each .....

Make US Citizenship More Difficult
Words: 672 / Pages: 3

.... they oppose immigration, or could they? Did not their ancestors also migrate to the continent of North America? How then can men or women calling themselves United States citizens be opposed to immigration? The most profound and obvious way that immigrants affect our country is through their culture. Has there ever been an American culture? If a culture does or did exist it is then a mixture of the many subcultures brought to the United States by immigrants. However, each subculture added has substantially made the American culture richer. An incredible example is the broad range of cultural foods found in the United States. In how many other .....

Graduated Driver's License Controversy
Words: 652 / Pages: 3

.... be done to save the lives of those teens and others on the road? Some of this trepidation came out in the open when researchers found that 25% of 16-year-olds has some kind of crash in the first year driving (Getting Your Drivers License). Some action needed to be taken in order to insure safety on the road. More than 20 states have a program where first time offenders (or those who refuse a Breathalyzer test) are forced to face a panel of drunken driving victim’s families. Liability on bars, parents, and others who buy for minors has increased. In the website, teens can chat about driving safety with parents. In S .....

Words: 1807 / Pages: 7

.... forty years later, in 1970, after many hearings and protected debate, the Congress enacted into law what it hoped would be the ultimate solution to the organized crime problem. The act, which is commonly known as RICO, (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) was passed as part of the Organized Crime Control Act. The purpose of the act was to curb the apparently increasing entry of organized crime into the legitimate business world. (Miller and Jentz 1998). G.R. Blakley (1980) who helped draft RICO, takes the position that while broad usage may or may not have been Congress’ intent (he believes it was), certainly it was his. RICO was n .....

Psychodelic Drugs
Words: 3290 / Pages: 12

.... "letting go" is a major desired effect of alcohol. People feel more sociable and talkative with small amounts of the drug. Alcohol is a relaxant, so many people drink to unwind from the demands of life. Because alcohol has been around for so long, its effects are well-known. Two key concepts to understand in dealing with alcohol use and abuse are impairment and tolerance. They are both problems in themselves and signals of possible additional difficulties. IMPAIRMENT refers to the deficits in performance, judgment, memory, and motor skills which occur because of alcohol consumption. Impairment becomes noticeable at blood levels of 0.05%, which .....

The Need To Legalize Pot
Words: 1074 / Pages: 4

.... has also helped the release of prisoners convicted of drug possession (---). With jail capacity already overflowing, if you were to lock up a dealer, you therefore create a job opening. Bob Randall, president of the Alliance for the Cannabis Therapeutics, a Washington-based patients' right group, says as many as five-million sick Americans might benefit from the legal access to marijuana. Marijuana has been found to: relieve nausea and stimulate appetite in people with cancer and AIDS, control muscle spasms among people with multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorder, reduce eye pressure among people with glaucoma, and some say it also .....

The Need For Extreme Criminal Justice Reform In California
Words: 2736 / Pages: 10

.... to the present Criminal Justice System in California. B. "The California Legislature is to be commended for its stance on crime. Not for their "get tough" policies such as the "Three Strikes" law but for their enactment of a little known section of the Penal Code entitled the "Community Based Punishment Act of 1994." (Senator Quentin Kopp, Time Magazine Feb 14, 1996) C. By passage of this act, the State of California has acknowledged the limitations of incarceration as both punishment and a deterrent to criminal behavior. D. The legislature has in fact declared that "California's criminal justice system is seriously out of balance in its heavy d .....

Illegal Drugs
Words: 802 / Pages: 3

.... drugs are putting themselves at a very high risk. They risk their health and their lives. Since they are breaking laws they also but themselves at the risk of getting arrested. They risk their freedom and their future all for drugs. Each year drug use is the cause of a large number of accidents at home in the office and on the road. Everybody pays the price of drug abuse: more cops and prisons more hospitols and treatment centers and many lives lost. But drug users hurt themselves more than anybody because they are supporting violent crimes in the drug world. Just by using drugs they become part of that drug world. They are already commiting .....

A Few Media Commandments
Words: 681 / Pages: 3

.... age. This allows the corporation to snare these victims and keep them addicted for years and years to come. This act also guarantees the firm a high constant demand for their products. It has been shown through recent lawsuits brought about by career smokers that the corporations did in fact know about the addictive properties of the nicotine and refused to inform the public. Magazines, newspapers and billboard owners should be held accountable for promoting these types of products and are just as guilty as the cigarette manufactures themselves. THOU SHALL NOT PROBE INTO PEOPLE’S PRIVATE LIVES Another region where the media needs to be much .....

The Threat Of Death
Words: 1377 / Pages: 6

.... issue. Advocates of the death penalty claim that the primary reason for this harsh punishment is that the fear of death discourages people from committing murder. The main ways in which they support this theory are: the severity of the punishment, various polls of citizens and prisoners, and two in particular studies. The most obvious deterring justification is the severity of punishment (Calebresi 19). This means, put simply, to punish for a crime in a way that the punishment outweighs the crime. If the punishment for robbing a bank is to spend one day in jail, then bank robbing would become a daily occurance. On the same note, if there is .....

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