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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

No Speed Limit In Virginia
Words: 618 / Pages: 3

.... but only allowed to run at 100MHz; what is the point? Currently, there is no federal speed limit however, there is a national speed limit set on commercial vehicles. So, any state is allowed to set the speed limit to what they want and "any state" means Virginia State also. The Virginia State speed limit should be lifted from all interstate and state highways. The fact is the speed limit, which is set at 55 miles per hour around the area, causes many problems and traffic. The traffic in the Washington, DC metropolitan area is one of the worst in the United States. Especially on highway 66 where there is always a lot of traffic because peop .....

Words: 1390 / Pages: 6

.... a chemist discovered diacetylmorphine or Heroin. Heroin was at first considered a safer, stronger but less addictive pain killer and was used by doctors everywhere. However doctors soon found out that it was more dangerous and even more addictive. During the 70's heroin reemerged as a powerful drug but many were afraid to use it. Throughout the 80's strong anti-drug campaigns seemed to be winning the war on drugs. But, in 1996 people have become alert to the increase in Heroin addiction. Heroin use has doubled every year since 1992. What caused the use of heroin to increase? The growth of heroin abuse has increased in the United States beca .....

White Collar Crime Vs. Street Crime
Words: 655 / Pages: 3

.... dollar corporations can be twice as deadly as a gang member. When a woman dies of lead exposure from her job, it is murder. Whether a man is murdered by a gun or by an unsafe gas tank in his car, it is still called murder. In both scenarios, there is a defined victim. The one answer that our politicians give for solving street crime is more money for the Justice system. More cops, more judges, and definitely more jails and prisons. There are shows, such as "Cops," that shows America the "truth" about crime in the US. All the attention is given to street crime. Unless it is a huge scandal, you will seldom hear of white collar crime through the m .....

Illegal Immigration
Words: 676 / Pages: 3

.... to large amounts of legal immigration as well. These thinly hidden agendas mean that often the debate on illegal immigration cannot be separated from the debate on legal immigration. According to Negative Population Growth (which is a suspect source), Americans are firmly believe in tough laws against illegal immigrants and that 70% of Americans want no more than 300,000 legal immigrants to enter the U.S. per year. In fact, N.P.G. says that 20% of Americans want immigration completely stopped. Taking these numbers as the truth, it is clear that America thinks that we have too many immigrants. Such a dislike of immigration is interes .....

Jerry Falwell Vs. Hustler Magazine
Words: 335 / Pages: 2

.... “actual malice” standard of New York Times Co. v. Sullivan had to be met before Falwell could sue for emotional distress. However, because the jury decided that the ad didn't describe actual events, it was considered an opinion protected by the First Amendment. The court ruled that the issue was whether or not that opinion was outrageous enough to be considered an intentional infliction of emotional distress and awarded Falwell money. This case then went to the U.S. Supreme Court where they decided that because Falwell is a public figure for the purposes of the First Amendment law, he couldn't sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress .....

Law Does Not Drive Us, Reason Does
Words: 884 / Pages: 4

.... on this question may be quick to ask me how come we go by law and not morality in society. Last year at St. Louis University I had a roommate with the complete opposite view on this question. He explained himself this way: Human nature consists of three basic components. These are to live, propagate, and to dominate. If humanity was left without any other parameters, this natural state of existence would govern its behavior. Fortunately there are parameters, and they are laws. (Mosier) What this basically says is that laws are made up to maintain order, monitor actions, and work for the best interest of soc .....

Prohibition: The Ignoble Experiment
Words: 562 / Pages: 3

.... crime, increased alcohol consumption, over crowded prison systems, and the uprise of the Mafia. Not only was this a step in the wrong direction, it was an action that increased the problems that America was already facing. People believed that prohibition would fail and that it was a violation of a person's privacy while other people thought that prohibition would do nothing but improve America. People who were against prohibition were called wets and people for it were called drys. Wets mainly consisted of democrats who refused to stop drinking and who were usually older men or immigrants who drank all their life. The drys were usually re .....

The Death Penalty: To Be Or Not To Be...
Words: 1750 / Pages: 7

.... and punishment: America changes it's mind ": The media's extensive coverage of crime, especially the most brutal and horrific cases have heightened the public's fear and anger over this issue to a near frenzy. When asked in January of this year, " How often do you see reports of violent crime on television ? " 68 % replied " almost every day ". Although the media have played an important role in raising the public's awareness of lawlessness, crime in America is far from a media - created phenomenon. Government statistics support the image of a nation which has overwhelmingly lost the war against crime. For instance, in 1960 there were 161 repo .....

Gun Control And Violence In Canada And The US
Words: 2473 / Pages: 9

.... gun control as being a feasible alternative to controlling urban violence. There are concerns with the opponents of gun control, that the professional criminal who wants a gun can obtain one, and leaves the average law-abiding citizen helpless in defending themselves against the perils of urban life . Is it our right to bear arms as North Americans ? Or is it privilege? And what are the benefits of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of the writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the social impact of this issue. Part II: Review of t .....

The Death Penalty: Why We Should Have Capital Punishment?
Words: 2325 / Pages: 9

.... requires us to eliminate all prisons as well because they do not seem to be any more effective in the deterrence of crime. Others say that states which do have the death penalty have higher crime rates than those that don't, that a more severe punishment only inspires more severe crimes. I must point out that every state in the union is different. These differences include the populations, number of cities, and yes, the crime rates. Strongly urbanized states are more likely to have higher crime rates than states that are more rural, such as those that lack capital punishment. The states that have capital punishment have it because of their high crime .....

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