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Legal Issues Essay Writing Help

Jury Nullification And Its Effects On Black America
Words: 3832 / Pages: 14

.... on the many facets in which discrimination, or at least disparity, is obvious. Even whites are forced to admit that statistics indicate that the Black community is disproportionately affected by the American legal system. Controversy arises when the issue of possible causes of, and also solutions to, these variations are discussed. Although numerous articles and books have been published devising means by which to reduce variance within the system, the most recent, and probably most contentious, is that of Paul Butler, Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School, and former Special Assistant United States Attorney in the Di .....

The Death Penalty: For The Common Good
Words: 439 / Pages: 2

.... it states that murder is the unlawful act of killing. Since capitol punishment is within the law it is not murder. Also if executions is murder then prison is kidnapping and charging taxes is extortion. There is a difference between crime and punishment. Are police officers wrong for speeding to enforce the speeding laws? No. They also say that we should value all human life. Even the most despicable. It is because we value human life so much that we put such a terrible consequence for taking it. One argument states that the death penalty does not deter people from murdering. To abolish capital punishment on this basis would b .....

Gun Control
Words: 2480 / Pages: 10

.... as being a feasible alternative to controlling urban violence. There are concerns with the opponents of gun control, that the professional criminal who wants a gun can obtain one, and leaves the average law-abiding citizen helpless in defending themselves against the perils of urban life . Is it our right to bear arms as North Americans ? Or is it privilege? And what are the benefits of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of the writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the social impact of this issue. Part II: Review of the Literatur .....

Legalization Of Marijuana
Words: 794 / Pages: 3

.... impossible. Due to all these lobbying groups which show substantial evidence that marijuana can be used as a prescribed drug. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimously voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for " legitiment medical use." City council women Christine kehoe said she wanted the city of .....

Medical Malpractice
Words: 1671 / Pages: 7

.... elements: 1) Duty. Every health care provider assumes a duty when starting consultations, diagnosis, or treatment of a patient. The duty arises from an expressed or implied contract. 2) Breach. For example, if you fail to make a correct diagnosis once you have assumed the duty to do so, you have created a "breach of duty", due and owing to the patient. 3) Causal Connection. Your failure to correctly diagnose, ("duty" you "breached") the duty due and owing to the patient and as a direct and proximate cause of your breach, caused damages. 4) Damages. The result of your failure to diagnose correctly, the patient sustained damages in th .....

Gun Control
Words: 585 / Pages: 3

.... go through the legal process of having the gun registered to them? Not too many. Most guns obtained by criminals are not obtained through the lawful purchase and sell transaction. The government is aware of this. All the laws are not about preventing crime. Law abiding citizens who are armed will prevent crime. You can hire all the police you want. They do not stop crime while it is happening. Armed citizens can stop the crime before it ever even happens. How many times have you read about someone walking into a public place and opening fire? Sometimes the person even stops and reloads. What would you do if you were there? Hide and wait to be shot? O .....

The Positive And Negative Effects Of DNA Profiling
Words: 2498 / Pages: 10

.... African-Americans. Many of those identified as carriers mistakenly thought they were afflicted with this debilitating disease. Furthermore, confidentiality was often breached, and in some cases, carriers were discriminated against and denied health insurance. Nevertheless, genetic profiling has been beneficial in paternity suits and rape cases, where the father or the assailant could be identified. However, despite its growing number of utilizations, DNA profiling is extremely hazardous when results are inaccurate or used to discriminate. The frequency of genetic testing in criminal investigations (more than 1,000 in the U.S. since 1987) has been .....

Serial Killers In The U.S
Words: 3988 / Pages: 15

.... are usually cooperative and quite often docile if they survive the episode. It seems that this one-time outburst of violence, once enacted, puts an end to any future events of this type for that individual. While the mass killer may kill many people in one attack, when the attack is over, their mission is complete. The mass killer's victims may not be chosen for any other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Serial killers are a totally different and more dangerous threat to society. They may not kill many people at one time, but they may kill for many years without being detected. They are able to kill again and again without .....

Analysis Of Police Corruption
Words: 3192 / Pages: 12

.... Corruption within police departments falls into 2 basic categories, which are external corruption and internal corruption. In this report I will concentrate only on external corruption because it has been the larger center of attention recently. I have decided to include the fairly recent accounts of corruption from a few major cities, mainly New York, because that is where I have lived for the past 22 years. I compiled my information from numerous articles written in the New York Times over the last 5 years. My definitional infornmation and background data came from various books cited that have been written on the issue of police corruption. Those .....

Gun Control
Words: 1230 / Pages: 5

.... right of the people to have a gun in their home. " The government should not be permitted to declare who would or would not be able to bear arms on the basis of vague religious tests or any other nebulous standard or artifice" ( Caplan p.39). The first infringement on the Second Amendment came on November 30, 1993 when President Clinton signed Brady Bill I. The law required that there be a five day waiting period on all hand gun purchases. The Brady Bill also banned semi-automatic rifles and other military type weapons. ( Moore 1994 p.434) The five day waiting period is suppose to stop felons from buying guns. But, Waiting periods .....

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