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Poetry Essay Writing Help

Comparison And Contrast Of William Blake's Poems
Words: 2744 / Pages: 10

.... Past, & Future, sees; Whose ears have heard The Holy Word That walk'd among the ancient trees, Calling the lapsed Soul, And weeping in the evening dew; That might controll The starry pole, And fallen, fallen light renew! "O Earth, O Earth, return! "Arise from out the dewy grass; "Night is worn, "And the morn "Rises from the slumberous mass. "Turn away no more; "Why wilt thou turn away? "The starry floor, "The wat'ry shore, "Is giv'n thee till the break of day." The Chimney Sweeper (Innocenc .....

The Book Of Exodus
Words: 1060 / Pages: 4

.... there were many examples where Moses showed his great wisdom. He also possessed somewhat magical power given to him by God. He also had a divine purpose in life. Moses was on a “mission from god” so to speak to deliver his people from bondage. His mission was similar to those of other typical epics. It was of course a very dangerous and exhausting journey that lasted a very long time. There were many obstacles to overcome as well as internal affairs among the Hebrews. Moses was born a Hebrew but was raised as the prince of Egypt. Just like Odysseus, Moses was a man of nobility. Moses did not know he was a Hebrew until he was a m .....

Analysis Of The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam
Words: 1449 / Pages: 6

.... once departed, may return no more." There's several refrains to this throughout the poem, first in the seventh stanza: "Come, fill the cup. . ./ The Bird of Time has but a little way/ To flutter-and the bird is on the Wing." The entire ninth stanza describes the summer month "that brings the Rose" taking "Jamshyd and Kaikobad away", and so forth and so on ad nauseum. Again, in the fifty-third stanza: "You gaze To-Day, while You are You-how then/ Tomorrow, You when shall be You no more?" The poet seems to be in an incredible hurry to get this life going before some cosmic deadline comes due, and more than willing to encourage any of the laiety h .....

Anne Bradstreet’s Expression Of Anger
Words: 288 / Pages: 2

.... but on her thoughts and feelings on the events of her life. Anne Bradstreet’s poem An Author to Her Book explains Bradstreet’s anger towards her brother-in- law for publishingher personal poetry without her permission. In this poem Bradstreet uses a combination of a metaphore, a paradox, and other literary devices to express her anger. Bradstreet expresses her anger mostly through the extended metaphore which flows throughout the poem. This extended metaphore compares Bradstreet’s poetry to an ill-formed child. “Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain,/ Who after birth didst by my side remain,/ Till snatched from thence by friend .....

"A Small Elegy"
Words: 713 / Pages: 3

.... I take to mean words that have a kind of unselfconscious purity about them. He daydreams about his mother ,an "autumnal recollection", and that in turn moves him back toward his childhood home where his mother seems still to preside--diminished now over an outmoded world. She is smaller, more vulnerable, someone to be protected. "Matku," he says tenderly in Czech, "Mon maminku," my little mommy, which the translator has rendered as "my diminutive mom." He imagines that after all these years she's still sitting back there, quietly uncomplaining, thinking about his father who died so long ago. It is the next moment in the poem, when the tense radically .....

Frost's “Desert Places”: Inner Darkness
Words: 818 / Pages: 3

.... past” into the field, the reader is able to see the landscape darkening around “the ground that is almost smoothed in snow” (line 3), and picture the inky blackness as it covers everything except for a “few weeds and stubble showing last” (line 4). The image of him standing alone on the barren snowy landscape with weeds as his only companions, creates a lasting picture in the mind of the reader, of a man just beginning to reveal his inner “darkness”. As the second stanza begins, the speaker has reached the borderline of the quickly darkening woods, and it seems as though he has paused in his walking, as if to stop and ponder his own .....

"My Papa's Waltz" By Theodor Roethke
Words: 1036 / Pages: 4

.... The poem is built of four stanzas( quatrain ), each consisting of four lines. The rhyme scheme is, in the first stanza - abab, in the second - cdcd, in the third - efef, and in the fourth - ghgh. The meter is trecet iamb ( stressed unstressed - three times per line ). The central image in the poem is the metaphor in which the beatings are described as a waltz. The poet is led around the house, dancing - not beaten around. Which is also brought throu by the meter - trecet iamb - the beat of the waltz, thus the main image is shown through the meter as well, giving the reader more of the feeling of a dance in contrast to the 'secondery images .....

Comparing "We Wear The Mask" By Dunbar And "Richard Cory"
Words: 614 / Pages: 3

.... feelings. Why bother others with our troubles? We sing, laugh, and smile even though we are hurting and "let the world dream otherwise" (14) to hide our suffering. "Richard Cory" is about a man that everyone in town admires. "When ever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentlemen from sole to crown" (1-3). He stood out in a crowd because of his polished fashion. "And he was always quietly arrayed, and he was always human when he talked" (5-6). He was rich and had advantages over others, but he did not conduct himself in a "holier-than-thou" manner. "In fine, we thought that he was everything to make .....

John Donne And The Psychology Of Death
Words: 1572 / Pages: 6

.... his opinions about the nature of Death. According to Ian Ousby, writing in the Wordsworth Companion to English Literature, “Much of Donne’s poetry confronted the theme of death. In his Holy Sonnets, mostly written before he was ordained, there is the memorable poem beginning “Death be not proud” and he was also the author of two notable poems commemorating the death of Elizabeth Drury, the daughter of his friend and patron. . . . Generally regarded as the foremost of the metaphysical poets, Donne was always an uneven writer. His secular poems were original, energetic, and highly rhetorical, full of passionate thought and intellectual j .....

Essay Interpreting "One Art" By Elizabeth Bishop
Words: 364 / Pages: 2

.... speaker is trying to convince herself that losing things is not hard and she should not worry. Also, the speaker uses hyperboles when describing in the fifth tercet that she lost "two cities...some realms I owned." Since she could not own, much less lose a realm, the speaker seems to be comparing the realm to a large loss in her life. Finally, the statement in the final quatrain "Even losing you" begins the irony in that stanza. The speaker remarks that losing this person is not "too hard" to master. The shift in attitude by adding the word "too" shows that the speaker has an ironic tone for herself in her loss or perhaps her husband or someone else .....

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