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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Lady Macbeth: A Wife In Support Of Her Husband
Words: 1195 / Pages: 5

.... role of one who gives incentive to Macbeth, as well as one who supports him through difficult times. She is the catalyst who starts Macbeth's thinking. She possesses an aspect which cares for the future of her husband, and therefore inspires him to pursue the possibilities. More important than advocating actions to take the kingship, Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to remain strong. When his weaknesses appear, she remains firm. Because of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth achieves success. Once set on attaining the crown, Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth to remain valiant and assists him in his pursuits. The goals of Macbeth become her aspirations as well. When Macbe .....

The Misanthrope: Social Behavior
Words: 477 / Pages: 2

.... be more forthright and truthful resulting in better relationships. Another reason you can relate to Alceste in today's society is his attitude toward the love of his life, Celimene. His devotion to her blinds all the mean and cruel things she does to him. She has other love interests, but Alceste still loves her. No matter what she does to him, Alceste always is at her disposal. Celimene's flirtatious actions have all of the men bidding for her attention. When Alceste catches a letter Celimene has written to Oronte, Alceste confronts her angrily. Celimene implies that it would have been written for a woman. Then Celimene tells Alceste that s .....

Coming To America: Adjusting To A Culture
Words: 635 / Pages: 3

.... find out that they need to change their wardrobe to fit in with the rest of the population. Prince Ahkeim plans to meet a woman that will love him for who he is and not for the wealth he has. He must make everybody he meets believe that he is an ordinary person from New York so that his cover will not be "blown". The Prince even gets a job at a fast-food restaurant and works like a peasant would from his home. When asked where he is from, he simply replies "I'm an African student who is studying here at the University". Prince Ahkeim learns that there are many things that go on in America that are different from his world. He seems to be am .....

Bob Roberts: Race And Color
Words: 578 / Pages: 3

.... They are always stereotypical of the two races. Black, brown, red, purple yellow or whatever color the person is, they will always be discriminated against. Not just because they are not the same color as white people but also because they are different. People complain about all the violence on the television and the sexual activity on television, but they are missing the point that kids need to learn about all races for them not to grow up and be discriminatory towards people who are different. Poniewozik also says that, minorities are best represented on workplace dramas (ER, NYPD Blue), but sitcoms, which focus more on family and society .....

Essay On Impulsiveness In Romeo & Juliet
Words: 959 / Pages: 4

.... was also practical when Tybalt spotted Romeo during the Capulet feast, Tybalt wanted to do the impulsive thing and kill Romeo, but Capulet thought for a second about the consequences. Tybalt said “I'll not endure him” and Capulet told him emphatically “he shall be endur'd”(pg. 57, Lines 77 & 78). In this scene Capulet prevented a huge Montegue and Capulet confrontation by thinking first and not doing the impulsive suggested by Tybalt. Through thinking these actions through, problems were prevented. However, Capulet was at times, a very rash person, and that lead to much of the misfortune in this play. Hours after Romeo killed Tybalt, .....

Moral Law Vs. Civil Law In Antigone
Words: 567 / Pages: 3

.... citizens backer her up on her decision. Creon's son, Haemon, even told his father what they thought. He said, "The people feel sorry for Antigone. They say it isn't equitable that she must die." God spoke to her and she acted upon the support of a loved one. She did what she did knowing would smile upon her and the dead would welcome her. Creon is what the civil law is. Polynices, the unburied, brother of Antigone, fought against Thebes, making him undeserving of a grave according to Creon. All that Polynices was doing was following his own morals. He believed in the other side, whatever that may have been, and he gave his life for it. Cre .....

The Effects Of The Speeches Of Brutus And Antony
Words: 291 / Pages: 2

.... avenge Julius's death. He delivered a speech that convinced the Romans that the murder was unjust, invoking their rebellion. Brutus, head of the conspiracy, also gave a good speech, but the Romans didn't react to it. A battle erupted, and most of the conspirators committed suicide. The styles of the two speeches were very different from each other. Brutus's speech was logical. It contained facts about Caesar's ambition. He reminded the people that Caesar would have become a tyrant and would have enslaved everyone. Brutus also explained that he didn't hate Caesar, but that he loved Rome more. The people didn't understand, however. At one poin .....

Can Media Inspire Violent Crimes?
Words: 607 / Pages: 3

.... Not only is it the irrational people who commit the crimes in our country, but our own children who may errantly be learning from day one that nothing bad will happen to them if they shoot their brother in the head with Daddy's pistol. Studies show that in one week of content analysis of prime-time output on seven New York City channels, there were 3,421 acts and threats of violence observed. Children's fictional entertainment programs had three times the frequency of violent acts or threats recorded in adult programs. (Gunter, p.13). many of these acts were committed without any compensation for the action without responsibility, th .....

Shakespeare's Hamlet
Words: 706 / Pages: 3

.... sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, on that the everlasting had not fixed His Canon ’gainst < self-slaughter!> Hamlet is expressing his desire to take his own life. He feels that his body or rather flesh has no purpose or use in the world. Hamlet then angers at the fact that he cannot commit suicide because it is against the law. Hamlet goes on to express how much he hates the world and finds it useless. Lines 136-141-“ O God, God, How stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on ’t, ah fie! ’Tis an unweeded garden That grows to seed Things rank and gross in nature possess it m .....

Oedipus Rex: Fate And Freewill
Words: 1205 / Pages: 5

.... of the protagonist in a tragic play. Ignorance of a protagonist can lead to a fall do to a mistake done by there own free will. Fate can cause the fall of a protagonist without there consent or there control. The fate of a protagonist leads to a much more horrible conclusion then the mistake of a tragic protagonist do to there own freewill. Oedipus was born with a horrible prophecy told to his parents which led his parents to believe that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. They soon had Oedipus taken up to a mountain, to leave him there to die. A shepherd saved his life and raised him, Oedipus soon went back to Thebes were he was b .....

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