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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

Hamlet: Impulsive Behavior
Words: 664 / Pages: 3

.... with rage automatically thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius, but instead strikes Polonius. Hamlet's and Laertes's imprudent actions are incited by fury and frustration. Sudden anger prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act spontaneously, giving little thought to the consequences of their actions. Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet's true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet's love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, Hamlet is a .....

Macbeth: A Noble And Highly Respected Figure In Ducan's Reign
Words: 767 / Pages: 3

.... that Macbeth's thoughts became evil obsessions. A power was taking over him, his own flaw from evil, brought about by the weird sisters. "Stars, hide your fires, Let not the light see my black and deep desires." (Act 1 Scene 4). Macbeth's flaw is highly influenced by his wife, Lady Macbeth, who has wicked thoughts, and persuades Macbeth into many actions he would not normally do. "Only look up clear: To alter favour ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me" (Act 1 Scene 5) shows her strength over Macbeth. As Macbeth prepares to kill Duncan, he hallucinates, and many thoughts cross his mind, but when the bell sounds, "Hear it not, Duncan, .....

Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces
Words: 531 / Pages: 2

.... the telephone and the two decide to have dinner as friends. They adore each others companship and start to spend more and more time together as best friends. They become extremely flexibly enmeshed and are very compatible with each other. As time passes and they grow closer to each other they decide to get married by the justice of the peace. Roses mother who is dependent on her objects to the idea and thinks the marriage is wrong. She uses plenty of guilt trying to persuade Rose not to marry Greg. The marriage takes place and the Rose moves into Greg's apartment where their are separate twin beds for Rose and Greg. The first night of living tog .....

"In Cold Blood" Review
Words: 673 / Pages: 3

.... between Smith and Hickock. They think differently at times, especially when it comes to the discussion of the crime. You can't help but feel sympathetic towards Smith, as it appears that he is forced into this by Hickock. All characters in the movie were played well by the actors in my opinion. They all seemed real and seemed to fit in with the setting and the time period. I think that Hickock and Smith are not victims of forces beyond their control, they are victims of, at least in Smith's case, a bad upbringing. The two murderers have no direction in their lives. The only skills that Hickock seems to know is how to steal things and how to w .....

Crooklyn: A Review
Words: 2342 / Pages: 9

.... aspects of African-American culture. The following paper will give an analysis of the movie Crooklyn divided into two parts. The first part will consist of a general analysis, which will touch on elements such as symbolic meanings of the title and other general components of the movie. The second part will analyze the certain scenes of the movie that concentrated on the expression of African-American culture based on required class readings. GENERAL ANALYSIS Title The title Crooklyn is symbolic of the actual city Brooklyn. Crooklyn is the nickname Brooklyn gained because of its magical and crazy experiences. Before seeing the movie, the tit .....

Oedipus Rex: Tragedy Of Fate
Words: 746 / Pages: 3

.... of hope, faith, or vain effort by human beings could have prevented it. As soon as there was interference with fate, it was counteracted by the divinities. Jocasta wanted to kill the baby, so she skewed his legs together, had a servant bring him to the forest and leave him for dead. The servant does not want to carry out this deed and therefore "saves his life" by handing the baby to someone else, so that he can be raised in another city. Further, a drunken man in a tavern tells Oedipus about the prophecy, so he runs home to question his parents about his fate. Instead of telling him the truth, they give him the impression that they are in fac .....

The Matrix
Words: 1061 / Pages: 4

.... attacked the humans through technological warfare. The humans countered by destroying what they thought to be the only source of energy for the machines, the sun. When the machines lost the power of the sun, they had to find a new source of energy. The machines learned that the human body itself can produce the kind of energy necessary to sustain their lives. But humans would never just bow down to their enemies and so the machines had to devise a way to detain the humans so that they could extract that energy. The machines created a computer program called "." In the movie this marvel displays the digital image of a human's mental self along with .....

The Simpsons
Words: 360 / Pages: 2

.... of the family, is known for constantly smacking her pacifier. She is portrayed as being smarter than Homer. Almost every little thing in the show is intended tobe humorous. In general the show is very funny but has some bad language and other offensive material. The fact that the show is a cartoon may be what has kept some people from watching. The cartoon though is what helps achieve many of the humorous aspects. For example a spill of nuclear waste would not be very amusing in a show with real people. The show has the assumption that it is OK if your family argues all the time. It shows this by the little arguments that the family c .....

Oedipus Rex
Words: 500 / Pages: 2

.... of the story with information he was withholding; “For you would rouse a very stone to wrath…” (pg. 13). This impatient accusing of Teiresias proved to be bad, especially since Teiresias foretold the ending of the story. If Oedipus had been more patient and waited, he might have not been quite so upset about the future, nor shaken up about what was to happen. However, that one trait did not alone take away his position of high authority. Oedipus displayed anger throughout the whole story, which did not help him at all. During the story, we learn of Oedipus’ anger as he knocked a passerby at the meeting of the three highways; “ I being .....

The James Bond Phenomenon
Words: 668 / Pages: 3

.... problems but they were all different, in some ways anyway. Hey if they suck so much why can't you stop watching them? Why have they made so many of them? eh? thats what I thought. I had my doubts about watching all these James Bond movies, but they were all good. Sean Connery Played a nice cool, slick James Bond, well so did the others but he was better at it because he naturally is cool and slick. Pierce Bronsman played also as a cool, slick James Bond, he really looked like he was a spy, he kept his cool, I really liked that scene in Golden Eye when he is at the tanks of fuel where the satellite comes out of the water and they are shooting .....

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