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Arts and Movies Essay Writing Help

The Crucible: The Deterioration Of Salem During The Witch Trials
Words: 824 / Pages: 3

.... The church was against the devil, at the same time it was against such things as dancing and other premature acts. The reputation of the family was very important to the members of the community. When the girls were caught dancing in the woods, they lied to protect not just themselves but the reputation of their families. They claimed that the devil took them over and influenced them to dance. The girls also said that they saw members of the town standing with the devil. A community living in a puritan society like Salem could easily go into a chaotic state and have a difficult time dealing with what they consider to be the largest form of evil. Sale .....

Comparing The Different Types Of Love Evident In Romeo And Juliet
Words: 558 / Pages: 3

.... little atomies Over men's noses as they lie asleep; Her waggon spokes made of long spinners legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers; Her traces of the smallest spiders web; Her collars of the moonshine's watery beams; Her whip of cricket's bone; the lash of film; Her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat, Not half so big as a round little worm Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid: Her chariot is an empty hazle-nut Made by the joiner squirrel, or old grub, Time out o' the fairies' coachmakers. And in this state she gallops night by night Through lovers brainsand then they dream .....

King Lear: Treachery And Deceit
Words: 488 / Pages: 2

.... in his pursuit of power that he will stop at nothing to gain more. He writes another letter. This one is similar to the first, except instead of implicating his brother to his father, it implicates his father in a plot with France to kill The Duke of Cornwall. The King decides that Gloucester's supposed treachery cannot be tolerated and orders that his eyes be torn out. At this point, Edmund seems to be unequivocally evil. This is undoubtedly false. Two of the other characters of the play, Goneril and Regan surely equal Edmund's ferocity in their quest for power. Our first glimpse at the two surely begins to prove that fact. In this scene, the Kin .....

The Taming Of The Shrew
Words: 802 / Pages: 3

.... story has a very sexist attitude, but the fact of the matter is that it is a comedy about an assertive woman dealing with how she is expected to act in the society of the late sixteenth century. Even further, Katherine is learning how she must follow the unwritten rules of her society in order to be accepted into it. Although the play ends with her acceptance to do what is expected by society this acceptance is only in action. Even though, she plays the part of the obedient wife, she still maintains her assertiveness, but now she just keeps it inside. Shakespeare introduces the idea of false realities in the beginning of the play when the actors f .....

Exploring Sexuality In "Taming Of The Shrew"
Words: 1284 / Pages: 5

.... were of a gentler, milder, mold" (I,i, lines 58 - 60). From this it is clear that the men in the play prefer a better "mold" than Kate, in other words, she does not carry herself as well as Bianca. Kate does not play the coy flirting games, and is therefore thought of as harsher than Bianca. Bianca, however, knows how to be flirtatious, witty, and coy around her admirers, and yet is almost intentionally mean to Kate. For instance, Bianca knows that it hurts Kate to have no suitors while she (Bianca) has several. Bianca uses this to hurt Kate. When Kate tries to find out which suitor Bianca really likes, Bianca swears that she won't take the suito .....

Julius Caesar: Brutus An Honor Man
Words: 410 / Pages: 2

.... of men, the sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse-If these motives be weak, break off betimes, and every men hence to his idle bed; So let high sighted tyranny rage on, till each man drop by lottery" (Shakespeare 399). Brutus said that if the conspirators do not join for a common cause, then there is no need for an oath because the conspirators are self-righteous, and they are serving the romans. If the conspirators don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling, and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace, freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an altruistic as well .....

Movie: Arsenic And Old Lace
Words: 246 / Pages: 1

.... who left them when he was young, has killed just as many people as they did. Much to Jonathan's surprise , the aunts killed just as many men without the plastic surgery , without the running , they just sat right there . "Chargeā€¦" we hear as Teddy Brewster runs up the stairs. This caracter brings out the most comedy in the picture. Teddy is the only character in the movie that proves to be insane in my opinion. Any man who thinks he is a dead president (TDR) has to have some problems. The plot unfolds when Mortimer Brewster finds out about his aunts secret after finding a present in the window seat . Mortimer panics and runs all over trying .....

Oedipus Rex - Bliss In Ignorance
Words: 851 / Pages: 4

.... the walls of Corinth. So is it worth living an examined life? Socrates had made this statement long after the creation of the Theban Trilogy. In the context of his own time, this was meant to imply that life must be examined and reflected upon, known and discovered by each individual philosopher to better enrich life for all. Yet in terms of Sophoclean drama, specifically Oedipus Rex, this was meant in a vastly different way. The unexamined life was one that was in the dark, unknown as to what fate lied beyond every turn and irony of living. Oedipus, up to the point in which he heard the comment in the tavern in Corinth, lived an unexamined life .....

The Tragedy Of King Richard III: Richard
Words: 989 / Pages: 4

.... which is developed throughout the play. The first scene of the play begins with a soliloquy, which emphasizes Richard's physical isolation, as he appears alone and speaks to the audience. This idea of physical isolation is heightened by his references to his deformity, such as "rudely stamp'd... Cheated of feature by dissembling Nature,/ deformed, unfinished" (I, i, 19). This deformity would be an outward indication to the audience of the viciousness of his spirit. The concept of Richard's physical isolation is reinforced in his dealings with Anne. She calls him "thou lump of foul deformity" and "fouler toad" during their exchange. Despite these .....

Support Through The National Endowment For The Arts
Words: 375 / Pages: 2

.... Just as anyone has the right to view what they please, the artist has the right to express his or her creativity, feelings, thoughts, and perception in any artistic form they please. No subject matter is forbidden. We should support free speech not suppress it. This can however, be taken to extremes. A selection of art can be deemed as offensive to the general public. This does not mean that restrictions should be placed on it preventing people from viewing it. The taxpayers money should not go towards the presentation of such works. A large percentage of funding of the arts comes from private giving. If a minority group wishes to v .....

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