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Book Reports Essay Writing Help

True Son
Words: 962 / Pages: 4

.... younger brother. Gordie is the only one who tries to understand True Son, he's also the only one to call him True Son instead of John Butler, his real name. Once while he was living with his white family he tried to escape. When Gordie begged to go too, True Son brought him too. But Before they could get very far, they were caught. A while later, True Son became ill and did not seem to get better with the medicines that the Whites had. One night Gordie told True son that some Indians had been seen in the town. Once he was left alone in his room, True Son put on his Indian clothes and went out the window to meet his people. He finds Half Arrow who .....

Things Fall Apart
Words: 1570 / Pages: 6

.... Okonkwo, did not like the way his father lived. He thought that a man should be strong and do typical male tasks. But Okonkwo's father, Unoka, did not fit mold according to Okonkwo. Okonkwo was ashamed of his father, and told himself that he would make a better life for himself and his family. Okonkwo was able to do this, he became very successful in the Ibo tribe and had gained a very high standing in the tribe. It was his goal to become an elder in the tribe, and it looked like he was going to achieve that goal. Okonkwo was banished form the tribe for seven years for killing a boy, and was forced to live with his mother's tribe for the seven years. .....

More Than A Noble Perception
Words: 621 / Pages: 3

.... when Macbeth meets the witches and they tell him of his upcoming fortune. Banquo notices how Macbeth is too ambitious after he sees Macbeth's reaction to the witches predictions. He feels even though Macbeth is his best friend he feels Macbeth is capable of wrong doing in the future to get what he wants. This is shown in one aside after they leave the witches. "…And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray 's in deepest consequence. Cousins, a word, I pray you. (Act1, SceneIII,line123)" This quote is stating that Banquo thinks Macbeth may do anything to get what he want .....

To Kill A Mocking Bird 2
Words: 865 / Pages: 4

.... you" just a command that must be followed. Calpurnia was the authority and mother figure for Scout as long as she can remember and this is the first time she has ever seen her in such a low power position. Calpurnia had become a part of the Finch family by her years of service and love for the Finch Children. Aunt Alexandra sees this closeness between them and doesn't like the bond that the family has with her. In Aunt Alexandra's mind, any relationship with a black person that is more then employer and employee causes problems in the town of Maycomb. She wants to get rid of the servant and talks to Atticus about it. "And don't try and get around .....

So This Was Adolescence, By Annie Dillard: Author Writing Style
Words: 290 / Pages: 2

.... two major traditional writing styles exhibited. The first style Illustrated in So This Was Adolescence is comparison/contrast. In this style, the author compares or contrast the character with specific mannerisms of others. The next style is imagery. Imagery helps the reader to visualize what is happening to the character. Annie Dillard uses both of these styles to tell her story. The first style is comparison/contrast. Dillard utilizes comparison/contrast to compare herself to characters in books. She longs to become a woman such as those in romance novels. “I envied people in books who swooned.” She shows that by comparing herself t .....

Victor Frankenstein: An Unpredictable Character
Words: 676 / Pages: 3

.... childhood, which is why it was so peculiar that he went of the deep end. After Victor’s mother died, his father thought it best that Victor attend school in Ingolstadt, where he would study natural philosophy and chemistry. Victor is an obsessive compulsive person. When he gets involved in something, he engrosses himself in it. He began to study all the time and was, for the most part, unsociable. He became intrigued by the human frame and what gives it life. He began to read books on the human body. Once again, he could not just simply study the human body, he engrossed himself. It was not enough to learn, he wanted to create. He tu .....

Franny And Zooey And The Razor
Words: 3739 / Pages: 14

.... memories. They have become annoyed and dissatisfied with their ordinary lives and the individual values and goals in their everyday lives. While Franny was dining with her boyfriend, Lane, she describes the atmosphere around her and how she feels about the theatre department and how sick she is of everyone close to her. “I’m not afraid to compete. It’s just the opposite. Don’t you see that? I’m afraid I will – compete – that’s what scares me. That’s why I quit the theatre department. Just because I’m so horribly conditioned and people to rave about me, doesn’t make it ri .....

Hemingway's Portrayal Of Nick's Consolation
Words: 1316 / Pages: 5

.... Mrs. Adams as: "Nicks mother is a woman who smothers sweetly with that peculiar self righteous intensity which is born of Victorian moral certainty" (6). Mrs. Adams constantly questions the actions of Dr. Adams and Nick. According to Jackson Benson, after the row with Dick Boulton in "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife," Mrs. Adams only attempts to second guess Dr. Adams. Instead of backing her husband up or sympathizing with him, Mrs. Adams scolds her husband and expresses the suspicion that it was Dr. Adams who caused all the trouble. Her tone effectively reduces the doctors status to that of a little boy. Her further refusal to .....

Prejudice In Native Son And Bl
Words: 1913 / Pages: 7

.... of their fiction novels. A common parallel that can be drawn is that each knows first hand how prejudices can get in the way of a person's life and block a person's thoughts. The focus here is how Wright targets racism and how Thurman targeted Intra-racism. Thurman was born at the turn of the century and did not live past the age of thirty-two but he still left behind him three books, one of which is The Blacker the Berry. Unlike Wright, Thurman chose several different settings in following the protagonist from home, to school, and then the city. As some African-American authors choose to write about the racial prejudices in the nation Thurman, .....

Joshua And The Children
Words: 505 / Pages: 2

.... society filled with hate. Hate for members of a different race. Hate without reasoning. He feels it is wrong what the adults are doing to the children. They are being brought up to believe that it is OK to mistreat somebody who is "different" from you. This is why Joshua felt he should teach the children, and not the adults. Once Joshua started to communicate with the children, and got to know them better the adults were amazed at how Joshua related to the children so well. He knew their names right from the second he met them, he played their games, and he even let himself lose at them too. Eventually the adults in the town began to realize tha .....

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